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張貼於:2020 年 5 月 2 日 上午 7:23

Early Access! Seems to be a good excuse to start a project, profit thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars/euros with it, and as soon as "we" reach our goal (we be the developers behind the scenes), abandon game development and leave a unfinished product at Steam Store.

This game has potential, like many other early access games, and my advice is, dont buy this game if you think it will give you more than 10 hours of gameplay... cause it wont... In 10 hours, youll basically get everything there is to get ingame, build a awesome base, some nice vehicles and weapons, explore other planets (only 3 total, from wich, 2 are almost completely empty), and the rest of the time, you will be repeating your grind to have more resources, build a larger base, visiting the same "old places", same bugs and glitches, not to mention, you will either be playing Single Player, or Host your own private server... Wich sucks.

After Single Player, i Hosted a Private server, and after doing that, i tried to join a Alpha server, or Public Multiplayer one, and what i found was, Player bases abandoned, FPS drops to 2 and in best cases 20 (slow like hell, unplayable) some bases or most of them "bugged", floating in the sky, one of the worst bugs there is after you commit your free time to explore, grind and build something of your liking, to log back and find everything out of reach , with no apparent sollution.

This game is really good looking, is imersive, has lots of things to do, it is a good game to play with friends in a private server or single player, but, i would recomend to whoever reads this, to wait for a sale, cause game isnt worth the full price, or, wait for a really huge update to be released, NOT in experimental Branch like Fenix Fire team is doing, because, only a few players were selected to try and play it, so, you will not experience anything from what is anounced from Fenix Fire Team... Their Alpha servers, and pretty much all multiplayer servers are abandoned and unplayable...

Osiris New Dawn could be one of the best Sci-Fi survivals out there. Top 3 to be accurate!
For now, i cant recomend it.

Stay well. Thanks for reading this, feel free to leave your feedback. BEN
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5 則留言
Ben 2020 年 5 月 5 日 上午 11:39 
So, my contribution was like, "take my money and go work with it". my real concern is, even if they release their game polished, close to a finished product, or worst, a real GEM with lots and lots of work turning it better than it was... People wont "forgive" Fenix Fire for their lack of respect towards their community.
Its a shame to log in, in such a game, and no one plays it, people gave up on it, and they seem so pissed off, that, they trash talk the game and their game reviews are really negative. In my opinion, all this could be avoided if they were releasing stuff gradually rather than, stalling the game to a point of complete disappointment.
Once again, thanks alot for your reply, stay well, feel free to continue discussing it and forgive my english skill, its rusty like hell, i try my best to be decent and understandable (but i know its not):l_wing::steamhappy::r_wing:
Love from Portugal, Stay Safe! Ben:big_ben:
Ben 2020 年 5 月 5 日 上午 11:39 
God Mode and infinite resources would kill the fun to later try to play and actually enjoy it. It would spoil the sensation of new and whatever cool aspect around it.
OND is old enough to be in a better stage of developing, i made my part buying it in EA, plus, several copies of the game as well, to gift to my closest friends, after all, game was in a playable stage, promised to be great, but not enough to convince my friends to buy it in order to play with me.
Ben 2020 年 5 月 5 日 上午 11:37 
Vehicles looked amazing, since you could open hood and examine parts, and trunk, to put items in it, altough, sound fx were boring, speed was trash, i sincerely was hoping for manual gears, or better speed sensation.
At the top of the HUD, you could see that they added lots of skills, i dont really recall names, but from Science, Engineering and Combat, there were around 9 or more skills to develop, wich for me, looked great.
To be fair and honest, i decided not to continue because i read somewhere from player reviews and some discussions/sugestions that Fire Fenix dont believe in deadlines, so whatever feedback or inputs i could try to give them, were either already there given by other players, or, would never get to their knowledge since they are closing or closed most of the discussion threads, or, i realised its their obligation to find out, and was not my job caring about it because if the game gets released, or a major update like they promised,
Ben 2020 年 5 月 5 日 上午 11:26 
Hello ThatGuyFuryan.

1st of all, thanks for your reply and your insight about what they really had for those selected few to test!

Its a shame to know that, i was still hoping that they had a really solid project going on, yesterday, out of curiosity and pure disapointment, i decided to install OND Experimental Branch experiences, and i had mixed feelings about it!

I only tested vehicles because i found game breaking bugs, and decided to quit right after it. Such as vehicles getting stuck in small rocks/obstacles, found a couple of invisible walls and fell of the edge of the world, without really seeing it.

Graphic wise looked neat, the planet itself seemed like a vulcanic/arid one, the first thing that jumped to my mind was, "hey, they have finished/completed the other planets that were incomplete kind of empty and added new ones".
ThatGuyFuryan 2020 年 5 月 2 日 下午 6:27 
There were a few people chosen for the closed beta, I was one of them. Only 1 element of what they delivered to the Behind the Scenes 'update' was tested. There is a weird misconception that Fenix Fire had a full update in testing, it didn't. What was revealed after we signed our NDAs was that were we still doing functionality tests, you know, bare basic game stuff: "can you pick this up and drop it" stuff.

There was no update to test as they hadn't made the update, something that was revealed to the general community some time after the fact; the countdown was for "tasks" so they could then build the update, so in essence we were testing "tasks", that had been in general availability for over a year and Fenix Fire still hadn't been able to get working correctly.

All the Behind the Scenes is, is a lot of new unity assets and stuff we've seen before in other Betas.