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Reseñas recientes de Bastion

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75.3 h registradas (36.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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The fundamentals of the game just don't work, and every time I play the game, find myself quitting after like 2 rounds, it just ins't worth the asking price.

Gun play ranges from OK to unpredictable, with enemies sometimes tanking shots from an AR without flinching, whilst some go down in a single pistol bullet irrespective of armour. This is certainly not helped by the fact that weapon stats are unknown in-game, meaning you don't know what guns specifically do what or how.

AI is atrocious especially if you play solo, with friendly AI dancing around doors, getting stuck or simply body blocking you and only moving once you spend 3 seconds per bot trying to move them out of the way. Friendly AI will often shoot you if your playing a lead with shield, they'll see the enemy and try shooting them in a heartbeat through you. Friendly AI will often just not listen to orders and get stuck in a loop of not actually doing anything.

Enemy AI will aimlock onto you through walls, will one shot you with pistols at range after doing a 180 and will often just straight up run at you whilst mag dumping into you. They'll get shot several times with lethal and/or non-lethal, get bashed by 3 SWAT members and still manage to raise their gun and kill everyone in under a second. Enemies will far too often fake surrender only to pull a gun out and the fake surrender again and do this another 2 times, shooting them will result in a ROE penalty as well as enemies who are 5 feet away behind a waist high wall who do not comply.

Civilians will far too often just not listen to commands in a way that is almost funny, they'll just get up and leave while swearing back at you even with 5 guns pointed at them.

The game is massively flawed with updates few and far in between, issues remaining in the game for months before getting patched and considering there is a double price supporter edition, the game looks almost like a cash grab or a project that has fallen out of love with the developers.
I can't really say anything about mods, but if the game itself isn't any good, is shouldn't be modders job to solve issues or add content.
Publicada el 9 de mayo de 2023. Última edición: 13 de mayo de 2023.
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441.3 h registradas (261.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Battlefield 2042 was fun around the start of December last year, but somethings changed. There's very clear outliers in vehicles, weapons, maps you name it and it keeps becoming worse. The state the game is in can be summed by saying you can get free kills from spawn with a hitscan tank with absolutely zero repercussions.
Publicada el 15 de enero de 2022. Última edición: 18 de enero de 2023.
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0.7 h registradas
Reseña de acceso anticipado
I like the ideas behind it, but the ideas don't seem to translate well when considering the building mechanics.
The mechanics are rather frustrating and could really learn form games like Kerbal Space Program, which has fantastic building mechanics.
The game also randomly crashes at points and feels rather unstable, the frame rate however is quite constant usualy >60fps.
But due to the building mechanics of the game, i cannot recommend it, Kerbal Space Program does it far better and i would really like to see some similar controls. I've now refunded it twice due to different reasons. and just cannot recommend it for $20 USD.
Publicada el 27 de febrero de 2018. Última edición: 6 de marzo de 2018.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 1 MAR 2018 a las 2:17 (ver respuesta)
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I can understand the point of view the devs are coming from, i also understand that $5.99 is a fairly cheap price for a 'DLC'. But the one thing i cannot get over and utterly dispise is for an average player such as me, the supporting AI is the most awful thing since Kim Jong Un's haircut. It is beyond awful. Another problem is that it adds some single player missions (yes broad), but no guns, no extra maps, not anything new? You have to be kidding... Looks like they've half arsed another 'DLC'.
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2017.
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4.2 h registradas (2.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This game is like a cute dog with cancer, its great while you have it; but when it dies its depressing and boring
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2016.
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33.6 h registradas (33.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Great game, simple and nice design. it's easy to get the hang of and doesn't fault on anything, except for the sutpid AI who dont know how to drive...and the buses, the bastards.

This game can be a little repadative, but with the company manager and wide arrange of vehicles, it kind of cancels out the repedative part.

This is also partly a 'DAD GAME' but you can overcome this with the shear fun. 8/10
Publicada el 22 de septiembre de 2015.
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159.2 h registradas (101.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Why the hell am i writing this review, you obviously have heard of the iconic GTA 5. You've heard of it and and seen videos of it online. Yes you have, dont lie to your self you git.

Should you buy it? YES

Do i even know what im typing anymore? NO
Publicada el 20 de septiembre de 2015.
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962.1 h registradas (567.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de CS:GO
To start this off, this game takes some getting used to.. a lot of getting used to, with that out of the way into the review.

This game is great for people wanting a game that takes skill to play and actually allows you to build on those skills(mostly competetive) as for the non-competetive section it could get improved on. Overall the game IS definetly worth... if you don't count the cases, keys and skins etc.

Overall brilliant game. 8/10
Publicada el 30 de julio de 2015. Última edición: 9 de julio de 2016.
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5.8 h registradas (3.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Nice sounds and nice graphics, if you like cars because of the looks or sound..Great this game is for you. If u want a great all-rounded racing game, look else where, in short; This is a Dad game.
Publicada el 22 de julio de 2015. Última edición: 22 de julio de 2015.
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9.5 h registradas (8.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Waste of money, ENOUGH SAID.
Publicada el 22 de julio de 2015.
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