Ryan   United States
Professional Tetris Player and Puyo Puyo Hater. :er_wave:
Metal Gear Solid - Liquid Snake atop Metal Gear Rex
Liquid : Sleeping late as usual, Snake?

Snake : Liquid... you're still alive...

Liquid : I won't die. long as you still live.

Snake : Too bad. It looks like your revolution was a failure.

Liquid : Just because you've destroyed Metal Gear doesn't mean I'm done

Snake : Fighting? What are you really after?

Liquid : A world here warriors like us are honored as we once were... as
we should be.

Snake : That was Big Boss's fantasy.

Liquid : It was his dying wish! When he was young, during the Cold War, the
world needed men like us. We were valued then. We were desired.
But things... are different now. With all the liars and hypocrites
running the world, war isn't what it used to be... We're losing our
place in a world that no longer needs us. A world that now spurns
our very existence. You should know that as well as I do. After I
launch this weapon and get our billion dollars, we'll be able to
bring chaos and honor... back to this world gone soft. Conflict
will breed conflict, new hatreds will arise. Then! ...we'll
steadily expand our sphere of influence.

Snake : But as long as there are people, there will always be war.

Liquid : But the problem... is balance. Father knew what type of a
balance was best...

Snake : Is that the only reason?

Liquid : Isn't it reason enough? For warriors such as us.

Snake : I don't want that kind of world!

Liquid : Ha! You lie! So why are you here then? Why do you continue to
follow your orders while your superiors betray you? Why did you
come here?

Snake : ......

Liquid : Well... I'll tell you then. You enjoy all the killing, that's why.

Snake : What!

Liquid : Are you dnying it? Haven't you already killed most of my comrades?

Snake : That was...

Liquid : I watched your face when you did it. It was filled with the joy of

Snake : You're wrong!

Liquid : There's a killer inside you... You don't have to deny it. We were
created to be that way.

Snake : Created?

Liquid : Les enfants terribles... the terrible children. That's what the
project was called. It started in the 1970's. Their plan was to
artificially create the most powerful soldier possible. The person
that they chose as the model was the man known then as the greatest
living soldier in the world...

Snake : Big Boss...

Liquid : But father was wounded in combat and already in a coma when they
brought him in. So they created us from his cells... with a
combination of 20th century analog cloning and the Super Baby

Snake : Super Baby Method?

Liquid : They fertilized an egg with one of father's cells, and then let it
divide into eight clone babies. Then they transferred the clones
to someone's uterus and later intentionally aborted six of the
fetuses to encourage strong fetal growth... You and I were
originally octuplets.

Snake : Octuplets...

Liquid : Yes. The other six of our brothers were sacrificed to make us. We
were accomplices in murder before the day we were even born. So it
was you and I. Two fertilized eggs with exactly the same DNA.
But... they weren't finished yet. They used me as a guinea pig! To
create a phenotype in which all of the dominant genes were
expressed.... to create you. I got all of the recessive genes!

Snake : .......

Liquid : You took everything from me before I was even born! But... you and
I aren't his only children.

Snake : What?

Liquid : The Genome Soldiers. They too are his progeny, carrying on his
genetic legacy. But they're different. They're digital. With the
completion of the Human Genome project the mysteries of humanity
were laid bare...

Liquid : Thanks to father's DNA, they were able to identify more than sixty
'soldier genes' responsible for everything from strategic
thinking... to the proverbial 'killer instinct'. Those 'soldier
genes' were transplanted, into the membrane of Next Generation
Special Forces. That's how they became the Genome Soldiers. That's
right... The Genome Soldiers that you've been killing are our
brothers, with the same genes as ours.

Snake : The Genome Soldiers!?

Liquid : That's right. They are our brothers, created artificially through
the alignment of nucleotides to mimic our father's genes. They
too are the product of numerous sacrifices.

Snake : Sacrifices?

Liquid : Human experiments.

(Footage of the Gulf War is shown)

Liquid : 1991, the Gulf War. The military secretly injected soldiers with
the soldier genes. The Gulf War Syndrome that hundreds of thousands
of returning soldiers complained about, was a side effect of it.

Snake : Hah. Everyone knows that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by
exposure to depleted uranium used in anti-tank rounds.

Liquid : That was just a cover story issued by the Pentagon. First they
tried to say it was post-dramatic stress disorder, then chemical
or biological weapons. The poison gas detection units and the
anti-sarin injections. They were all just a cover up of this secret
genetic experiment.

Snake : So then... the so called Gulf War Babies that have been reported
by Gulf War veterans are...

Liquid : Yes... They too our are brothers and sisters.

Snake : So the Genome Soldiers mean that the experiments were a success?

Liquid : Success? Don't be a fool! They're a complete failure! We're on the
verge of extinction.

Snake : What!?

Liquid : Have you ever heard of the Asymmetry Theory? Nature tends to favor
asymmetry. Those species which have gone extinct all show signs of
symmetry. The Genome Soldiers suffer from the same problem... signs
of symmetry. So do I, as do you.

Snake : !!!

Liquid : That's right. We are all on the verge of death at the genetic 
level. We don't know when or what type of disease will occur.
That's why we need the old man's genetic information.

Snake : You want Big Boss's DNA so you can save your family? It's very 

Liquid : In Nature, family members don't mate with each other. And yet
they help each other to survive. Do you know why? It increases the
chance that their genes will be passed on to a new generation.
Altruism among blood relatives is a response to natural selection.
It's called the Selfish Gene Theory.

Snake : You're telling me that your genes are ordering you to save the
Genome Soldiers?

Liquid : You can't fight your genes. It's fate. All living things are born
for the sole purpose of passing on their parents' genes. That's
why I'll follow what my genes tell me. And then I'm going to go
beyond. In order to break the curse of my heritage. And to do
that... first I will kill you. Look behind you!

Snake : Meryl!? Is she alive?

Liquid : I'm not sure. She was alive a few hours ago. Poor girl kept calling
your name.

Snake : Meryl...

Liquid : Stupid woman. Falling in love with a man who doesn't even have a

Snake : I have a name!

Liquid : No! We have no past, no future. And even if we did, it wouldn't be
truly ours.
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