Die for my block
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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1 game ban on record | Info
657 day(s) since last ban
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#Romania - Public Group
Romania Steam Group
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334 hrs on record
last played on 15 Jun, 2024
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last played on 1 Jun, 2023
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last played on 1 Jun, 2023
Stugotz 22 Feb, 2024 @ 8:34pm 
uses alt account Steve roebucks to greif
ts pmo icl 2 May, 2023 @ 2:59am 
ts pmo icl 30 Apr, 2023 @ 8:53pm 
ts pmo icl 29 Mar, 2023 @ 1:20am 
Nigdy nie sądziłem, że zwykły człowiek może posiąść tak ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ umiejętności gamingowe, jednak myliłem się. Ten oto gracz jest potencjalnym zagrożeniem graczy ze sławnej sceny silverowej Counter Strike: Global Offensive. Jego umysł opiera się głównie na rozporządzaniu zjebanych, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ oraz bardzo nieprzemyślanych taktyk, przez które przeciwnicy łapią się za głowy co rundę ze śmiechu. Ogromna ilość ujemnego ilorazu inteligencji pozwoliła mu również na wykreowanie ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ruchów myszką, co wiąże się z najlepszym poziomem ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grania na całym świecie. Jako sprzedawca hamburgerów z parówkami polewanymi sosem myśliwskim na ulicy Dworcowej stwierdzam, iż wyżej wymieniony gracz, którego chyba nie muszę nikomu przedstawiać dąży do dobrze znanego nam rankingu silver top1 graczy na całym świecie. +rep palenie gumy
Frozy76 10 Mar, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
I spent a lot of time playing CS:GO with this man. We got to know each other really welI, so I, being a man of culture, sent him some 6 digit numbers to try out! I bet he enjoyed all of them, the degenerate weeb he is. Anyways, he soon invited me over to his house for a LAN party. After driving hundreds of miles, I knocked on his door. He opened it and invited me in. It was a very nice house, the toilet being newspapers scattered across the floor. He took me to his room, a PC sitting in the left corner. As i gazed at his cheap setup, he silently locked the door behind me. As i turned around, I saw a new side of him. He was wearing a fursuit, with toys strapped all across his body. I was scared for my life. He pinned me against the wall and nibbled my ear. This is where he made a mistake. He took a step back, and I one-tapped him with my USP-S | Blueprint. Anyways, don't trust this man. He's gay and I'm on the run from the furry police. Godspeed to whoever encounters him in public.
Die for my block 27 Nov, 2022 @ 2:30pm 
Wet like water, sweet like fruit