Azure Nova
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MiniPlay[CZ] 5 Thg11, 2020 @ 8:49am 
*After you reed that you can delete that*
I just wantet do explain to you what is happening.
<3 Have a nice rest of the day !
MiniPlay[CZ] 5 Thg11, 2020 @ 8:33am 
If you want to give some wapons to your Friend then it's simple.
> Lobby need to host, who want some wapons.
> Sec. Player will equip that weapons and Join to him/his game
> After game starts , host need to be with BOT, so player who joined need to Disc.
> When Host playing with BOT, he have Temporary acces to Bot's inv.
> So Host can take weapons from BOT's inv. (Upgrades will stay)
> In time ,when sec. player disc. he will not lost anything.
> When Sec. player join back, game will AutoSave, what will save weapons in Host's invenoty.
> This is Duplication / and WeaponTrade isn't in game officialy (in Story mode)

If you playing DLC maps, yes there is Functional WeaponTrade, but DLC maps have prewrited scripts for weapons (weapons in game have already some upgrades, that's why it works.)

Hope you understand.
MiniPlay[CZ] 5 Thg11, 2020 @ 8:33am 
Hello, there is Quick Answer on your "Bug Report" in RE5.

- The thing "Trade Weapons" was not fully implemented in game.
"Maluc Patch" will allow trade weapons, in middle of the game. BUT:
> If sec.Player is BOT: When you are in ItemBox , you can switch weapons betwene Bot and You.
When you are in game , this things is tranfered, so it works (Every upgrade will stay, even you trade To or From BOT.
> If sec.Player is Human: There is probem with weapon transfering. In ItemBox you are Not able to give weapons to your Partner, bcs you don't have acces to his/him inventory.
In middle of the game, there is issue, when you give sec. player weapons, server can't read all upgrades so it react as New weapon for Sec. Player (Lost all upgrades)