2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 11.1 hrs on record
Posted: 8 Nov, 2024 @ 12:06pm

Replayed this game after replaying the remaster of the base version. This is the second best episodic story telling after the first Life is Strange. It adds so much value to the original story, both to Chloe, Rachel and Max's backstories. If the original game already stabs you in the heart, this game pushes the knife in further. In my opinion, however, the game is too short, and could definitely benefit from the 2 extra chapters of length that the game has in order to develop the story a bit further, and it also feels like it lacks some choices that propagate further into the game compared to the original game, specially towards the end.

For the technical aspects, unlike the remaster for LiS 1, this remaster does support Sony controller prompts. However, there were also a few noticeable bugs, most notably some audio lines not playing while fast mouth movement is happening, probably a timing issue at high framerate. Also, when trying to exit game from the main menu, the game freezes, and forcing me to go over to the computer and kill the game from Steam.

Like the remaster for the original game, this is just a minor quality of life update to the base game, with no changes to the story or gameplay itself. If you already have the base game, this is only worth it if you can get the games for very cheap, as you're basically paying for a minor update patch at that point. If you don't have the game yet, then you can go for this version, as it's a good remaster.

A problem that both remasters have is that I am not able to see friends stats from the base game. In the base game, I could see them, but for both remasters every percentage is at 0%, I assume because none of my friends have played the remasters.
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