3D Artist and Source Engine Modder.

Leave a comment below if you have questions.
Before you ask me any issues regarding missing content, please read below.
Note: Only applicable for Manual Installation.

Addon downloads here. []

Installation Folders:
GMOD: GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons
SFM: steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod

Installation Checklist:

1. If using any Pokemon addons (excluding SV addons), is the Shared Texture pack installed in the correct folder?
2. If using GMOD and Burnout Paradise pack is installed, is the Shared Vehicle Asset Pack installed in the correct folder?
3. If the above items don't apply, is the addons installed in the correct folder above?
Unless I know you from somewhere, you must comment before sending a friend invite. I will decline your friend invite if you don't.

I reserve the right to decline any friend invites for any reason.
Featured Artwork Showcase
Lackadaisy Crew, 1927
49 5 3
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Smoke Break
11 3
Artwork Showcase
Crystal Cluster
Completionist Showcase
Leafain 29 Jan @ 11:03am 
I uh have 0 clue on how to do that, but thanks!
Animaritides 25 Jan @ 12:15pm 
Nothing short of decompiling the model and implementing eyeposing yourself.
Leafain 25 Jan @ 8:32am 
So i used the sv eeveelutions pack for sfm
Is there any way to get the eyes to be editable so they can look around to work, if there is any?
Animaritides 19 Jan @ 7:26pm 
Sure, as long as you give credit.

Fyi, cartoon_chrome is made by Hypercoatix, so you want to also credit them if you intend to use that texture.
vyquad 19 Jan @ 10:35am 
Alright if i use some of the textures from your shared textures for an addon? included in the addon and i can credit you (Textures being used are paint_bump and cartoon_chrome)
Animaritides 13 Dec, 2024 @ 9:26am 
Yeah, that probably means you installed in the wrong place then. Glad to see you resolved the issue though!