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Posted: 18 Jul, 2023 @ 2:13pm
Updated: 19 Jul, 2023 @ 2:01pm

Early Access Review
First of all - forgive my langauge - I played demo that was available temporarily back in October - it had potential, however not once would I have expected the developers to be so incredibly sloppy, that the game is quite literally unplayable once you start it up. I will for a minute ignore atrocious layout of the UI - you could technically live with that, but seing this after loading and restarting:
and then this:
after respawn is a mark of sloppy work far beyond just an Early Access release. If you start up Early access release You expect it to work. Not work well mind You, or in a stable manner, both of those are parts to be fixed in early access, but work AT ALL in the first place. Which is staggering, that demo itself happened to have worked well at the start, and with no issues whatsoever.

With such a sloppy work (and mind You - it is not a first few minutes after release, and I doubt somehow I am the only one around with the issue), I have no trust in development of this game. Shame as I was looking forward to it.

Count me out, and good luck. I may take a look at it when it leaves early access... IF it leaves early access as intended in the first place.

==P.S.1 - 19.07.2023;==
It seems, according to pinned note on the forum, that the issue stems from incorrect settings being applied as default depending on some system locale.

sooo, everything is good, problem found and I can get back to recommending this game?
Hell no. If You go to Steam Store you will see a list of 10 languages that are supported.

Non-English regional settings will leave derped out settings system.
On top of that - even if language IS set to English, but other OS elements are set up to regional, then it will STILL derp out the settings, due to the game itself not respecting the language choice.
On top of THAT even IF you swap both of the above you should not even dare to try using default settings anymore.

If you ignore all of that - the 'supported' languages will have translation which are.... doubtious at best.

The question now becomes - what do the DEVELOPERS, consider as SUPPORTING a language, in a product they charge 30 USD for? Certainly it is neither the language technically, and certainly not a region.

==Update/reply post-dev reply; 19.07.2023==
Thank You very much for Your response. I appreciate the relatively swift fix, and I am aware of the issues regarding localisation. I also am aware that increased number of supported languages lead to higher presence on Steam Store. My biggest gripe with it was quite stark incompatibility using default settings; Issue that frankly I strongly believe should not have appeared, given its systematic, region wide presence.

Honestly speaking the quality of translation itself is not as high priority as far as I am concerned, it was used more as a highlight of the systematic issue, as frankly there were cases where the translation was seemingly software translated, or translated outside of context, and I am not going to blame You for that.

The hotfix itself, did indeed fix the issue that prompted me to write this quick opinion piece (as frankly I am nowhere near comprehensive enough to call it truly a review), unfortunately the core issue behind the lack of recommendation was based more on the 'location' of the bug (pun unintended), being first thing that appears when launching the game, as well as regional presence (basically all countries using , and . in a different order than e.g. UK), rather than the severity of the bug itself, which might indicate the amount of testing done on out-of-region testing of the interactions with the world.

This, together with positive outlook of a demo and Your swift response, certainly does promise this project to have a good future, and I will certainly follow the updates, I am not so sure I am eager to recommend this game as it is currently yet. You may consider it erring on a side of caution.

Nonetheless, I wish You best of luck (both in-development and overall), and I must admit that I hope to see the day, where out-of-early-access version will join the list of games that I will be happy to buy multiple copies of, both for myself and my friends.
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Developer response:
Lexi @ Fire Hose  [developer] Posted: 19 Jul, 2023 @ 9:36am
Thanks for playing and your feedback! We hear you loud and clear.

The settings problems were creating issues for players at launch. We've pushed a patch that should fix those issues. If you update and set your settings back to default, the game should appear as normal.

We also know that our translations are not up to the quality players expect or that we want to achieve, so we're working with our localization partners to improve them. While that isn't an overnight fix, it is a high priority to update in upcoming releases.

Thank you for playing the demo and trying out Techtonica! We hope you'll try out the hotfix and let us know if that solves some of your problems.
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
@DragonStryder - thank You for civil exchange.
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 11:06pm 
@Siidell - it is Indie, it is EA, it is release day - yes. It also is 30 USD Early Access release that messed up an element that used to work back in October, error that completely highlights the amount of care that the developers put into the game.

It is not me who claims that those regions have to be supported - it is developers on their steam page.

And apparently - you absolutely cannot enter this game in at least one major regions without noticing it, which is a problem that happens to be consistent with no testing having been done at all, regarding non-English setting, which is my whole point.

Heck, even if the bug was far more problematic, but (key part) not literally imediatelly upon starting it up, then I wouldn't have minded it that much.
DragonStryder 18 Jul, 2023 @ 4:59pm 
@Almaravarion Understandable.
Siidell_ 18 Jul, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
Yeah, the default settings are completely broken, UI scaling is bad, sound is on 0, gamma too and cause black screen, you need to play in qwerty because each time you try to set Q, it closes the menu (even if I deleted Q in any commands, maybe I need to do some more research about that but nevermind, change to qwerty takes 3 sec) and texture scaling is on 50 by default that cause bad graphics...... BUT, do you really have to make a bad review for that ? It's too difficult to search by your own and try to change settings to solve all of that ?

I had the same default settings but I didn't cry for that, I searched by my own, figured what was wrong, changed settings and solve issues, it's not that hard.

It's an indie game, still in EA and it's the release day, can't you be a bit comprehensive ?
Yeah, it's a bit annoying but there are just settings that can be changed in few minutes, it's not like there was broken bugs that screw all the game.
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 3:11pm 
[part 4]

Don't get me wrong - I am aware this is Early Access and bugs are expected, then again - where and what kind of bugs are, show EXACTLY what You can expect from developers. First second bugs, that are impossible to notice (and more imporantly - NOT unique) are the best identificator to 'Avoid until finished'.

Also - apologies for that small rant. I am honestly fed up with attepts to excuse EVERYTHING with 'it's just early access'.

Bugs are not equal, some are bigger problem that other, and rarely it correlates to the complexity of fixing the bug in the first place.
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
[part 3]
HELL, the fact that the bug was known (i.e. not a singular event, dependent on extremely specific configuration), and nobody gave a damn to e.g. hotfix it (which with steam as deployment platform could be done as quickly as changing default settings, which by the way are atrocious in the first place, if we can call them preset in the first place), highlights my problem.

Do You expect players to ask everything the devs, just so they may go 'oh, right it does happen. This is the solution You should take, instead of us just fixing a single value in default config file'?
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
[part 2]
To illustrate my point

Imagine You are buying a new car, and it doesn't start, while You are still on the dealer's driveway. Would you:
A) Get a refund, and preferably never deal with the dealer again, without giving a damn about reasoning for the issue, or
B) Go to websites, and find out that heck, You need to open Your engine compartment and connect a battery to the car, because no one on the factory gave enough of a damn to do that.
Eruannon 18 Jul, 2023 @ 3:08pm 
@DragonStryder - [part 1] bugs happen - yes, I did find the bug solution later on, though bugs happening at the very second of starting it up for the first time, is beyond sloppy. Remember that quality of development is shown even in small things. And bugs happening within FIRST SECOND (or more exactly - before the first second even starts, as this is settings issue) is not something I am willing to give any leeway with.

ESPECIALLY while charging 30 USD for Early access version.
DragonStryder 18 Jul, 2023 @ 2:40pm 

Could have done a quick search. bugs happen..