36 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.2 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 Dec, 2015 @ 5:52am

This game made me say "Red Alert is so old" back in the day. It was amazing then, and it's STILL more fun than even the most modern RTS now.

And at this price... GET IT.
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Huels 22 Dec, 2015 @ 12:12pm 
I'm going to rant a bit now because I enjoyed your comment.

I use to work in the journalism side of gaming. It was my dream job and I did during college. I got to attend tournaments and media events in the mid 2000s. I started to allow for the negative aspect of the industry to affect me and I became jaded and bitter. I don't blame the industry at all. I should have kept my mind on the task at hand. The point of my story is that there is salty and negative people everywhere. We just need to not pay them any attention and try our best to stay positive.
Huels 22 Dec, 2015 @ 11:59am 
Well at least we know who is good at math here.
AiRDawG 22 Dec, 2015 @ 11:30am 
Toaster and Mucephi must think the game was first released a few days ago, as if I haven't already logged countless hours in the game before it was on Steam.

And Walter Bishop thinks that 2 years isn't a long time relative to PC games. What games came out in 2013 that aren't surpassed by today's games? Those games that are still good two years later are pretty damn good right? And I'm saying that about C&C:RA, which I STILL say was one of the greatest RTSes EVER, and now in my Total Annihilation review, I'm saying that TA is EVEN BETTER THAN RA, and that two years difference in release date really showed in TA. Lord.

Thanks Jasper and Huels for your comments, you guys obviously put some conscious thought into your replies, unlike those other three. Some people just have nothing better to do than be salty on the internet I guess. Funny thing I just noticed: at the moment, 28 out of 31 found the review helpful. Wonder who the three who didn't are?
Ryan 22 Dec, 2015 @ 9:51am 
Yeah, his first sentence states it's a nostalgia-buy.

If you comment anything negative seek professional help immediately :)

On-Topic: This "it's still more fun than even the most modern ___" is a theme now a days. ex: Rainbowsix Ravenshield is still fundamentally ahead in design over Rainbowsix Siege in terms of basic gameplay mechanics and interface user friendliness.

Huels 22 Dec, 2015 @ 8:44am 
The salty butt hurt is strong on Steam today. All you people attacking this person for writing a game review.

Did any of you three even read his review? You would have noticed that he was taking a trip down memory lane. He clearly makes the case and point that he had played this game years ago, most likely when it was released in 1997.

Walter Biship, your math is wrong. If you had actually read his review (I’m starting to see a trend here) than you would have noticed that he said “Red Alert” which was released in October of 1996.

Saying something is so old is an expression that was popular in the 1990s. He is not actually saying that the game is “so old”

The three of you need to chill out and go play some more PC games. If the highlight of your day is coming on a game review and attacking someone for their choice of words than I have to wonder what is the best thing you have done in your life.
mucephi 22 Dec, 2015 @ 4:27am 
15 min and you write a review. Hack.
lordSeaworth 22 Dec, 2015 @ 4:01am 
Red alert was 2 years older so how the hell can you call it at that time Red alert is so old?

Serious you must be the worst commenter on the steam community.