5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 50.5 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Jan @ 2:03am

Finished the main story in about 15 hours (I think, might be misremembering) and enjoyed my time with the game. The game has basically the same game play loop as previous Creeper worlds, you start low on resources and weapons and have to pick a place to make a foothold in the map. First you bunker down, then once you have your foothold you start pushing. A satisfying game play loop with chances to experiment as intense aggression can be rewarded with more resources and fewer fronts to have to defend on. The new sand physics are fun to play with. Most obvious use is carving out the terrain to set up choke points but I found great joy in experimenting with the mechanics. Just as an example, I had to open a highly pressurised chamber of creep and instead of setting up a choke point, I dug out massive amounts of land inside their chamber, forcing the creep to expand to those points, and while the pressure was down, I cracked open the chamber and blew my way in and set up a strong offence and cleared it much faster then otherwise.

Issues I have with the game small and uninteresting, but I'll list the ones I'd be happy to see fixed.
Make the UI give me a little bit more info. How much creep does this Spawner make? how much Creep does this Breeder liquid or land make? How much is the average pressure of creep here? I understand if many of these elements would require heavy computing and would only be visible during pause, but I'd still like to be able to see it. In general, I would love to just know more info about all my guns and material. If you look at a recent change in Factorio, if you alt click any material or item, it pops up a info box. Would help know what "Decaying Land" means the first time, or refreshing yourself that sand is absorbed by creep.

Mixing liquids can be a little bothersome. While it is a very fun gimmick in the early game, I'd love an "late game" ship that could do most of the mixing for me. I click a button and it makes a jar shape below it out of shielding, and then I click I want Boomzine and it pours the ratio needed to mostly fill the jar.

Not going to go into detail, just want to say, I read some negative reviews and found most of their points to be "The game did something I was interested in, but didn't do it well enough". While I agree with the review, which is in broad strokes "I wish there was more to do in the game because what I got was very fun" I want to leave a positive review and encourage the Developer to make more mission packs and expand on the groundwork he has clearly worked hard on. He's got an awesome game on his hand, and the fact that almost all the negative reviews are either "It's not like Creeper World 1-4" or "There wasn't enough of it" should tell you that it's not a bad game, just a game that some people are having a hard time loving.

I whole heartily believe that if the developer had infinite money and time, this game could become an all time classic, but as is, it's a good game with great potential.
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