陆森   Kaiyuan, Yunnan, China
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他们敢推进,我们就推回去!每隔一段时间,我们就会死命推进,直到云层中出现一道曙光,照亮了战争以外的世界—那个我们碰不到的世界。在这场世界大战中,每个国家都无法置身事外。但每次扣下扳机的,都是活生生的人—我们就是那些人。我们麻木不仁,我们天真无邪。我们是可敬的英雄,也是十恶不赦的罪犯。我们注定成为传奇,也注定在历史中消逝。我们是天空的骑士、沙漠中的鬼魂、泥土中打滚的鼠辈。这些就是我们的故事。They push, we push. Every once in a while,we push hard enough with the light break through the clouds,and the world beyond war out of reach. The war is the world,and the world is war. Behind every gunsight is a human are those people. We are the are the are the honorable,and the criminal. We are the bound for legend,and lost in history. We are the knights in the sky,the ghost in the desert,and the rats in the mud. These are our stories.

One day all this will be over.
The war to end all wars will be won
by one side or the other.
The guns will rust. Grass will grow
and they'll be nothing left of any of this.
The land will heal itself, as everything does in the end.
We'll be long gone by then
but maybe not forgotten.
History only remembers one in a thousand of us
then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did.
How we lived, how we fought, how we died.
When this is all over and the war is won
they will remember us.
But until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye
and we will fight!
--------战地1&Battlefield 1

以后总有一天,我没有办法再继续照顾你。你必须保护你自己,自己做出决定……决定自己究竟是谁,又想要成为什么样的人……这个世界并不喜欢与众不同的人,马库斯。不要让别人告诉你,你该成为什么样的人。One day, I won't be here to take care of you anymore. You'll have to protect yourself, and make your choices… Decide who you are, and wanna become… This world doesn't like those who are different, Markus. Don't let anyone tell you who you should be.
-------底特律:变人&Detroit: Become Human

你每天忘记成千上万件事,何不把这一件也忘掉呢?You forget a thousand things every day,How about you make sure this is one of them?

犹豫,就会败北。Hesitation will be defeated

有生之荣 无死之辱 There is honor in life but no shame in death
-----只狼:影逝二度&Sekiro:Shadows Die Twice

哈劳斯?愿他长寿! Harlaus?long live the king!

我要用你的头盖骨当碗使! I will drink from Your Skull!
-------骑马与砍杀 Mount & Blade

正义之子面对有违常理的世界,会让世界天翻地覆。醒来吧,弗里曼先生。醒来吧,这个世界散发着灰烬的味道。The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.So weke up,Mister Freeman.

牧羊人总得看管他的羊群。 尤其是在它们不守规矩的时候。
A shepherd must tend to his flock. Especially when they have grown unruly.
--------半条命2&HALF-LIFE 2

"Booker, are you afraid of God?"
"No, but I'm afraid of you."
----------生化奇兵:无限&BioShock Infinite

愿它永恒常驻吧。【BGM】Deep Stone Lullaby
Enjoying yourself,intruders?
It's worth knowing the cataclysimc damage you will be responsible for today.
Do not fool yourselves.
This facility is not simply the fruitless work of some pathetic scientist.
This house was built by the genius Clovis Bray first himself.
Within lies humanity's salvation.
La fontaine de jouvence.
Made possible by Clarity Control.
Magnificent,wasn't it?
An entity from beyond our own dimension.
And the answer to humanity's eternal struggle:Mortality.
Were it to fall into the wrong hand,humanity,and the universe,would be utterly doomed.
I have no reason to believe you are anything other than"The wrong hands".
You now face godlike judgement.
May it extend eternally.【BGM】Deep Stone Lullaby
---------命运2&Destiny 2

“When other men blindly follow the truth,remember.Nothing is true. ”
“When other men are limited,by morality or law,remember.Everything is permitted.”
“We work in the dark to serve the light.We are Assassin. ”

“When I was a young man,
I had liberty, but I did not see it.
I had time, but I did not know it.
And I had love, but I did not feel it.
Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three.
And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment.
Love, liberty, and time,
once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward.
And love, most especially, mio caro.
For you, our children, our brothers and sisters.
And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life,
and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia Sofia.
-------艾吉奥·奥迪托雷&Ezio Auditore
刺客信条2&Assassin's Creed II
I am BT-7274. A Vanguard-class Titan of the Militia SRS. Marauder Corps. You may call me BT.
Trust me!Cooper
Protocol 3,protect the pilot.
-------泰坦陨落2&Titanfall 2
They say a man never really knows himself until his freedom been taken away.
I wonder, how well do you know yourself?
Criminal 626, murderer, pirate, traitor. Today, you go…free.
But, as you soon know, your freedom has a price.
You carry your prison with you, that armor will be a new cell.
Make no mistake. War is coming, with all its glory, and all its horror.
Mr. Findlay, your freedom awaits.
‘Hell, it’s about time!’
-----自由之翼&Wings of Liberty

我即使虫群,大军灰飞烟灭,世界在我脚下燃烧。(在战列巡洋舰坠落在地面后)终于,我将在这颗星球上完成我的复仇。因为我是刀锋女王。I am the swarm. Armies will be shattered. Worlds will burn.........Now, at last, on this world, vengeance shall be mine.,for I am the Queen of Blades.
-------虫群之心&Heart of the Swarm

The swarm brought ruin to our world, our proud people became refugees. And yet, they could not shatter out unity, for we are bound by the Khala the secret union of our every thought and motion.
Today, we retake our home world, and with it, our legacy!
---------虚空之遗&Legacy of the Void

我挑开了未来的面纱,却只看到了……湮灭。I have pierced the veil of the future and beheld only... oblivion.
预言尚未可知,希望永不湮灭。The prophecy is uncertain,There is always hope.
战火为何而燃?秋叶为何而落?天性不可夺。吾辈心中亦有惑。怒拳为谁握,护国安邦惩奸恶,道法自然除心魔。战无休而惑不息,吾辈何以为战!To ask why we fight?Is to ask why the leaves fall?It is in the nature,Perhaps there is a better question.Why do we fight,To protect home and family,To preserve balance and bring harmony!For my kind,The true question is what is worth fighting for.
-----熊猫人之谜&Mists of Pandaria

My son... the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name..."Arthas".
孩子, 当你出生的时候,洛丹伦的森林轻声唤出了你的名字
My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.
孩子, 我骄傲地看着你一天天长大,成为正义的化身。
Remember - our line has always ruled with wisdom and strength.
And I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power
But the truest victory, my son – is stirring the hearts of your people.
I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end – you, shall be King.
我告诉你这些,总有一天, 我的生命将抵达终点, 而你,将加冕为王。
------巫妖王之怒&Wrath of the Lich King

我被囚禁了一万年,又被逐出了自己的故乡。现在你们竟敢闯入我的领地,真是自寻死路!你们真是自寻死路!Imprisoned for ten thousand years…Banished from my own homeland…And now you dare enter my realm…You are not prepared.YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
-----燃烧军团的远征&The Burning Crusade

力量与荣耀,鲜血与雷鸣! lok tar O'gar!
为了部落!for the horde!
兽人永不为奴!We will never be slaves!

愿圣光与你同在.May Holly Light with you!

种族并不能说明荣耀,对与自己不同的存在,人们不应该轻率的作出判断。我见过最高尚的兽人,也见过最卑劣的人类。 -----提里奥·弗丁&Tirion Fordring

时间就是金钱,我的朋友!Time is money my friend!
这个世界需要更多的英雄。This world need more heroes。
英雄不朽!Heroes never die!
午时已到!It's high noon! ----麦克雷&McCree
天降正义!Justice rain from above ! ------法老之鹰&Fareeha·Amari
常常龙神之剑的厉害吧(有基佬拉我裤链)竜神の剣を喰らえ。Ryuu Jin no Ken Wo ku ra e --源氏&Genji
龙啊!吞噬我的敌人吧!(油嘎哇嘎跌ki我苦辣呜)竜が 俺の敌を喰らえ。 Ryuu ga ore no teki Wo ku ra e
荣誉之于生死,救赎之于荣誉.With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption ----半藏&Hanzo
D.Va爱你哟!Love, D.Va!
玩游戏就是要赢!I play to win.
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