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18 van de 40 (45%) prestaties behaald:
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Something ends, something begins

Finish prologue
Ontgrendeld op 28 nov 2021 om 7:08

That thing about the countess

Finish Act 1
Ontgrendeld op 9 dec 2021 om 2:38


Finish Act 2
Ontgrendeld op 9 dec 2021 om 5:53

The End

Finish Act 3
Ontgrendeld op 10 dec 2021 om 6:33

All's well that ends well

Finish the game with a good ending
Ontgrendeld op 14 dec 2021 om 6:14

Did not live up to the name

Finish the game with a bad ending
Ontgrendeld op 14 dec 2021 om 4:28

We're all friends here, right?

Convince Rockburry not to send his men on you
Ontgrendeld op 27 nov 2021 om 1:13

Golden future

Join forces with the Gildebones
Ontgrendeld op 9 dec 2021 om 5:46

Oh, well

Refuse to pay your debt to Trovin
Ontgrendeld op 10 dec 2021 om 1:32

Sweet memories

Triggers when Martyn's portrait (positive ending one) is placed in the inn
Ontgrendeld op 16 jul 2023 om 6:27

Taco Tuesday

Place 5 outhouses
Ontgrendeld op 16 jul 2023 om 6:27

Didn't like it after all, didn't ya?

Rename the inn
Ontgrendeld op 14 jul 2023 om 12:03


Buy a pet
Ontgrendeld op 14 jul 2023 om 14:23

Wolf of Yorevale

Spend 100 economic gossip
Ontgrendeld op 15 jul 2023 om 7:25

House of Mugs

Spend 100 political gossip
Ontgrendeld op 15 jul 2023 om 7:25

Mr. Worldwide

Spend 100 traveler gossip
Ontgrendeld op 15 jul 2023 om 7:25

I've seen this somewhere before....

Have a guest in a room with no doors
Ontgrendeld op 14 jul 2023 om 11:33

Toss a Gulden!

Hire a bard
Ontgrendeld op 15 jul 2023 om 7:25

I see a bright future for you!

Join forces with the Seers

Anyone up for the game of darts?

Place Martyn's portrait in the inn

Taming the beast

Place 'The Daer' in the inn

Art is Art

Place Nude of the countess portrait in the inn

The Wisdom of the Ages

Place Yorevale shield I in the inn

Gleam of the South

Place Sambrian shield I in the inn

Vitrue and Honor

Place Untermarchian shield I in the inn

Get of my field

Place The Boar in the inn

Comfort and ease

Place Comfortable outhouse in the inn

Marketing at it's finest

Place Inn signboard in the inn

So much space!

Complete objective "Serious Landscaping"

No more bad apples

Complete objective "Bad Apple"

Farming time

Complete objective "Home Grown"

Almost like a sleepover

Complete objective "Shut up and sleep in here"

I like mine better

Complete objective "Local food only"

More than a tavern

Complete objective "The forge of taste"

Top Chief

Complete objective "Cooking notes"

It's just human nature

Complete objective "Who's next in line to the throne?"

More, more, more!

Complete objective "Pour the beer!"

Farming simulator

Plant all available plants/crops in the garden patches

Gardening is my passion

Plant all available plants/crops on the trellises

I have it all!

Have every dish available in the menu