-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act
28, male, living the dream with an amazing gf   Australia
Gamer, collector, writer, reviewer, modder, proofreader, translator and fellow achievement hunter extraordinaire.

I'm a pretty passionate guy but that's also my weakness because on the rare occasion I get way too caught up in something. Thus, if I've ever attacked you in the past: it was likely not your fault. I was and still am dealing with a lot of problems but I'm normally pretty friendly and helpful (at least I'd like to think so!). If you'd like to add me, that's fine, BUT I will not add private profiles/level 0 profiles. Do note I sometimes remove friends that aren't active or online because slots are at a premium. If you think I accidentally deleted you, you're more than welcome to add me again. Lastly, I just want to state that I'm not a huge fan of co op. If you're adding me so that we can play co op together, it's likely we won't play co op much or at all.

What most of you are actually interested in:
Windows 10 64 bit
Intel Core i7 950 @ 3.07ghz CPU (4 cores, 8 cores logical)
Nvidia GTX 680 4gb vram GPU
16gb DDR3 ram

More about me: I'm a nerd, a geek and a PC enthusiast. When I play video-games I'm often very flukey but I believe the word "fluke" implies lack of skill. I'd like to think that I have too much skill and that's why I somehow play average most of the time... but I guess I can keep on dreaming! I'm really just very lucky (hence the name).

Hobbies: I game, write reviews, mod and I like to assist people with computer problems (ironically half of my computer problems have been self-inflicted). Outside of the computer realm I like to write and peruse books of any sort, read comics and have recently became a fan of anime.

To recap: I just enjoy anything video game related, but my frequent playing has ceased as I'm now in University. I still play more than I should though :)

Gaming history: I have a PC, an Xbox 360, a PSP, a Gameboy Advance SP and I used to have a PS1, N64 (the best console with some of my favourite classics: Goldeneye, The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64) as well as a NES. Unfortunately, the last 3 gaming devices I mentioned I no longer own. Despite being fortunate enough to be brought up with so many different platforms -- I forever remain a PC Gamer at heart and in practice.

My preferences: I prefer for people to NOT be rude, vulgar or otherwise demeaning. This also applies to interactions with me on Steam - comments are a privilege (anyone can post) but I'd prefer they be kept clean. In chat: I'm a lot more relaxed about this. If you are a friend or having a joke, I'll usually laugh off stuff. Just try not to spam, flame or disrespect me. Abide by all of this and you can expect a *Lucky* ass-kicking the next time you see me in-game.

P.S. Woolfay made my profile picture. Just pointing this out so he doesn't hurt me :D.
Понастоящем извън линия
Изложение на снимки
Sexist Capcom ;)
148 44 10
Изложение на постижения
List of games I've perfected (100% achievements):
Note: this site doesn't track a couple of free-to-play games on Steam
Click me! [completionist.me]
Изложение на худ. творби
The Epic Games Hall of Shame
171 26 23
Любима група
Epic Games Sucks - Публична група
For those against Epic and their forced exclusives
15 190
1 260
В игра
5 565
На линия
1 084
В чата
Любимо ръководство
Създадено от — TourquilianCompetizioneTrundleCaledoniaMADWACZ,  и ▲ Ara ▽
898 оценки
If you regret having an account on the Epic Games Store, this will show you how to delete your Epic Games Store account, step-by-step. If you would like to join the cause to spread awareness about EGS's shady practices, join us at https://steamcommunity.co
Скорошна дейност
19,3 изиграни часа
последно пускане 12 май 2021
19,6 изиграни часа
последно пускане 30 юни 2020
162 изиграни часа
последно пускане 29 юни 2020
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. преди 23 часа 
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IntrepidSkin 8 май в 11:14 
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Everytime I pop on and see all these comments on my guides and stuff like that… I get blown away. Truly.

Never would’ve thought they’d help so many people and that they’d still be helping people after all this time.

I do really want to come back to Steam so we’ll see what the future holds.

The community here can’t be beat. It’s not the same anywhere else.
life cistern 1 апр. в 16:19 
Glad to see you're alive and doing well! You've made so many important contributions to Steam man
-3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act 25 март в 3:21 
@Erebus - not sure what to say to that. I will say framing the article has already crossed my mind :lunar2019smilingpig:

@Ellis - yeah they have been pretty good. I’m glad I’m alive too haha. I’d love to hit you up for a chat sometime; will do.
Ellis Island Book Club Militia 23 март в 14:19 
glad to see you're still alive and that things sound like they're going well for you. well, if you ever end up getting back on here, hit me up bro.