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129.4 ore înregistrate (76.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Awesome game, recommend it for any Dragon Ball fan. One of the best Dragon Ball games out there in my opinion.
Only got a few problems with this game:
- Super Saiyan Characters are a bit OP
- Saiyans don't have the option to have a tail
- Character creator is a bit lacking, not many hairstayles, there is no way to tweak your face.
- Male Buu's have only their fat forms, no super buu, kid buu, evil buu or buff buu forms.
- No option ro recolor classic character outfits.
- Hair does not change when transforming into a super saiyan form
- No Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan 4 or Oozaru forms for custom characters.
- No custom "what-if" fusions and a small character roster.
Postat 27 iunie 2016.
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14.2 ore înregistrate (13.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Step 1. Buy game on sale
Step 2. Idle Game
Step 3. Git Cards
Step 4. Git Boosterpack
Step 5. Craft badge and pray to GabeN it's going to be the Console peasants BG and PCMR Emoticon
Step6. ????
Step 7. PROFIT!
Postat 21 iunie 2016.
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630.0 ore înregistrate (257.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Although the DLC gets way outta hand and Overkill made some pretty shady and dumb decisions in the past I still recommend this game if you've got friends to play it with. It's entertaining and now with the item drops you might actually earn a few bucks whilst playing.
Postat 22 martie 2016.
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148.7 ore înregistrate (45.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Beautiful game with beautiful graphics and a beautiful setting, a must have for longtime fans and people who like puzzle/point and click adventure games. All graphics were hand drawn and it is very noticeable as they create some of the most breathtaking scenes I've seen in 2015 games. I thought Life is Strange was an excellent game and would be my GOTY but this one stole it's place. Set in the land of Daventry and before the rule of King Graham, you play as said king Graham again this time like in previous installments but only as a very young Graham on his way to become a Knight and for the chance to someday rule the land. You will face many odd obstacles in your way and you have to overcome them with your wit. A great game for young and old alike. It is as if your childhood book full of medieval fantasy tales and dragons has come to life and you get to experience it all through the eyes of Graham. The Odd Gentlemen did an outstanding job once again.
Postat 18 decembrie 2015.
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110.6 ore înregistrate (72.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Custom zombies is gonna be awesome
Postat 25 noiembrie 2015.
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813.4 ore înregistrate (218.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Worst mainline Fallout, do yourself a favour and play New Vegas or Tale of Two Wastelands.

So finally after 230+ hours into the game I've settled on a verdict. It was a tough one but I got to it, the faults of the game weighed heavy for me and they certainly drag the score down alot.

Here are a few cons to start off with, many of them have been or probably will be rectified by the modding community:
- Annoying and shallow dialogue system: The dialogue system has been become Mass Effect like probably done so for the casual players, most of the player- and fanbase dissaprove of how they handled it this time and it's probably the biggest letdown in the game for me so far. You now only have 4 options to choose from in the dialogue system severly limiting your options and making the choices you do get to choose unmeaningful, shallow and without any significance, they usually lead to the characters responding to you in the same manner. Also the options now show half answers of the things your character is really gonna say.
- You can't play a "Bad" character/Villain anymore and removal of the Karma system. Also a huge letdown as it severely decreases the roleplaying aspect of the game and making it more of an FPS than an RPG.
- Shallow and uninteresting story + uninteresting and forgettable characters: Bethesda was never really good at this and in my honest opinion they should've collaborated with Obsidian to make this game, it probably would've fixed many of the things wrong with this game.
- Subtitles are messy and the Lipsync is also a bit off.
- The animations are still a bit awkward.
- Simplifying of the game, appealing more to the casual COD players than the real RPG players. This is really a result of multiple things in this game and it's bugging me a bit. We already saw this trent happening in Skyrim and it's even worse now. I really hope Bethesda see the errors in their ways and don't apply this to the rest of their games, let's also hope they patch some of these things out with either patches or DLC.
- I miss alot of enemies and mythos from earlier games in the franchise and I would've liked more callbacks like the Nightkin, Centaurs, Enclave, Master, Frank Horrigan etc. The game could have also used more enemy types and other interesting things as now the world seems populated by only 4 things. Dogs, Super Mutants, Ghouls and Raiders/Gunners. These are the things you will come across 9/10 times.
- No Traits, Classic Perks gone and skill leveing system gone in favor of the more casual perk system in place now
- The PC version suffering from console limitations including:
- Size limit for settlements and no way to make a house and prohibit it to settlers, they invade built stuff. Also seems a bit tacked on at the last minute, expected more out of it. Character doesn't have real function in the settlement and doesn't become some sort of "mayor". Would've liked something like this. And to outfit settlers with some Power Armor which is currently not possible
- Not the best of Textures also as a sidenote, there has been a mod called Vivid Landscapes which actually makes the game look better AND run better which is a bit odd and shouldn't happen.

- Fun game in which you can spent a ton of hours exploring the world and building settlements.
- Awesome modding community who will make this game even better than what it is now.
- An character called Codsworth actually calls the player by his or her name.
- It's a game in an amazing and interesting world with great background stories and mythos which is still open to explore and which has an amazing potential.
- Settlement building is fun and alot of other fun and new additions to the pre-existing games like the new Power Armor Mechanic.
- The creatures look amazing and unique.
- The world is great and there is alot to explore, however it misses some little touches sometimes like in New Vegas, would've also liked some sort of Wild Wasteland type Trait.

It's a decent Game, just not a good Fallout Game. It's certainly not bad per se but there are a lot of missers for Bethesda here which they could've avoided if they only kept focusing on making it for the right demographic and their longtime fanbase.
In my opinion Fallout: New Vegas is a bit better overall. It trumps Fallout 4 in both story and Gameplay but loses to it in options and Visuals. Sure Fallout 4 has alot of nice extras like the player character finally speaking, being addressed in your full name by Codsworth, Settlement building, The Power Armor mechanic etc. but New Vegas has more to offer. You however certainly get a product worthy of your money as I said it's still a fun and good game in which you can spend a ton of hours and on top of that you will have a great modding community on top of that who will make the game even more fun. It's a must buy however not GOTY material.

I give this game a 6.5/10
Postat 11 noiembrie 2015. Editat ultima dată 18 aprilie 2024.
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6,050.3 ore înregistrate (4,183.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie CS:GO
| steamname: OG Protiny | #VanANaarBaiter.nl
| steam3ID: [U:1:257622923]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:128811461
| steamID64: https://steamproxy.net/profiles/76561198217888651
| customURL: https://steamproxy.net/id/1337protiny
| steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198217888651
| CS:GO Stats: https://csgostats.gg/player/76561198217888651

▪ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴀᴘ: ᴅᴇ_ɪɴғᴇʀɴᴏ,
▪ In-Game Role: IGL, Entry, Secondary AWP
▪ Current CS:GO MM Rank: Legendary Eagle Master [LEM]

▪ DPI Modes: 400 / [600] / 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 1800
▪ Default DPI: 600
▪ Sens: 1.42
▪ Zoom Sens: 1.2
▪ Default EDPI (sens x DPI): 900
▪ Default Tickrate: 128
▪ Raw Input: Yes
▪ Mouse Acceleration: No
▪ Window Mode: Widescreen 16:9
▪ Resolution: Native 1920x1080 Fullscreen
▪ Refresh Rate: 240Hz
▪ Mouse: Glorious Model o- (changed from Logitech G502 Proteus Core)
▪ Keyboard: Modded Razer Huntsman Elite 2019 (MAX transluscent black keycaps w/ Front Print & O-Rings)
▪ CPU: Intel Core i7 9900k @ 5Ghz
▪ GPU: NVIDIA GTX 2080ti MSI Edition
▪ RAM: 32GB (2x 16GB) DDR4-3200Mhz
▪ Language: Pirate
▪ Audio Setup: Sennheiser GSX1000 Audio DAC + Sennheiser GSP600 Headset + Blue Yeti Microphone with pop filter
▪ Game Volumes: volume "0.69"; voice_scale "0.85"; voice_enable "1";
▪ Shadow Quality: High
▪ Model & Texture Quality: Medium
▪ Effect Detail: Medium
▪ Shader Detail: Very High
▪ Multicore Rendering: Enabled
▪ Multisampling Anti-Aliasing: 2x MSAA
▪ Filtering Mode: Trilinear
▪ FXAA Anti-Aliasing: Off
▪ V-Sync: Off
▪ Motion Blur: Off

▪ ʟᴀᴜɴᴄʜ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢs: -freq 240 -refresh 240 -novid -tickrate 128 -threads 8 -console -rate
128000 +cl_interp 0 +mat_vignette_enable 0 -high -nojoy +fps_max 0
+mat_queue_mode 2 -fullscreen +exec autoexec -d3d9ex -trusted -language pirate

▪ AUTOEXEC: https://pastebin.com/MPFCCjzM

▪ CS:GO Enhancement Pack: Google Drive Link[drive.google.com]
-Includes a new font in-game, Simple Radar, Kappa Bomb Code, A bunch of team logos you can use for custom in-game matches or spectating-

Great game and a must have for every fan of FPS games. Unlike many other FPS's out there this game is purely about skill and skill alone. I recommend playing with keyboard. You could potentially also earn some cash on the side due to their 'drop system'. Once in a while you will receive something in-game which you can then proceed to sell on the community market of steam. It's a competent and serious FPS for a mere $15 and definitely up there amongst the likes of Call of Duty and Battlefield in terms of quality.
On European servers there can be a downside though and that comes in the form of the common Russian, now here me out here this is not me being racist this is an objective statement. European servers are dominated in number of players from Russia/Balkan countries (Poland, Czech etc. inc.) who are almost always rude, don't speak english and have almost zero understanding of teamplay and tactics. If you are going to do online matchmaking then bring some friends and do pre-made lobbies, it will improve your time with the game significantly..

9/10, a must buy for every fan of Multiplayer FPS games.

UPDATE: Until they remove the free to play aspect I simply cannot recommend this game without buying a FACEIT or ESEA subscription because Matchmaking is full of cheaters and Smurfs right now since they also removed the barrier between them and regular players in the form of prime.

UPDATE 11/27/2019: We have finally gotten a new operation after 2.5 years and before that we've had a steady stream of updates, some good, some bad. At least the devteam now shows again that it has a lot of love for the game/franchise. The cheater f2p problem has gotten less imho but then again I haven't played a lot of MM recently. The game is fun and if you haven't yet gotten the chance to play the game now is the perfect time to jump in and see if you like this very skill-dependent game..
Postat 26 octombrie 2015. Editat ultima dată 29 noiembrie 2020.
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