
I need no introductions, if am outdone by the light I can easily disappear, if I disappear I can easily be replaced, a shadow can take on any shape, thus having no identity...only the light you cast upon me shall bestow me with a Name, so call me whatever suits your form. I... shall treasure It.
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..... 6 Jun, 2021 @ 3:37pm 
The shadows scurry and bask in the darkness, thus running away from a light that can never be obtained only reflections of it can be seen, yet without it we are but a shapeless entity cursed for all eternity to be a prison to its own existence a fractured consciousness that can never be overwritten only seeking to consume, whilst all it wants is such warm outspoken light to give it shape; an answer of sorts to be ''enlightened'' After all, you only know who you are once you can see past yourself, if light saves by severing then the shadows embrace by merging, maybe one day we shall both undertake a convergence, a force of equilibrium and that, perhaps shall be the foretold fate where I can find myself...my one and true free self, but until then am but a shameless prisoner.
✟DEUS✟ Quercus 20 May, 2021 @ 10:13pm 
An apt description, once you cast into the eternal flames, you will reborn and polymorph into a newfound vessel. Who can say what the remnants of your scattered being will be converted into. Perhaps after being seared by the Aztek's light, you will slinker back into the shadows and become converted into Boris Johnsons hairline, Julius Caesars rugged jawline, or even a mystical tome that will stand stoic till the end of time.
..... 5 Jan, 2021 @ 3:22pm 
Takes one to know there are 2
The Royal Cat 22 Dec, 2020 @ 1:55pm 
+2rep Od==bO