23 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.3 hrs on record
Posted: 22 Jul, 2018 @ 10:48pm

This game was fun while it was being worked on by the devs. I bought it when it was released because it seemed like a cool concept and the devs were responding to reports of bugs so I wanted to support the project. Imagine my surprise that one day in the discussion page the devs made a statement that the author had "moved on to other projects". No response to my question of if that meant it was completley abandoned and no response to anyone making reports anymore answering my question. I uninstalled and left it be for a long while. I don't normally review as I don't normally have a lot of contructive things to say, but this is an exception as I realized that some people are actually still buying this game almost a year after its abandonment.

This is a warning: Don't buy this game expecting it to work. Can you have fun with it? Maybe, yeah. It wouldn't be the first broken game that some people still love to play. But if you find a game breaking bug at any point in the game that would force you to restart or anything, don't expect anything to be done about it.
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Delerat 4 Jan, 2019 @ 8:20pm 
This is pretty normal for development. You may be used to live games where they support it all along until they shut down the servers, but this is a game that was developed, until they were done and moved on. It doesn't warrant putting money toward something that no longer recoups money.