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This game sux :)
Bad control, bad graphic, everything is bad in this game.
They wanted to do something like Wipeout but... They just wanted.

The rest is pure f0k!n sh!t.
Even if this game is cheap, just keep your monney for a real game really. :)

Публикувана 26 юни 2016. Последно редактирана 5 април.
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83 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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666.1 изиграни часа (550.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Satan: I have an Army.
UAC: We have a Marine.


Ok Anyway lets write a serious review about this old but gold game.

The first Doom if i remember came out the 10 December 1993
What ??? In 1993 ??? That make this game 23 years old.

Yeah we still playing old Doom game today in 2016.
There are tons of badass mod, want some example ? Project Brutality.

There is tons of badass wad. ( wad are custom level made by fans )
Want some example ? Stronghold, Scythe I and II, Map of chaos, Nuts wad, A Doom Odyssey 2002 and many many mannnnyyyyy moreeeee !

This is Doom Ultimate With an older version of Project Brutality mod my best and preferate version btw.

No buIIshit here, load your guns and GO !

Wow \/\/tf !! This looks good for a 23 years old game !
Yeah totally my buey ! TOTALLY !

Its fast, there are lots of ennemy, lots of badass weapons !
The texture are nice, the light effect the sprite whatever my buey !
Its /\/uts simply as that !

I have to say that i very very rarely did any Doom game without mod.
Cause well sorry. Without mod its... Slow and borring in my opinion. In my opinion..... :)

But thats my opinion you understand ?
Doom without mod is good too, but i prefer the old Doom with my preferate mod.
Project Brutality

Tons of badass weapons, a lot of different ennemy ! Soundtrack are good, time to time custom soundtrack, other time originale one. Its fine !

Sprite, texture, lighting are well mad.

Its possible to play Doom Ultimate with Project Brutality and any ( almost ) any WAD you want without any problem ! Am not talking about Brutal Doom mod, cause in my opinion well this mod is ... Unfinished and borring :)

You want the best Doom and hardcore sI-Iiet experience ? >>> Project Brutality

This game.... Ultimate Doom.... Is another game that .....
Will Never Die !

This game is worth your monney ? HELL ♥♥♥♥♥ YEAH trust me !

Doom without mod... Its something different then Doom + PB mod for sure... !


Doom with Brutal Wolfenstein mod.... !


Публикувана 23 май 2016. Последно редактирана 5 април.
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243.0 изиграни часа (232.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Silent Hunter III .... a 2005 game but..... Remember what i already tell you before.....
Old but gold...

SH III is the best of the series..... !

Why ?? I will tell you why.

Because Silent Hunter III is very close to whats happen in 39 45 under the water.....
Yeah i am a big u-boat fan, i live close to the sea in a place where still WW II Bunker.
88 Canon, S Boot base and more.........
I collect WW I and WW II insignia, u-boat insignia, badge, eitterkreuz, bayonet bullet....
This dont make me a nazist x)

Ok back to SH 3, why is this old game realistic ?

Easy as that man.

You create a new carrier, you select your u-boat type + u boat crew, your torpedo,
select your Realism % then you start the game....

Your BDU will tell you that you have to patrol 24hoo in AL47 grid for example
but you can decid to avoid this, and patrolling where the fI_Ick you want.
THIS is badass !

You want to patrol in Gibraltar ? Go my friend GO !
You want to patrol in Reykjavik ? Go my friend GO !!
You want to patrol in Scapa Flow ? Go my friend GO !!!
THIS is badass !

Silent Hunter 3 is easy as that, you select your period time + u-boat type and your u boat crew.
Then you go where you want !
And again this is badass !
You wont receive any message saying like.
Hey you have to go there and destroy this \/essels.

NO ! In Silent Hunter 3 YOUR FREE to patrol where you want !
Just like in 39 45 period !

So what made this game badass ???

MOD ! My preferate one is for sure GWX gold + other couple of mod.
It can make your game looking like that >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuF-E9n-FZA

Hé héyyy !! Not bad mein Freund !
In any Silent Hunter game you can customize everythings, gramophone tracks,
texture from your u-boat, vessels, your crew men and way more...

But remember... If you are like me... A u-bot fan.....
You have to play and stay on Silent Hunter 3.
The 4 is okay but definitively not my kind, and Silent Hunter 5 is a big joke....

What else ? ....
Go for Silent Hunter 3....

/-\LAAAAaaarrrrmm !!

Публикувана 15 март 2016. Последно редактирана 11 ноември 2023.
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26.0 изиграни часа (25.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Wolfenstein.... Or RTCW you get me right ?

Actually ( when i write this review am 28 and soon 29 ) Date 27/12/2015 at 00:30 on the planet earth...... Sh!t !

I bought this game in 2001 in the beautiful metal box so the limited edition.
My friend at that time was jalous ^^
My mother was mad about me cause she always said it was a Nazi game, and me to tell her that it was just a game.....
And yes its just a game ! Dont confond game and reality.

Anyway let start.....

Wolfenstein using the graphic motor of quake 3. And hell yeah this graphic motor do perfectly his job, very very well optimized ( well we know its a old game ok.... ) But imagine those graphic in 2001.... I remember and it was just amazing !!

The graphic are still very enjoyable and nice ( i dont givashit about graphic btw except for Thief 1 ... )

The environnement are very nice, there are different kind of environement too, castle for sure, forest, ruins, airport, small village in the snow, laboratory, there is also a U-Boat with the symbole of the smiling sawfish on it. Das Boat movie reference ?
And way more stuff....

For sure if you are like me, saying that old game are .... Old but gold, you will, like me do the game in the hardest difficulty, your not a noob right ? You like it hard right ???...

So you will do the game in the I AM DEATH INCARNATE difficulty !

I did the game straight without pause, it took me around 7h30 the first time, using most of the time the sten, the G43 and the K98 + killing all the ennemy finding also all the secrets area....

For sure you will rage a little bit, the I.A ennemy are still very very very good ! They are smart, use environement object, use cover or take cover, throw back your grenade ^^

The badass thing in this game
The differents boss!
You can hear the ennemy reloading, so rush them and kick ther /-\ss
You can open the door by kicking them and destroying item too that way.
Definitively in this game the IA is so GOLD, the intelligence of the ennemy in the hardest difficulty is just amazing seriously !
Different and nice environement.

The sound i like them... Especially the sound of the Alarm.
But time to time the music can appear too much repetitive, so i like to play without during some mission
There is some infiltration mission ! You can also use the sten to stay silent if you want.
And also my preferate thing is that in almost all the level there is some secret area, if you see a place where you cant go its generally cause this place is secret and you have to find your self the way in.

Last thing.. If you see a couple of barrel near a wall... Shoot them....

The boots !! Yeah you can kick with your foot door for example !! This is nuts !!

But with your boots you can also kick.... Lets say some poster paint picture, radio, chair,windows, soldier, door for sure, SOME BOSS :D, zombie and more !!!! BOOTS THAT SH!T MAN !

Opening a door the normal way ? NO USE YOUR BOOTS BOOOOM HELL YEAH !!!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

What about the weapons now ? They are realist for some and fun for the other one ^^ But enjoyable.
My preferate is for sure the Sten with the silencer what the fuerk man seriously this gun.... pew pew pew pew pew pew shhhhhhhhh .... <3

The headshot in the game are real headshot, one shot in the head = Ennemy down ^^ So the Hitboxe are good and better then csgo hahahahaha ..... ( badjoke right ? ) ...

What else ??? I think you can really enjoy this game seriously.

Different weapons, different environement, ennemy too.
The story is not the most important in this game, there is some reference about Indiana Jones for example... ^^ Find yourself..

ps I am French my english is not perfect, but you get me right ? Wolfenstein is a must do.

ps² There still some player on Ennemy Territory mod... <3

To avoid open GL error at start of the game and to be able to use high resolution in the game install this patch

Be sure to read the README from the patch.

Link >>> http://www.markshan.com/knightmare/downloads/rtcw-sp-1.42c-win32-bin.zip

And also i just re finished the game in like 3hoo new record.. :D i love RTCW ............ <3


Публикувана 26 декември 2015. Последно редактирана 5 април.
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25 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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21.3 изиграни часа (10.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Thief Gold hmmm a very old game, but in Gold version. I dont even recognize the game when i played it long time ago !
Thief gold hmmm we generally say old but Gold, and HELL YEAH Thief Gold is old but GOLD !

And this game is worh your monney ! There is a lottttt of fan mission !
You can install the HD texture mod, the game looks so nice that way !

Thief is just ... One of those game that you need to have in your steam library, but also play it ok ?
Dont just buy it and thats it... Play it trust me the atmoshpere is very nice your just .... IN... You get me ?

I like the story of the game, the caracter, the weapons, the architecture of the level, the level design.
The different faction, hammerite,mechanist keepers and more, some funny and strenge ennemy.....
The cutscenes are amazing !

The ambiance of this game is also amazing ! There is a good variety of different ennemy, you can kill them all.....

Or do like me.... ! Being a Ghost seen by nobody ! And this is the way to play this game ! On expert difficulty i really enjoy
this game REALLY !

Well as i said, this game rox like hell GO ON !

So ??? Get Thief Gold apply HD texture mod... And wow what the fuerkkkk !! Beautiful ! Amazing ! .............

But am sure you get me >>> Get Thief GOLD apply HD texture mod AND ...................................

Публикувана 10 декември 2015. Последно редактирана 26 април.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1,224.0 изиграни часа (1,191.6 часа по време на рецензията)
I am French( Born in Ita), my English is not perfect !

So... NS ² ...

First of all.
I did NS 1 back in the day, and back in ... The Day it was an amazing mod !

So let talk about NS². ( I will not give too much details about all the game mechanics )
You need to invest yourself in NS 2 if you want to know any aspect of it.
Because NS ² is nothing like, say, Counter Strike.

NS 2 came out in 2012
In the beginning, the game was poorly optimised...
After these years you can now enjoy NS 2 without any problem for sure lol, I would say disable some graphics options like Bloom and everything else you do not like.
Remember, V-sync is Trash for sure.

Classic FPS + RTS Mechanical Gameplay for the Marines.
As an alien, you can play as Gorge Skulk Lerk Fade and Onos.
All of them have abilities/capacities and upgrades from the Hive.

Skulk can climb the wall and jump like mad doggo and can do some woof woof as well.
Gorge are the support class, they can heal other teammates and build structures.
And a bit more... :)
Lerk can fly, spike mines for example and more...
Fade can do some kind of teleportation ( not my stuff )

AND... Onos strong AF, able to destroy almost any structure in no time.
But do not be a yolonos sure...

Aim of the game ?

For Alien. Destroy the main commander's chair.
For Marine. Destroy the main alien hive.
Sounds very simple, does not it ?

Marines depend on the commander, you will ask him to give you ammo/medpacks and more...
A good commander will give you a very good marine gameplay/experience.
A crappy commander who only gives you crap (e.g. no ammo/meds) and you will hate NS 2... :)
There is an in-game menu for voice control.
A microphone is necessary for good communication and gameplay.
In NS² communication is very important. Team play is very important.

Main weapon is a simple rifle. You can have more weapons with upgrades.
You can deal more damage with Upgrade.
You can buy a welder to repair structures like resource towers, or to repair friends' armor.
Do you see a friend with low armor ? WELD HIM !
You can also buy jetpacks and even exos (like Robocop or rather CAIN ) but they are made of paper.
They are fragile. :) So welders needed. NS 2 is a team gameplay, not yolo Rambo.

Look, this is the Marine side.

Talking about the Alien side now.
My favourite side as a sci-fi lover.

As I said before, you can play as Gorge/Skulk/Lerk/Fade and Big Onos.
I love being a Noice Lerky and flying anywhere I want.
Skulk does not cost any resources, it's the main alien for everyone until you evolve.
Yes, it will cost you resources to evolve your life form.

Skulk can climb the wall, you can jump from wall to wall pretty fast.
By the way, hold down Ctrl to get faster.
It takes a while to master this technique. :)
You can mark marines, so they will be visible to every alien through wall for some time.
Do is. This is helpful for your team.

Gorge are the builder class.
They can build resource towers, they can heal structures and everyone else.
You can build defence, you have some spider web hydra and...
And a bit more stuff to help you out and survive. :)

Lerky is the flying one, my favourite for sure.
So. sure you can fly, you can also spike marine/mine and ... More.
No straight line or you will die... :)
Play smart, only attack one marine at a time in the beginning.
See if you have a gorge nearby to heal, otherwise GET BACK TO THE HIVE and get some healing :)

Fade is the alien that can sort of teleport, he looks like a praying mantis.
You are mean to KILL MARINE ! You will not do much structural damage.
Again... YOU are mean to kill Marine as a fade.

Big Onos. A bunch HP and armour.
But... Do not be a Yolonos...
You can be a dead Onos in no time.
As Onos, your best friends are... The Gorge.
They will stay behind you and heal you.

As Onos you can kill marines for sure, hmmm, do they have jetpack ?
Then be careful... You can still die... Pretty quick, trust me.
And you are the strongest alien doing the strongest structural damage.

NS 2 is not a perfect game, tickrate/netcode for example.
But... We love NS ² for what it is. Yes really.

I'll stop here, there's a lot more to tell you, but...
I want you to figure it all out for yourself, use the microphone and ask questions about things you do not understand.
Why build the node first and then the structure?
The node gives you energy in a room, then a resource tower can come on line and give you resources...

NS² is not that complex, but... NS ² is still a bit complex... :)
NS² has mechanics for each side that you need to know and understand.
NS² is not one of those FPS you see nowadays.

I understand NS² is from 2012, but we do not care how old a game is.
Let us talk about the community of NS².

Like in any game, there are toxic players (mute them and voila)
But there are also wonderful people who are willing to help you.
To teach you the game. To be your buddies and play with you.
The community is small, but not that small.
There are servers, you can play every day without problems.

You can find Rookie server only to learn the game.
Plz do not abuse of microphone gain in the game settings also...

ヽ༼ ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉ ༽ノ

A small NS 2 lexic to help you out.

CC= Commander Chair.
RT= Resource Tower.
JP= JetPack.
W 1 2 or 3 refer to Weapons upgrades. So W3 means weapons 3.
AA= Advanced Armory.
PG=Phase Gate


End of communication.


Публикувана 30 ноември 2015. Последно редактирана 5 април.
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