Suzuya Alter
鈴屋〔オルタ〕   Indiana, United States


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Fear is like a fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you, it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you. Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy.

If, let's say, you were to write a story with me as the main character, it would certainly be a tragedy. No. Everyone's the same, in fact. He's the main character of his novel, and she's the main character of her movie. All those that walk this earth are the main characters of their own tragedies. All steal, and from all, something is stolen. We can't help it. That's who we are. Steal, and be stolen. Imprison, and be imprisoned. Follow, and be followed. Do, and be done unto. Affirm, and negate. Over and over. And yet... We fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss. The people and places we love will one day surely be lost. We all will surely be forgotten. Life is sad. Empty. But, despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful. And... I consider. "Which one?" I choose. "This one." Forever choosing. Forever being chosen. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Their voices don't reach me. Even if i could hear them, I wouldn't know who spoke. I stop being myself, and my new self doesn't even know who I am. And when I open my eyes as if I'm about to die again, I always find myself in a strange world . . .

Uso no Uso, sore wa kururi to uragaeru .
A lie about a lie will turn inside out .

Once there were trees full of birds, Meadowlands vibrant with flowers;
Carefree the songs our children once sang, Gilding our minutes and hours.
Clouds came and covered the sun, The breath of the baleful unease
Turning to ashes flowers in their fields, Silenced the birds in their trees.

Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells -
Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams
That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves?

Stories of danger, fearless attack, Specters of plague and pain.
All of these ghosts of our own delusions come back;
And we'll be haunted again, haunted again.

For tho the storms are over and past, Tho the thunder's rage is quieted at last
Well this nightmare's laid me down in the rags here to mourn, Here to mourn.
The night has left us crippled with grief, As we strive to keep alive our belief,
But a loss so great, it clouds all our hopes for the dawn.

Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells -
Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams
That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves ? :Emil:

Stories of danger, fearless attack, Specters of plague and pain.
All of these ghosts of our own delusions are back;
Have we been fighting in vain? Fighting in vain ? :Lunar_Tear:

Let Justice be done, through the Heavens Fall .

FATTSUE SANbureMU sosu .
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✠ Anime Kami-Sama ✠ 14 Feb, 2018 @ 10:44am 
Happy Valentines Day:winteru:
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Neate 17 May, 2017 @ 1:17pm 
cool guy and team playa