Wild Thornberries Wild Thorns
Wild Thornberries Wild Thorns
15 July, 2015
ABOUT Wild Thornberries

In every game there exists a group of individuals who seek to kill and destroy everything people have built as if they have something to prove in a game what they cannot prove in life. This applies to the hardcore trolls- the people who make for a toxic atmosphere that bring down the gaming community. Some take an extra step and actually use aimbot and target finder to compensate for what they lack in the game, namely, skill. We seek to keep the game fun for all while maintaining a successful group, and we do this by befriending those who DO seek an enjoyable environment in which to play. This, however, does not mean we don't use PvP skills. In most cases, defending the new and inexperienced from the more experienced trolls is more difficult than taking advantage of the defenseless.

To ensure that we all get along, some rules must remain in place.

1. We are not hostile in environment- when coming into contact with others, try to get a name but remain ready for a fight. If they engage, kill them and report those players them and their tribe name to the rest of our tribe as "hostile KoSers" (Kill on Sight-ers). We will then target them.

2. We must reside in the same location- our HQ. We build wherever we want but must notify the rest of the tribe the build locations. Some places may be in enemy territory and may draw unwanted attention to the rest of the tribe. If you do build another residence, fort, or outpost outside of the HQ, put beds down and name them accordingly so people know where they spawn. In addition, you must keep dilos or dodos at the extended location in order for the group to receive notifications if attacked. You may sleep at that location, but all valuables are to be stored at the HQ or any other designated fortified bases in our governance.

3. Dinos are important to us all. Killing a tribe dino or an individual's dino is of course upsetting, so please be careful with them. If the dino is not yours, do not stray too far from HQ. If you do end up killing a dino by accident, you must replace it as soon as possible- most communal dinos are in continuous use. Help can and will be found with the taming process in the tribe.

4. Not to overstress storage... As previously stated, all items of moderate or considerable value, including weapons, are to be kept in the vaults or loot rooms found in the tribe's designated base.

5. Suggested loadouts- Don't leave home with expensive armor and weaponry. If you're going out to tame stuff or explore, use hide armor, metal spear, and a bow equipped with some tranq arrows and regular arrows. Also, carry a few stacks of berries.

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15 July, 2015