Voca-Beats |♫~VB~♫|
Voca-Beats |♫~VB~♫|
10 December, 2013
United States 
ABOUT Voca-Beats

The Vocaloid Database on Steam

~ Let The Beats Carry You Away ~

Vocabeats ~
One click and you'll see the difference in this group.
Changing the way you look at steam groups
Always changing and evolving to fit your style
Learn the different sides of your favorite singers
Opening the door to new singers for you to enjoy
Intertwining the best songs with the best voices
Dance your heart out!

In Joining Voca-Beats You Can

1. Evolve your music style and taste with hand picked favorites from other people just like you

2. Expand your playlists with new songs that you may have never heard before, or maybe that you've forgotten vocaloid or utauloid

3. Express yourself, whether it's talking non-sense in Shenanigans or Posting your favorite songs for everyone to enjoy and comment on

4. You can use us as a means to gain an audience! If you make your own songs or art, you can get people here to view your work and give you feedback!

5. You can even upload and share images or goof around on the Facebook[] page

The groups always looking to expand and gain more members as well as change to incorporate new ideas from you. Your ideas wont go unheard here.

This being said, as of January 1, 2015 we are now opening the doors to Utau! Now you can enjoy Vocaloids and Utaloids alike!

Real Talk Now
I'm always looking for ways to change things to make this group better. It was made primarily because when you look into joining other groups they doesn't usually offer too much and i hope to change that here in Voca-Beats

While i have not had to enforce and hard rules yet, i feel like i should at least state a couple obvious ones.

1. Respect Those in the group. - I want this to be like a second family, just be respectful and admit it when you know you've gone too far.

2. Don't post Nudity. - If you want to go there with people from the group and they don't mind, do it in a chat or pm, Not In The Discussions Or Comment Area

3. Don't Spam - Nobody likes a person that spams things (unless that thing is a bunch of choice tunes), specially if it's unrelated or not beneficial to the group. Also please use the handy dandy search bar to check if the song has been posted, all songs have been titled with their English or Romanji title (unless no English title has been given)

Besides those just use common sense.

Enjoy yourself here, and don't be afraid to ask things or comment on any of the discussions here.

~Welcome To The Family~

Discord Server[]
Important Changes and Updates!
Wishing you all a Happy New year!

I hope to have the group grow and have 2015 be our year full of new New music, change and adventures.

The Change for Voca-Beats this year will be the integration of Utauloids Within the group. You can get to the thread by doing to discussions and clicking on Utau on the right side under Vocaloids. There are currently several Utauloids there whos songs have been hand picked as a starter into this new area. However it is new to me so give me a little slack for being such a nub on them

We also have a moderator who has put together a drop box for any and all images based around vocaloids that you can join and add too. If you want to become a part of it just contact Timurovich or myself with your email and we will set you up with access to the images. Some of those images will also be put up on the Facebook[] page, which you can also add images too.

As always Enjoy yourself here and don't be afraid to socialize with us. We're like a second family here and I've yet to find anyone negative in the group yet.

Don't forget that we run off invites. Be sure to invite your friends that would enjoy a group like this.

Ideas for Prizes now up for discussion!
Voca-Beats reviews
"Don't take this seriously. Please."
Here are a few recent reviews by Voca-Beats
GumGum 8 Apr, 2020 @ 3:25am 
You're free to do anything you want related to vocaloid and similar honestly
XIMMIX 7 Apr, 2020 @ 8:57am 
Would it be okay for me to talk about a new machinema using garry's mod? It's going to feature Miku, Teto, and other VocaUTAU characters.
Zui 4 Apr, 2020 @ 8:50pm 
Browsing this after a couple years is definitely a trip
GumGum 3 Apr, 2020 @ 9:56pm 
It's a bit Inactive now but there's a decent archive from "blasts from the past" I suppose
XIMMIX 3 Apr, 2020 @ 6:41pm 
Random hello from a new member. Wanted to check out some VocaSynth related groups on Steam
GumGum 4 Feb, 2019 @ 6:44pm 
We all were Kappa
VIEW ALL (236)
Group Player of the Week: