The Drunken T Community Drunken T
The Drunken T Community Drunken T
9 March, 2013
United States 
ABOUT The Drunken T Community

Welcome to the home of DT!

Welcome to the Drunken T Community! This is the main page for our community where you can find news on anything happening. Feel free to talk to us on our TeamSpeak or Discord, information below!


- Drunken T Community
Chat and post memes.

New DT Rust Server
DT Update - March 16, 2017: TTT Server Updates + 4 YEARS OLD!
TTT Changes

  • [Add]: New Traitor weapon: Homing Pigeon. Aim at a target and throw. The bird will fly to the target and explode on impact.

  • [Add]: New scoreboard functionality: right-click on a player to see some commands that you may execute on them. For regular players this will have commands such as "Open Profile" and "Copy SteamID," for staff the menu will provide the ability to perform common administrative actions on the player, such as add slays or ban.

  • [Add]: New Flak Jacket accessory item in the PointShop. This costs 500 Potatoes and will reduce all explosion damage by 50%.

  • [Add]: There are new dialogue lines when using the quickchat commands, and now every command has at least one line of dialogue associated with it that your character will say.

  • [Add]: Donators with access to custom text chat colors now have the ability to set their chat color on their own. Type "!setmychatcolor help" to learn how and see the list of available colors.

  • [Add]: Added a "!help" chat command that tells you how to view the rules of the game.

  • [Add]: Menus in the PointShop when you click an item now have icons next to the various options you have, such as "Buy" and "Sell."

  • [Add]: The maps "ttt_bungalows" and "ttt_castle_2011_v3_day" have been re-added to the map vote.

  • [Add]: An added functionality to have a custom tag along with the rank tag has been added to the chat tags script. This is currently unused, but may be added as a Donator perk in the future.

  • [Update]: The Easter Eggs system has been completely rewritten. You will have to rediscover all of the Easter Eggs again. The command to view your discovered Easter Eggs has been changed to "!myeggs" and will now show you your discovered eggs in a GUI menu instead of printing to the console. It now also shows you the text of the Easter Egg instead of only which number it corresponds with. Internally, the script has been vastly improved.

  • [Update]: The chat commands script has been completely rewritten. More actions now have multiple commands (such as how "!steam," "!group," and "!steamgroup" all do the same thing). The color of the player's name in the chat notification has been re-colored to prevent confusion. Internally, the script has been vastly improved.

  • [Update]: The Jihad Bomb effects when initiating have been modified. The effect has been changed from "Sparks" to "HelicopterMegaBomb" and "cball_explode" simultaneously, as well as displaying the effects multiple times per second until detonation. This makes the Jihad Bomb much more noticeable when it has been engaged.

  • [Update]: Some Traitor and Detective weapon names were altered to be more consistent with the "(T)" and "(D)" prefixes that have been added.

  • [Update]: The start weapon script was rewritten, but still maintains the exact same functionality.

  • [Update]: Staff colors on the scoreboard are now handled by the TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer hook instead of being coded directly into the scoreboard.

  • [Update]: PointShop title bar text has been changed to "DT Community PointShop."

  • [Update]: Core Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode files have been updated and merged with our custom modifications.

  • [Update]: "Custom ULX Commands" addon updated to latest from GitHub.

  • [Fix]: The map "ttt_minecraft_67thway_b9" would not download properly due to the name being changed by multiple updates to the map on the Steam Workshop. This has been fixed and now downloads correctly.

  • [Fix]: A new version of the map "de_dolls" was added to the server due to the one we were using previously being removed from the Steam Workshop.

  • [Fix]: The error message "SWEP ([someweapon]) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbase) - Expect errors!" message on server startup and mapchange has been fixed. This was caused by WeaponSkins weapons using the weapons.Get() function in order to derive variables from their standard non-skinned versions. Using weapons.GetStored() instead has fixed this issue.

  • [Fix]: On some resolutions, the T-buddy avatar images on the Traitor HUD would render on top of the PointShop menu, making some parts of the PointShop difficult to use. This has been fixed.

  • [Fix]: The (T) Defibrillator weapon icon is no longer a missing texture.

  • [Fix]: Fixed Lua errors that would occur when Console sent chat messages.

  • [Fix]: Jihad sounds in PointShop would display in the preview pane even though there is no reason they should. This is now no longer the case.

Some things you can look forward to in the future:
- The Detective P99 NightHawk burns bodies, but shouldn't this needs to be fixed. (This has been around for a really long time, but I never got around to fixing it)
- Some of the map vote icons need to be fixed because the maps were updated.
- The P229R doesn't have a working icon. This should be fixed.
- The MP40 also doesn't have a working icon. This should also be fixed.
- Some M16 weapon skins are being planned for removal since nobody uses some of them.
- You may also expect some new weapon skins in the future, but I'm not sure when.
- I would like to add some more maps. Please come to me with any suggestions you may have.

Other News

Since development on the server has been picked up again more recently, I've decided to make a Trello in order to keep track of changes that have been made, what I am currently working on, what I have plans for, and what changes are going to be made to the server in the future. I've never used this before so it may be dumb and not very useful, but I figured it would be something cool for those who may be interested.

Some other news as of late:
- If you somehow missed it, we now have a Discord server! Here is an invite link: Please join and chat with us!

4 Years Old!

Thank you everyone who has been active on the TTT server recently, and everyone who has been a part of the community for so long. The Drunken T Community turned 4 years old in February this year! This is a great accomplishment that not many gaming communities are lucky enough to enjoy. So thanks again, every one of you!

- [DT] bamq

Suko 26 Jun, 2020 @ 7:40am 
Take the chance.
Seeder33 17 Dec, 2018 @ 4:02am 
bam 16 Dec, 2018 @ 8:22pm 
Qwiqk 16 Dec, 2018 @ 8:22pm 
Seeder33 16 Dec, 2018 @ 8:18pm 
test test, is everyone dead? :steambored:
bam 13 May, 2017 @ 8:51pm 
Restarted it, should be fixed
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9 March, 2013
United States