Team ThunderDiamond <TTD>
Team ThunderDiamond <TTD>
Fondé le
25 mai 2014
À PROPOS DE Team ThunderDiamond

Team ThunderDiamond

What is this about?

TTD is a group where kind people can find other players to play various multiplayer and co-op games together.

~Group for lovely gaming as a team~

To be an official member, you have to be moderator (moderator doesn't have permissions for editing, only admins have). To get this rank, at least 1 person has to recommend you at the discussion post.

Rules / Requirements to get and stay at the group:
1. Be nice and kind, rude people will be kicked off. Of course everyone has bad days, if someone reports admin about your bad behaving, you won't be insta-banned. You will get a warning, you have 2 warnings and 3. time you will be banned.
2. No advertisting to other groups or other stuff you've made - Sharing a coop or multiplayer game is okay, this is why the group is for.
3. English only. Of course if you are taking private teamspeak/skype/mumble/steam VOIP, it's okay if your teammates can understand you. Speaking in multiplayer game with other language isn't kind to other people, if they can't understand it.
4. Of course, in multiplayers, be kind to non-team people as well. If the player is hacking or what-so-ever, just report and block him/her, thank you.
5. Normal rules which are likely everywhere; example "no spamming" "no nudity" etc.
6. For joining: you should own at least 1 multiplayer/coop game which we can play with you.
7. Do not ask to be an admin, answer is no, we add you if we see reason to.
8. All gaming requests are going to its belonging game; CS:GO goes to CS:GO discussion.
8.1 Also, don't do duplicate of a discussion, there's a search bar which you can use to see is that game included already at the discussion list.