\\Southern X// \\SX//
\\Southern X// \\SX//
12 July, 2010
how2aim? 6 Sep, 2023 @ 7:19am 
you wouldn't play KF in the year of our lord 2023. go on. you wouldn't do it.
Milk Famous 16 Aug, 2015 @ 4:46am 
r i p o7
Glenopski 17 Feb, 2015 @ 9:18am 
Server2pro4me. Good fun~ c:
Charlie 3 Sep, 2014 @ 3:20am 
Awesome :)
Alopex 2 Sep, 2014 @ 12:43am 
A Killing Floor focused Australian gaming community? Hmm Yes. :) *takes a seat*
Gojira 5 Jul, 2012 @ 12:13pm 
hmmm at least we didnt call the server Gojiras Bumhole :P....
Weird Fucking Cat 24 Jun, 2012 @ 4:12am 
The other night was fun, I promise if we play KF more often, then I'll stop tricking you all into joke maps like Biotech Incident and firechess*, and we can stick to proper maps (Heresey IS a proper map, BTW).

*Pretty sure we took firechess off rotation, though.
Weird Fucking Cat 22 Jun, 2012 @ 5:46am 
So, I've some three day guest passes for Red Orchestra 2 for anyone who wants them, no time limit, I don't think, so hit me up if you want them.
MiniManHulk 14 Jun, 2012 @ 2:19am 
Dear god it's deepthroat!
Weird Fucking Cat 20 May, 2012 @ 6:24am 
So, anyone like Payday: The Heist? I've a friend I play it with regularly (just me hosting private server), and two extra copies for any SX members who feel like a bit more diversity in our gaming repertoir, I know at least you have a copy, JT.

Also, holy fish paste batman! Its deepblue, I know that guy, welcome to the club, we're mighty friendly, but poorly organised, so feel free to bother us (or me at least) for a game anytime.
Deepblue888 17 May, 2012 @ 10:21pm 
:P I'm new member!
-Kaz 22 Apr, 2012 @ 6:18am 
Thank you Vin and Vul :D
As you may of noticed Teamape has not only joined but arranged several SX events which I plan to attend myself and hope the rest of you will attend when you can.
As I hoped, we will likely see a revival of the original SouthernX.
Weird Fucking Cat 22 Apr, 2012 @ 5:19am 
Well, I would call the reunion a success, with appearances from a number of the gang, and the glorious glow of a scoreboard filled with SX tags, let's get on it again soon so Vulcan can get in on it, since we kinda owe the reunion to him and JT, oh, and we need to convince Teamape to officially become ONE OF US!
Vulcan 4 Apr, 2012 @ 1:47am 
people up for some k floor tonight? Vinculi will be on later after work. If not tonight maybe add a night as an upcoming event?
-Kaz 3 Apr, 2012 @ 8:25pm 
Teamape is currently an admin on the SX server, so he would alway be online.
As for a reunion, I really do like this idea, count me in.
Weird Fucking Cat 3 Apr, 2012 @ 6:38pm 
well, i'm more then happy to dust off the old clan tag. I went offline for a few months (not by choice) and when I came back the group had gone quiet, but i'm with ya. I know JSU and teamape still hit up kf, and the SX server is still up and running.
Vulcan 3 Apr, 2012 @ 6:30pm 
i remember the good old days... Vinculi, Catbrush, JTemby, SpE-d and i used to hit up K-floor for hours at a time... *nostalgia*
Vulcan 3 Apr, 2012 @ 6:24pm 
Havent played with you guys for ages. All went to the shit after that other group started being douches.Should have a reunion game!
Weird Fucking Cat 10 Jan, 2012 @ 12:32am 
So if anyone cares i'm back from the dead and looking to play some killing floor again with y'all if you're interested, so send me an invite sometime.
Worst Player :] 3 Jan, 2012 @ 5:47am 
imma back coz i finily got my killing floor installed to my desktop(xemnas/psycho here
[S7G] String 10 Nov, 2011 @ 2:56pm 
Well when we all had mics working it was kick ass, when we have to stop and type mid game we died if i remember last time we played Kaos.... ;)
Weird Fucking Cat 16 Aug, 2011 @ 4:41am 
So out of curiosity, do we like E.Y.E enough to make it a thing? Cos i'd be up for that (looks at JSU)...
Ricwulf 26 Jun, 2011 @ 3:36am 
+1 to Temby in regard to Wraith's comment.

But in regards to any of the MMO genre Temby, it is a simple matter of using the clan function and having people "put in a form" or something of that nature into the group, with their username and any other information in regards to the game that might be needed(Rank, class, etc.)
As for hosting games outside of KF, that is a while away I know, but I'm just thinking a little bit ahead. I used to be from quite a large clan a few years back now, and they spanned over 5 mainstream games, and 3 "minorstream"(for lack of a better word) games, and growing still. Each division had different admin, that was underneath the head admins of course. Each division had around 3-5 servers minimum(excluding the MMO division), with an event server that was used around twice a week. I was truely impressed with how big and organised the clan was.

Anyway, I hope that one day we might become as good as that.
-Kaz 23 Jun, 2011 @ 10:06pm 
Let Wrath's comment be an example of why we created our own community.
-Kaz 22 Jun, 2011 @ 9:33pm 
@ \\SX// Dr.Ricwulf.
I myself, am quite keen to branch out and establish Southern X into other games such as the popular Champions Online.
My one issue with this however is server hosting with games outside of KF or the MMO genre.

As for Alien Swarm, I am happy to set up a temporary private server on planned event with SX...
Which hopefully will be soon.
Ricwulf 21 Jun, 2011 @ 11:30pm 
Hey, I know that I'm new, and only just joined, but can I make the suggestion that instead of just limiting the community to Killing Floor as the game we all play, we have divisions, as in the Killing Floor division, <Game1> division, <Game2> division, etc.
It is just a suggestion, and as for games, I was thinking maybe something like Alien Swarm or one of the Free to Play games that was released on Steam recently.
Khaos 10 Sep, 2010 @ 6:29pm 
If I could make another suggestion: It will help the clan a *lot* if we all have headsets with a quality mic. I have one but the mic is compromised (I've tried fixing it, but the result isn't stable enough to be always clear).
Just a suggestion - and I guess its not a big deal while we are just getting to know each other but in the long run I think this is vital...