"The Price of Peace" RP ThePoPeRP
"The Price of Peace" RP ThePoPeRP
25 July, 2017
ABOUT "The Price of Peace" RP

What is your price of peace?

"We in Poland do not know the concept of 'peace at all costs'. There is only one thing in the life of countries and nations that is truly priceless: That thing is honour!" ~Józef Beck 1939

"Why if I do say myself, THIS RP IS DEAD!" ~Otto Von Bismark 2491

1 day = 3 Months
Current Date: Apr - May - Jun 1941

  • Burned
  • Hawkeye
  • Fascist Frodo

The date is March 1940. Last September, the German Reich, led by Adolf Hitler attacked its neighbour of Poland. Hitler did not expect the Polish allies to respond to their cry to help. On the 2nd of September, the French armies pushed through the German border, quickly capturing the undefended land. By november, the British marines had landed in Hamburg and were capturing the coast. Poland had held on long enough to force the Germans to split their armies. Once that decision was made - the fate of Germany was sure. And this time, the allies would not allow Germany to rise again. The treaty ending the war was signed in February in Berlin. Now the world is once again at peace, but, for how long?


Starting Map[]
Current Map[]
"Pen to paper"
Hopeful Expansion.

President Edwin J. Barclay seeing how modern many countries have become, President Barclay has decided to put Pen to Paper. He has decided to expand Liberia, he wishes to trade with more countries, and also wishes to make Liberia more industrialized, he asks for foreign investers to help, he wishes foreign companies to settle in Liberia, he also wishes to expand the military, he wants to found a Navy and Airforce for defence of the nation or to come to by request incase their Protector, the USA calls for their assistance.

Protectorate Status

Speaking on our protectorate status, recently the Liberian Government and the United States Government, had signed a agreement bringing our tiny nation under the USA's watch, however the United States government has allowed Liberia to have diplomatic ties with most Nations in the world, and no money tax or gift is to be given to the USA (even though there will be a few) and the USA hasnt said it requires the help of the new Liberian Armed Forces, however President Barclay has declared quote:

Our fathering nation, of the United States, we will come to the aid of the United States in their time of neef, if or when that day comes, we will help defend the freedoms and liberties of the United States, as im sure they would do the same for us".

National Flag:

National Coat of Arms:

The Phoenix Rises - Land of Morning Calm
  • Firstly, the acting government of Korea, shall become a Constitutional Monarchy, led by a coalition of parties. The first Head of Government shall be Prime Minister Lyuh Woon Hyung, leading the Moralist Social Democrats, in coalition with Worker's Party of Korea, Liberal Party, Women's Party, and the Korea Disarmament Society. The other major parties include the National Power Enablement Society, the People's Nationalist Party, and the Chaebol Consulate Party.
    Moralist Social Democrats - 55 (18.33%) Worker's Party of Korea - 44 (14.66%) National Power Enablement Party - 39 (13%) Liberal Party - 37 (12.33%) People's Nationalist Party - 35 (11.66%) Chaebol Consulate Party - 32 (10.66%) Women's Party - 20 (6.66%) National Vengeance Party - 17 (5.66%) Union of Democratic Fascists - 10 (3.33%) Korea Disarmament Society - 8 (2.66%) Syndicalist Union of Korea - 3 (1%)

  • Secondly, Yi Kang, has been proclaimed as Emperor of Korea by the authority of the Provisional Government and the First National Assembly. His Imperial Majesty was given authority over the Phoenix Throne, and his line, the Kang Yi House shall be the successors to the throne. His brother, Crown Prince Yi Eun has been taken into custody, and is due to be tried in Seoul National Supreme Court. Her Majesty Princess Deokhye has also been brought back to Seoul to serve as Duchess of Gyeonggi. Rumors swirl around Seoul that Her Majesty has reportedly taken a liking to His Excellency, Kim Il-Sung.

  • Third, General Kim Il-Sung is henceforth promoted to the position of Marshal of the Armed Forces. He is to report to His Imperial Majesty and the National Assembly as leader of the Armed Forces. There is also to be established a National Defense Ministry, which is to administrate co-operatively with the Armed Forces, and report to the National Assembly and Emperor. Until the national Constitution is formulated and fully agreed upon, His Excellency, Kim Il-Sung, is to report directly to His Majesty, Emperor Yi Kang.

  • Fourth, the First National Assembly shall be established as a national body, not drawn with regards to provincial borders. The National Assembly shall draw up a map of the new provinces of Korea, and further National Assemblies shall be based on that template. The next National elections will be held in 1945, and after that, occur every 5 years.

Furthermore, the people of the great Empire of Korea give thanks to their leaders and people of the provisional government, along with all who have given their life in service of the cause, especially those who died in the Yunbi Hall Massacre. A government based on original, truly Korean principles of separation of power and cross-accountability shall ensure that the nation shall progress smoothly and with great haste towards a brighter future for Korea and the World.

Burned 7 Aug, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
Community Discord Y'all
The Only Dan Ivan 7 Aug, 2017 @ 10:19am 
Burned 7 Aug, 2017 @ 10:15am 
Fixed ?
The Only Dan Ivan 7 Aug, 2017 @ 9:59am 
I can't post annoucements for some odd reason
Burned 5 Aug, 2017 @ 11:30pm 
Jan - Feb - Mar 1940
Arthur Hood 5 Aug, 2017 @ 7:01pm 
What was the starting month and day in rp?
Enter chat room
25 July, 2017