Anti Catfishes NOFAKES
Anti Catfishes NOFAKES
13 June, 2017
ABOUT Anti Catfishes

We've all run into one

There are so many people on steam actually pretending to be a girl, yet they are guys. My most recent case has inspired me to make this group to help people to figure out the person they're talking to is actually a guy behind a female picture.

This person would give me "their" instagram, but wouldnt be able to follow me and has received a message, I said I sent but never did. Figured I'd ask the actual owner of the account if the steam acc Im talking to is hers. Apparently not.[]

Here's some very basic tips and tricks for you:
  • Make sure the person has some sort of social media accounts. Almost every girl has at least Facebook or Instagram. Make sure their account wasnt set up just recently but is a couple years old, depending on their age. The older and the more pics the more likely it is to be legit.
  • Make sure whatever social media account you're checking is actually their account. Talk to them on there.
  • Check if they have pictures other than the ones on their social media. Especially a few without filters.
  • Take one of their pics, especially if its a "lewd" one and go to It's a reverse image search engine and will tell you if its taken from any website.
  • Everyone has a phone. Very few people have 2 though. Check if the person has WhatsApp. Its understandable they wouldnt want to give out their number to strangers but a screenshot wont hurt.
  • Does the person have videos of themselves? Instagram for example doesnt allow you to rightclick > save pics. And you cant take screenshots of videos, so they are less likely to be stolen.

These are just some basic things. Of course it doesnt automatically mean that a girl who doesnt have WhatsApp automatically is a catfish, there are exceptions to everything.
I hope less of you socially awkward people will fall for fakes all over the internet now and if you wanna contribute with a few tips, feel free to contact me. :)
Furoki 10 Sep, 2022 @ 7:26pm 
im not into catfish girls!
✠ Sgt.Sauerkraut ✠ 9 Nov, 2020 @ 2:55pm 
feel free to add me
LD3 [Sideous Sin] 25 Jan, 2018 @ 10:07pm 
Does it count as a catfish if it's a girl, but they never tell you their age and you have cam sex with them, only to find out they are underage and they blackmail you the recorded cam footage? That happened to be a few weeks ago. Luckily, no backlash (and hopefully none at all).
Fitzy 3 Jul, 2017 @ 11:23pm 
Wow, just met up with a catfish few hours ago, it was fucking funny
Alissah 3 Jul, 2017 @ 5:34am 
Ohai. Apparrently i got invited to this like 2 weeks ago xD
sushi 2 Jul, 2017 @ 2:09am 
This makes me all tingly inside
Enter chat room
13 June, 2017