Newcomer Tournament NS2 NewTo NS2
Newcomer Tournament NS2 NewTo NS2
4 January, 2015
ABOUT Newcomer Tournament NS2

Newcomer Tournament NS2

Join this group to receive information and material, concerning the Pre-Season-6 Newcomer-Tournament of NS2 - the best FPS/RTS-Hybrid out there!
The Help Document[]
What Next?

I hope many of the seen teams feel motivated to join us in the upcoming Season 6. Five of the new teams[] already joined us for the next season, so you will be in good company ;)

The registration for Season 6 works the very same as for the tournament and is already open.

But that's not all you can do. Another tournament aiming specifically at Division 4 teams (that's the Division new teams usually start in) is upcoming. The Divisional[] is organised by Schwa and will happen at NA/EU-friendly times. To make that one extra-spicey: There is a small (less than a dollar per team-member) entry-fee and the pot is shared between top three teams.

The registration for the Divisional is open until the 15th of February. The tournament itself is starting on 21st of February and spans one weekend.

What Cool Things did Happen in your Game?

In the groupstage we produced over 20 hours of gameplay. Yesterday we ramped that to more than a day (24 hours, for the people wondering)! You can find all the links to that games here[].

When you watch those games, we have a little request to you:

Narkoweed could make a highlight-video for us, but he has no time to go through all the material himself.

This is how you can help: Note down the timestamps to the games, whenever you see something, which you think is worthy to be shown in the highlight video. This might be
  • an amazing lifeform-kill,
  • a great dodging and escape of a lifeform,
  • a perfect crush on a PG,
  • crazy strats,
  • other unexpected twists and moves.
  • Hives or CCs going down,
  • commentators losing it,
  • ...

Further the following information comes very handy:
  • timestamps of a round starting
  • timestamps of a round ending

When you have noted those timestamps, just post them as comment down here or send them directly to me. I will collect all of these and relay them to Narkoweed.

Thanks in advance.

I hope to see many of you on the field again - but that time... as opponents >:)

Maps and Sides in the Semifinals and Finals
  • Summit
  • Tram
  • Biodome
  • Veil
  • Descent
  • Jambi

Team B vetoes one map of that pool. That map will not be played in the match between Team A and Team B. Afterwards Team A vetoes another map, reducing the map-pool to a total of 4 maps.

Team A then picks either: The side they want to play on (Marines or Aliens) or the first map (which must come from the above reduced map-pool).

Team B afterwards specifies sides or map, depending on Team A’s choice.

From now on the sides switches each round.

The choice of map switches from team to team every map, regardless of who picked the first map. Each map of the map-pool can only be picked once.

Team A is better seeded versus Team B. Team B vetoes Summit and then Team A vetoes Veil, leaving the map-pool with: Tram, Biodome, Descent and Jambi. Team A picks Aliens as side for the first round, leaving the choice for the first map to Team B, who picks Jambi. So, denoting the Marine-team first, the first two rounds are:
Team B vs. Team A on Jambi
Team A vs. Team B on Jambi

Afterwards the choice of map switches to Team A. They can pick any of Tram, Biodome and Descent. They decide for Tram. So the third round is:
Team B vs. Team A on Tram

If no team has won 3 rounds yet, the fourth round is:
Team A vs. Team B on Tram

If still no winner is determined, a tie-breaker needs to be played, the choice of map switches again to Team B. They can pick either Biodome or Descent. Team B will also play Marines on this last map.

The Seedings
The better seeded teams in the two semifinals are PreAlpha and Swipey's Walkerfades. For finals the seedings are from top to bottom:

PreAlpha/Swipey's Walkerfades (both have the same amount of points and wins)
Insert Team Here

If both PreAlpha and Swipey's Walkerfades reach the finals the team, which lost less rounds in the Semifinals is seeded better. If there is still a tie the seeding will be decided by lottery.

You Pick Live on the Server
Vetoeing and picking sides/teams will happen at match time and is moderated by the Casters/Refs.

What Server to Start on?
In case of a match between an EU and NA team, the team, which picks map first also decides, if the first map will be played on an EU or NA server. Afterwards - as in the group stage - the server will be changed, as maps are changed.

TAW| tudy 8 Feb, 2015 @ 2:50pm 
Congrats to Swipey's Walkerfades for winning the Newcomer Tournament!

Also thanks to all participants, we have seen really good and amazing games. You did a great job in holding the schedule, as well!

And of course thanks to all helpers, casters and refs!
TAW| tudy 1 Feb, 2015 @ 4:11am 
Third World Internet had some troubles and is retreating from the tournament. Thankfully Mega_ jumped in to save the day and (re)gathered a mix of players. So, the team Third World Internet is replaced by the team "Der Blanke".
TAW| tudy 30 Jan, 2015 @ 5:12am 
Note: We added a small rule about the break in between matches, when switching from EU to NA servers or vice versa:

The break (still 5 minutes) starts running, as soon as both whole teams are connected to the new server.
TAW| tudy 29 Jan, 2015 @ 2:59pm 
Here is the presentation of our awesome cast: Awesome Presentation []
TAW| tudy 29 Jan, 2015 @ 9:32am 
The final spot have been taken. With the NAllStar-Team we have 12 teams registered, good job everyone!
Chocapix 29 Jan, 2015 @ 1:42am 
Looking for teams to practise. Interested ? Just contact me then !
Enter chat room
4 January, 2015