< Knights of Equestria> <KoE>
< Knights of Equestria> <KoE>
7 January, 2012
ABOUT < Knights of Equestria>

<KoE> - The Steam Group

A steam group set up for our Spiral Knights guild, <Knights Of Equestria>!

This'll likely be used for the wiki's current notice flow, eventually (see:years). Might also make it easier to contact somepony.

If you don't see somepony and you have them added, invite 'em!

- - - Wiki Guild Page[]
Divine & Volcanic Warden Helms in the Supply Depot for 24 hours!
Hello again, Knights!

Just thought I'd be complete and announce that a new round of Warden Helms have popped up in the Supply Depot for 3,595e for 24 hours!

This time it's only the Divine and Volcanic variants, and I'm sure the Armors and respective Tails will follow suit tomorrow and the next day respectively.

Come get the helms that make you look like a pony! :ponyisland:

Warden Helms in the Supply Depot for 11 more hours!
Greetings, Knights!

Sorry for rattling this old guild from its peaceful rest. You older Knights may know me as Von-Kaiser, back from the old days when KoE was active. I wanted to announce that Warden Helms are currently being sold in the Supply Depot for 2,495 Energy for only 11 hours more!

Personally, I have been wanting my own helmet like this since 2014, so you can imagine my excitement when a Kozma inventory bot alerted me to them returning to stock after so long. These Helms haven't been circulating since the Colossal Boxes dropped.

I hear that the Warden Armor is to drop tomorrow after the Warden Helms are removed from the Supply Depot, and will only be available for 24 hours like the Helm.

Finally, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for the wonderful time I had with KoE. I'm going to stick to this Guild 'till the game shuts down. If you've moved on, I hope you all have had good times!

Keep calm, and canter on, Knights! :skhand::ponyisland:

Descriptivist 18 Nov, 2024 @ 3:16am 
Keep calm and canter on
Material Defender 15 Oct, 2020 @ 9:25am 
I am an officer of the guild, and the current upkeep is 40,000 which is probably cause of the fee required cause it went into default, I don't know the regular cost, I would need to know your ingame name to invite you into the guild.
Langrel 15 Oct, 2020 @ 2:15am 
Hey, I wonder how much a month does this guild cost to uphold? Because I have some crowns and not much to spend them on anymore, since I got just about everything I wanted in the game, which is NOT dead btw, if you know the owner of the guild, assuming they are in fact still reachable, contact me. I want to take this guild and at least keep the GH open, as much as I can, to show that bronies still play this game.
Lyze 12 Dec, 2017 @ 10:28pm 
無駄! 無駄! 無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄! 無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄!  無駄! 無駄!
Latiax Z. Drac 25 May, 2017 @ 1:53pm 
*pokes head back in* Guess what? *pops in* I'M BACK, and this time, with exciting news! Spiral Knights finally, FINALLY got a CONTENT UPDATE! GO CRAZY! :D
Latiax Z. Drac 15 Jan, 2017 @ 8:11pm 
I guess this is my final message to this guild, it was a fun time while it lasted, but, I think that it's time to move on to a more active guild. This is Officer Latiax signing out for, sadly, the last time for this guild. *Sadly salutes*
Enter chat room
7 January, 2012