[FH] FragHouse [FH]
[FH] FragHouse [FH]
10 June, 2010
United States 
ABOUT [FH] FragHouse

Organizing Frags Daily

Machinima, Webpage, and Hardcore gaming group.

Still constructing main website.

Under Construction - FragHouse Beta Site[]
Twitch Page[]
YouTube Page
[FH] The Move
Hey Fraggers,

I was originally going to post that I was going to be inactive for a complete month. Meaning no server hosting, or streaming or any of that fun stuff...


I was able to make some changes into getting my internet relocated to the new place, I already have internet here, but its pretty poor and is barely good enough for gaming online. But by tomorrow I should have all servers back up and running, including the Teamspeak. For those of you that keep up with Feed the Beast, the latest Direwolf20 pack should be coming up soon, and I will be hosting a server for that. PM for more info about that going online if you're interested in joining us.


Yes, I will also be streaming again. Finally starting to feel some motivation come back. I'm going to try to stream every day, but again, that really all boils down to my motivation. Halloween is coming up really close, so I'll be streaming some horror and gory games for the next few days, along with the usual Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and even a new game that I'm pretty sure no one on Twitch is even playing. Dun dun dun.

[My Twitch Channel][]


My YouTube channel has been pretty dead lately, but I've been slowly working on a video lately. Its about that new game I was talking about streaming... as far as progress goes on that.. I've only gotten really basic edits done with it, so honestly I'd give it a rough 13% done... Also doesn't help that the video editor keeps crashing, but I'll find a work-around. Its just hard to decide what direction to go with on it, but I have a good idea and will hopefully get that done soon.

[My YouTube Channel]

Aaaaand that seems to be it. TL;DR: Hosting servers again hopefully tomorrow, and will be streaming again hopefully tomorrow.

Happy Fragging!

-Xerxeth :deadskull:

[FH] Steam Activity
Hey Fraggers,

Going to be a little more active with this group on Steam. Well, maybe not "active", but a little more informative.


A lot of you don't know that I do host servers for the group. And usually they're servers running some custom heavy content, so I'll be posting over here some conveinent links for those that don't have access to the Teamspeak.

Currently, I am not hosting any servers other than the Teamspeak server. In the near future I'll be bringing up a Direwolf 1.7 Feed the Beast Minecraft server, a normal Vanilla Minecraft server, an occasional Garry's Mod, and Counter-Strike: Source server.


For anyone interested, I'll try to be scheduling some group events, where we can all get together and play some games. A lot of these will probably be CS:GO, but I'll be sure to open up other lobbies for Killing Floor, Unturned, Garry's Mod, etc. You get the idea, at some point. Everyone will also have temporary access to the Teamspeak server, just be sure to leave a comment that you'd like the TS info when an event is up.


I currently have two YouTube's, a personal one where I do whatever, and one specifically for [FH] FragHouse. [FH] has basically become my Gaming Channel, where I just upload highlights of my stream or some pretty average gaming frag videos. I'd say some of my content is worth checking out, as I try not to just upload crap. I even re-did and re-uploaded one of my videos because I wasn't happy with it.

Anyways, if you have some gaming-related videos that you've made and would like to upload to the channel please feel free to contact me about it. In the future, any revenue generated from specifically YOUR video, I'll be sure to give you a cut of that. But seeing as the channel is fairly new and not that popular, that's not going to happen for awhile. I originally wanted [FH]'s channel to be a community channel, not just me. We'll see where the future goes.

My Twitch channel you can find here[].
The YouTube channel you can find here.

I think that's all I wanted to cover for right now, have a good night!

- Xerxeth :deadskull:

luigidragon54 6 May, 2021 @ 5:00am 
you know what.... quarantine sucks
Chummmy 4 Jun, 2015 @ 2:43pm 
i wipe my ass with $200:csgoanarchist:
luigidragon54 29 Jun, 2014 @ 4:54pm 
62 now, woot woot
Gilly Star 27 Oct, 2013 @ 12:37am 
Good ppl very nice GG GLHF
FlashhBack 9 Jul, 2011 @ 11:09pm 
Does anyone own a Terarria server?