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Dyankovo Dyankovo
7 October, 2021
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Avoid these type of scams at any cost.
The Voting Scam

The scammer will send you a link asking you to vote for his team so that they can win. Once you open the website, a virus will be downloaded on your computer that will take over your Steam account, and you will lose everything. So don't click the link no matter what.

If you see such a message, you should contact the friend (if you are connected through social media) from whose account you got the message. It is important to let your friend know that his account has been hacked if he doesn't know it already.

Another way of a voting scam is recently so called "Skin Creators" asking people to subscribe for their skin artwork to be able to win a competition and what they basically will do is beg you and send you a link to a website. Even if the website looks legit and protected do never login on a website that a random stranger sends you via Steam you might feel bad about him but in the end he is the guy that wants to scam you off of your precious skins.

The most important rule of not getting scammed on Steam is to never click a link. Even if my own brother sends me a link on Steam, I won't click it. If someone wants to send you a link, ask them to send you the link somewhere else because you don't click links on Steam.

PayPal Scams

This is pretty common and effective method used by the scammers where they claim to send you money through PayPal in exchange for your skins. Usually, they will chargeback the amount after you send them your items, and PayPal might not do anything to help you in this case.

There are other variations of this scam like the scammer will claim to send you a PayPal gift card for your items, but you won't get any money in this case either. This scam works well because the scammer claims to send you the money first and then wants you to send your items. If someone wants to pay you money even if they don't know you, you shouldn't accept and report the scammer.

Fake Gambling Site Scam

This is one of the CS:GO scam methods that actually surprised me. Some scammers are willing to make a fake gambling site just to scam other people.

The scammer will contact you as the owner of the gambling site and convince you that he can help you win a lot on the site. Once you believe him and deposit the items, they will be gone forever.

Fake Tournament Scam

This is the scam where the scammer will ask you to play a tournament with their team. Unfortunately, you will need to download an anti-cheat to play the tournament, and as you might have already guessed, there is no anti-cheat but a virus that will steal all of your items.

If someone in your friend list wants to play a tournament, just ask him to invite you through the game and don't click any links. You can play on services like Faceit because they are legit, but never download anything.

Software Scam

It is important to always install softwares from trusted sources and have a good antivirus to save yourself from software scams. Never try to download hacks because hacking is unethical and hacks can hijack your Steam account and steal your inventory.

You can easily avoid software scams if you follow the rule of not clicking any links on Steam because a lot of scammers will send you links to scam software on Steam. Even if someone contacts you anywhere else, you should always avoid clicking if you don't trust the person 100%.

Some More Popular CS:GO Scams

Here are some more scams that don't need a detailed explanation.

Impersonation Scam: The scammer will impersonate a Valve employee or a Steam Community moderator. Never trust anyone who claims that they are a Valve employee or a Steam Community moderator and do anything that they say.

Middleman Scam: The scammer will ask you to trade your items to a middlemen who he trusts. However, the middleman will either be his other account or another scammer working with him.

Fake Skin Trading Sites: There are plenty of fake skin trading sites that will take your inventory and change your password, so you need to verify a website before trading on it. If you want to know about legit trading sites, feel free to drop a comment below.

Tips For Avoiding CS:GO Scams

Here are the things that you need to always keep in mind to avoid getting scammed.

1. Always use mobile authenticator. Some hackers can bypass it, but it is better to have that extra security.

2. Don't add new accounts or low-level accounts unless you know them.

3. Always trade through the Steam platform, and never go first while trading items for cash.

4. Never click any link on Steam.

5. Use an antivirus and keep it updated.

6. Never log into your Steam account from a computer or laptop that you aren't sure about.

7. Don't think that Steam support will help you or get your items back because they won't.

8. A lot of scammers use high-level accounts and fake comments, so never trust anyone.

9. Never trade your items without ensuring that the trade is fair.

10. Don't make decisions quickly and postpone them to ensure that you have enough time to think about it.

11. Remember that if something is too good to be true, it probably is.

Final Thoughts

It feels bad when you lose an item because you made the mistake of trusting someone and didn't use your common sense at all. I have been there, so I know what it feels like.

The primary motivation for writing this article is to ensure that you don't fall for any scam and continue enjoying the game that we all love even though it is full of hackers and scammers.

We can't solve the hacking problem, but we can solve the scamming problem by staying updated and sharing information about new CS:GO scams with our friends and the community.

If you have been scammed by a new method, I encourage you to share your experience with me. I will try to keep this article updated with the latest scam methods, so your help in this regard will be appreciated.

Check out this useful video by zipelCS ➜ YouTube Video

s2ci 21 Nov, 2021 @ 9:09am 
Guys, please watch out for this scammer, don't trust him, he will try to cheat you from your csgo skins ➜
s2ci 16 Nov, 2021 @ 3:16pm 
A new CSGO crate will be released after November 21st, you should know that this crate will be around 10 euros on the release day, don't miss it! :csgoct:
s2ci 22 Oct, 2021 @ 2:17pm 
Report this account it didn't get VAC banned yet.
He started using spin bot mid game we almost lost. (16-14) We won.
Enter chat room
7 October, 2021