Dark Echo Ech0Team
Dark Echo Ech0Team
25 September, 2012
ABOUT Dark Echo

Dark Echo TV

There are 3 games in the Counter-Strike series. There is Counter-Strike Source. Then you have the middle aged brother out of the group, Counter-Strike Condition Zero. Sure these two updated and improved versions are some what good. But the oldest brother is the best. Counter-Strike 1.6. Thought it is the oldest out of all the three, it seems to me that it's the most played and respected game out of them all. I mean sure the other two may be fun. But there is no match up to what the real game. What I mean by this, Counter-Strike 1.6 is the orignal and by far best Counter-Strike ever made. So basically this game may be old but it is the most played and fun out of the three.

Reason being, Counter-Strike 1.6 has the most active and filled Steam Community. The legit and good players of the Counter-Strike series have stayed with the old school. Even though 1.6 may not have as good as graphics as Condition Zero or Counter-Strike Source. It is the most played and talked about around the gaming world. You dont see big gaming websites talking about Condition Zero events. There are no big major Condition Zero events. All of the good and legit players are basically all playing Counter-Strike 1.6. Sure there is some talk about Counter-Strike Source. But non the less, Counter-Strike 1.6 takes some skill to play and become well known as a top notch player. As in Counter-Strike Source there are many messed up things with aim and registration. So really even the slitest baddies can get somewhere with Counter-Strike Source. For as in Counter-Strike 1.6 there is a good amount of skillz needed to play the gama. Atleast to play good.

Soon I hear that a new Counter-Strike is coming into play. Sort of a combination of all three games. Condition-Zero, Counter-Strike Source put some play into it. But see they do not use anything from Counter-Strike 1.6. Theres another good reason why this game is going to be just like Condition-Zero and Counter-Strike Source. Sure people may play the game for a while when its comes out. But all in all Counter-Strike 1.6 is going to be the best Counter-Strike game in the series. Like stated earlier graphics dont matter to me. As well as they dont matter to real gamers. If you play a game cause of it's graphics, then im really sorry to tell you that you are not a real gamer. Its said but true. Games are never about the graphics. Its what the game is and if people enjoy playing it. Sure graphics are sometimes nice. But Counter-Strike 1.6 does not have the greatest graphics in the world and it is one of the most well known and played games in the whole gaming world.

Dark Echo TV[]
ONE_SHOOT_ONE_KILL 6 Jan, 2024 @ 11:04am 
Have a nice day counter strike player
bdr 26 Sep, 2012 @ 5:25am 
Can u give me the youtube link plz. so u sub . and everthing plz.

i searched for it but i did'n t find it. . . .

and np. . . and ty :D
x CAPMAN X 25 Sep, 2012 @ 2:52pm 
This is Group For DarkEcho Televesion .. Gameplay Reportage And Something like this ty for join in =)
bdr 25 Sep, 2012 @ 12:36pm 
Hi all . ..

just tell me what do u mean for making this group . . for fun or gaming or what !?

and Thx. :D

Have a Nice Day. .