Catholic✞Gamers JesusGAMlNG
Catholic✞Gamers JesusGAMlNG
25 June, 2017
ABOUT Catholic✞Gamers

Where Catholic Gamers meet ✞ Join to use the popular tag "JesusGAMlNG" ✞ Praise Jesus and fight for a christian world.

Praise the LORD and praise Jesus Christ =)
masu~ 14 Jan, 2022 @ 12:41am 
Dear Gamers

Hold strong. Fight the good fight. Jesus will fill our hearts with love and we will spread this love and the word of the Lord in the gaming community.

May god bless you all.
Yns 25 Dec, 2017 @ 10:41am 
faking good
Tezla 26 Nov, 2017 @ 5:13am 
God doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about churches, because churches is a hoax he says, a big fat lie with a story without sense. So you think that the almight one just forgives one because you say forgive?

Go beg in the slum you ♥♥♥♥, it's not god you're supposed to ask for forgiveness to, it's the Devil. You know, Gods brother. Twisted story beyond what you believe is real, right? The question however is, who is the kindest of them? Is the almight one really kinder than the Devil? Just because God created the Devil to do the dirty work for him, does not mean the Devil is the evil one. Novous ordo del soclourm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ - Legends will rise again.

Remember that God does not rule Heaven nor hell, he rides Within Everything Everywhere.
masu~ 19 Aug, 2017 @ 4:40am 
Welcome my friends! Dear Jürgen, it doesn't matter which church you are a part of as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and savior who INDEED DIED FOR ALL OF OUR SINS! Let us praise the LORD together and enjoy the illumination of our pure and immaculate souls! Dear Kurama, the LORD forgives and accepts you for who you are! Just make sure to burn the discs you used to save your antichristian computergames and porn and pray for forgiveness! :-) AMEN!!!
Noberto 30 Jul, 2017 @ 6:45pm 
Jürgen here, even if Im protestant I couldnt help myself to join this fantastic community of the Catholics. Maybe I even have to think again about being a Christian. Im just glad I can be a part of this and get a bond to our Lord. #Save Jesus Christ #Holy signing for Liverpool
(Beast)Kurama 30 Jul, 2017 @ 6:43pm 
Hey my Chritian friends
I am a strictly religious person and I just saw this great Steam-group.
The only game I am going to play from now on will be "Save Jesus" and I will delete all the other Games I bought. I hope that God and you can forgive me that I have played that terrible games like "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" or "Left4Dead2" in the past and I will promise that I will never start this games in my life again.
I hope that you accept me as a new Catholic Gamer.
Praise Jesus Christ and Of course praise the LORD!!!! ✞✞✞
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25 June, 2017