CartGang CART$
CartGang CART$
14 March, 2017
ABOUT CartGang

Do you push shopping carts for a living? Me too.

This group brings together all of the cart pushers.

This is a brotherhood.

Feel free to leave a comment and tell us all about your cart experiences.


Mr. Jingles 9 Jan, 2018 @ 3:34pm 
I don't work carts but i do work at a grocery store and one day I was walking to the store and i saw a couple carts in the back of the store so I decided to give em a push back but the locks on the wheels were locked so without them pushing them required the strength of 1000 men, I pushed with every ounce of strength in my body but i only managed to push them a couple centimeters from where I found them so I left them there along with my pride and went to my 5 to 10 shift defeated.
meymoun 21 Jun, 2017 @ 11:03pm 
one time a poor old and frail russian lady wanted to drive a cart filled with her groceries all the way to her home, so she came up to me and was making gestures and pointing at her cart. she only spoke russian and i could tell she wanted to take the cart all the way to her home since she didn't have any children who loved her enough to pick her up from the store with a car. at the time, we were given these remote controls that lock/unlock the cart because the carts autolock once you push them outside of the store perimeters. anyway, i was given a form of power; do i unlock this poor old lady's cart so she can easily take her groceries home? or do i leave it locked and make her walk the groceries all the way home?

The Cart-Pusher Chronicles to be continued....
Selected Ambient Works 85-92 21 Jun, 2017 @ 6:45pm 
@kalashnikovski thank you for sharing your cart chronicles. at my store, we dont get any thing like a chain or a even a bungee cord to assist us, we just have to either push only like 7 carts or hope they dont come apart but you already know i push ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 14 carts and dont give a ♥♥♥♥. gang ♥♥♥♥
meymoun 18 Jun, 2017 @ 7:53am 
i had this co-worker at the store who told me stories about how he has worked as a cart pusher for over 10 years and while he was telling me his background i was just thinking to myself "wow. poor guy" and it really made me realize how my life could turn out if i actually decided to be a normal human being and continue to try and keep that job. and so my chronicles of The Disobedient Cart-Pusher began. to be continued..
meymoun 18 Jun, 2017 @ 7:48am 
after a while, i eventually mastered the art of cart pushing to the point where i would keep the parking lot completely clear of them and had the front store FILLED with carts so for 30 minutes i was idle. so i would just ring up my friend who would come to the parking lot as a "customer" and i'd get into his car, smoke some weed, and by the time i was done doing that-- the carts would be all messy again and i'd clean it up again. moral of the story: stay on top of your cart-game
meymoun 18 Jun, 2017 @ 7:44am 
i once had like 25 carts stacked with the metal chain to go with it and i was maneuvering that ♥♥♥♥ like a professional player and some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ braindead ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ decides to reverse his car while a huge line of carts are passing by then he blames me for it and tries to sue the store for a $10 scratch on his ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2001 nissan SUV
Enter chat room
14 March, 2017