Black Ops Zombies 300 Club boz300club
Black Ops Zombies 300 Club boz300club
21 January, 2012
United States 
ABOUT Black Ops Zombies 300 Club

Black Ops Zombies 300 Club (Exclusive)

Only for Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Players that have attained 300,000 points or more on any map in a public match; a screenshot of the scoreboard is required as evidence for membership. Applications containing well over 300 headshots in a single game are accepted and _may_ be considered as basis for an honorary group invite.

Black Ops Zombies 300 Club (Exclusive)
G.I. Bubba Gump, 9th Infantry Division, Bayou la Batre, Alabama
BOZ300CLUB YouTube Channel
Fix for CoD Ghosts FPS Jitter Issues
MoonCricket joined BOZ300CLUB on 14 Jun 2013 @ 11:43AM
+=====================================+ | New BOZ300CLUB Member: MoonCricket | +=====================================+

This is a very belated, yet well-deserved new group member announcement. For those who've never played a game of zombies with MoonCricket, he stands out as one of the best players out there without any shadow of a doubt. As far as dedication and actual game play time, I'd rank him right up there with HoneyBadger (they both have over 1,000 hours..and truth be told--the last time I looked at HoneyBadger's profile page, he was nearing 2,000 hours of game play.)

Don't just take my word for it, though--take a look at the Screenshots Uploaded to MoonCricket's Profile (and don't forget to thumbs up the really good ones.) What's epicly cray about MoonCricket are his standings within the Black Ops 2 Zombies Online Leaderboards; this is no n00bcake. He's currently ranked (among other k-rad elite ranks):

  • #50 All-Time Kills at 710,753
  • #29 All-Time Headshots at 247,777
  • #195 All-Time Traveled Miles at 6,040 (which is just below #175 HoneyBadger at 7,011)

..not to mention #8 All-Time Grenade Kills, or in his own words of Vietnam War era colloquialism..

Originally posted by MoonCricket:
"♥♥♥♥ you Charlies."

These leaderboard standings are almost unbelievable considering some of those ranked above him are almost certainly cheats, while I know for sure that he himself definitely isn't. One of his most recent achievements as shown in this screenshot, is 1M points (One Million points) on round 55 in what appears to be solo game play on Buried. In the last game I played with MoonCricket, he scored above 2K kills nearing 300K points as shown in this screenshot I uploaded.

Another thing I've noticed about MoonCricket, is that he pays close attention to what's been updated in the most recent patches, i.e. that little version number in the upper right-hand corner of the game menu screens which at the time of writing (16 Sep 2013), is:


If you have any questions about what's been changed recently on a particular map, or in the game as a whole, then he's the man to go to. At least he has been for me..especially regarding minor details and idiosyncrasies within game engine implementation that the vast majority of players pay no attention to whatsoever.

For some of the reasons mentioned above, not only is MoonCricket a (relatively) new group member; in addition, he's being awarded Player of the Week Moment. Although it's not something I update on a weekly basis, this is how I will be sporadically appropriating status to group members with outstanding recent game play and/or achievements (not Steam achievements, but true achievements.) To say the least, MoonCricket deserves this notierety for the awesome accomplishments being attained through his self-defining play of our favorite game.

As always, check out MoonCricket's Profile Page and add him to your friends list on Steam!

BubbaGump 2 May, 2013 @ 12:15am 
I'm working on mixing together a short video demonstrating close calls and escapes, i.e. when reviving other players, clutch plays in grief mode, getting out of a situation that could have led to getting cornered by a train, etc. If anyone has any good footage in their theater to share, then please contact me.
BubbaGump 18 Jan, 2013 @ 1:38pm 
I'm currently uploading a YouTube video related to a mystery box glitch that works in both Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 Zombies. An announcement will be posted as soon as YouTube finishes the encoding and download process. The club's YouTube page is at and all future videos will be available there. Subscribes/Likes are appreciated as always!
ForrestGump 4 Aug, 2012 @ 1:46am 
HoneyBadger just told me has 2800 hours of game black in Black Ops.. That's a grand total of 116 days of game play.. Now you know why he's the player of the week. :-]
ForrestGump 4 Jun, 2012 @ 10:26am 
ZombieShooter, people are definitely around.. the GamePlay Stats say the group members are averaging almost 40 hours in the past 2 weeks.. =)
ForrestGump 21 Feb, 2012 @ 9:00am 
Finally got a new working microphone!
ForrestGump 14 Feb, 2012 @ 3:13pm 
Very nice, fellows.. Round 41 on Der Reise. These are the kinds of achievements that can be made when club members work together. Anybody think they can beat it? =`D
Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
21 January, 2012
United States