11 November, 2014

The Official BLANK RPG Steam Community Group

"This world is dying, girl..."

Inspired by RPGs like OFF, Undertale and Earthbound, BLANK is a role-playing game that puts you in control of Veta the Harbinger, a young female warrior born with black eyes. Life within her home of Finima Village is peaceful enough. But when a dark and twisted curse begins to corrupt the land and its people, she finds herself travelling across the world of Transech seeking a cure. Will she succeed in her mission, or is there more to this "corruption" than this story lets on?

BLANK includes a notable selection of features, including:

A simplistic, pixelated art style that mimics the look of the old GameBoy Color games. Almost all of the art assets in BLANK were created in Microsoft Paint, nothing more.

Approachable and straightforward user interface systems. One of the core foundations for BLANK's design was to allow almost anyone to jump in and play the game, even if they aren't necessarily RPG fans.

Weapon and Armor rarities, going in the order of Normal, Rare, Unique and Legendary. Key Items themselves are labelled as their own rarities.

An original soundtrack composed by the excellent Adam Halpin (StygianWhite). BLANK features over 45+ songs, all completely original for the game. Page[]
GameJolt Page[]
BLANK: Version 1.2
    Removed the old Options menu and replaced it with Menu/Exit. I have replaced BLANK's previous options menu script with Yanfly's System Options Script (which I have also added within the game's credits). With the help of this new script, the player is now able to adjust a few more variables of the game, including Instant Window Text Messages, Sprint Toggle, Disabling Battle Animations and changing the Window Colours.

    Added a total of Six new songs for BLANK. The game's composer, Adam Halpin, has returned to compose these new tracks. They can be found in the newest optional areas of the game.

    Updated the credits to include Yanfly's System Options Script.

Sprite Changes

    Added two new base Deman sprites. Several of the game's already existing NPC's (like Cariella's mother) now use these new sprites for their Facial and Overworld looks.

    Added new battler sprites for the new Corrupted Deman and the new Depraved Demans. These new sprites have replaced some of the already existing enemy NPCs that the player can find in places such as the corrupted Finima Village and Decillia.

    Updated the Temple of the Displaced Tileset to include keyholes on the specific puzzle doors to better improve clarity on the door's purpose for the player.

    Cleaned the Corrupted Jackalite Battler and Facial sprites.

    Cleaned the Goliathan Facial sprite.

Game Changes

    Added a new zone for the player to explore, Tenark Manor. Once Vivizec has been defeated in the Temple of the Displaced, a new pathway will reveal itself just south of Solena Pass. It is here the player will find the mysterious Tenark Manor and the insidious Vivizec's Lab which lay buried beneath it.

    Added a new zone for the player to explore, the Hall of Memories. Upon defeating Vivizec in the Temple of the Displaced, a new path will open south of Lumenia Pass. It is here that the player will have access to this strange new place, as well as meeting a being who's name shall not be spoken.

    Updated several of The Reaper encounters. The Reaper as a character now has additional lines of dialogue and interaction between the player should they venture through Vivizec's Lab.

    Improved the overall clarity on achieving the True Ending for BLANK. Several new encounters and lines of dialogue have been created to better guide the players on finding some of the game's more secretive bosses, like Angeral and the Convicted.

    Included new dialogue for the Vivizec and Umbrus fights that will only appear if the player manages to defeat either of them before they transform into their boss forms.

    Added a new boss and mini-boss for the Vivizec's Lab optional dungeon. Their names and information have been omitted for spoilerific reasons.

    Added five new enemies to the game, the Mimga, Puppet, Zweidra, Nagite and Clorrupted. All of these new enemies can be found in the new dungeon, Vivizec's Lab.

    Adjusted the Solena Forest enemy pool to now include the Nagite and Clorrupted enemies.

    Added a new enemy pool of bosses, the Memories. These bosses are simply recoloured versions of already existing bosses in Chapter 1 & 2, which can be fought as many times as the player chooses. In addition to this, all Unique and Legendary item drops chances on these bosses have been increased to 1/3of a chance.

    Increased the Unique and Legendary item drop chances on bosses from 1/25 to 1/5.

    Updated Chieftain Tenark Boss Event.

    Added upgrade-able spirit weapons for Desolun, Furajinn and Contasma. At certain points in the game, their weapons will evolve to MK.II & MK.III respectively.

    Updated the Shop Menus in the Finima, Solena and New Lumenia shops to once again include the Minor Health and Magic Potions after defeating Cariella.

    Updated the Shop Menus in the Lunos and Finama Pass shops to include the Medium Health and Magic Potions.

Battle Changes

NOTE: The new Afflicted Status Effect is currently bugged and has been removed until a fix for it can be found.

    Added a new Status Effect, Cracked. Cracked is a negative Status Effect that lasts for around 2-3 turns and deducts 25% of the target's MP at the end of every turn.

    Added a new Status Effect, Immobolize. Currently exclusive to Contasma's ultimate ability, Avarice, Immobolize renders the target completely immobile, being unable to cast abilities, use items or attack. The Status Effect can only be removed either by ending the battle or if the user dies.

    Changed Contasma's ultimate ability, Avarice. Instead of paralyzing all targets (with the 1% of instantly killing the target), the ability now fully restores all party member's HP & MP. But as a cost, Contasma receives the Immobolize Status Effect upon using it.

    Removed Furajinn's Taunt ability and replaced it with Tempered Frenzy. Upon use, Tempered Frenzy will lower the DEFENSE of a select party member, but increase its ATTACK as a result.

    Adjusted Furajinn's ultimate ability Ferocity to also increase the ATTACK and DEFENSE of all allied targets, in addition to enraging them.

    The enemy moves Shadow Orb and Penumbral Lance now have a 25% of applying the Cracked Status Effect to the target.

    Reduced the number of screen flashes on the Viral Flash and Venocalypse abilities.

    Added a new family of items, the Potions of Renewal. Acting as a sort of best-of-both-worlds solution to the Health & Magic problem of items, the Potions of Renewal can restore both HP and MP to a party member. But as a cost of this wondrous new scientific discovery, the Potions of Renewal will only restore half of what the Health & Magic potions would have given the player, as well as being slightly more expensive in price.

    Added a item, the Potion of Life. This item can only be found in the Finama Pass shop at the end of the game and will fully restore a party member's HP and MP upon use.

    Added a item, the Ultimate Matter. This item can remove ALL negative Status Effects on an allied target.

    Adjusted the Clairvoyant Matter item to no longer remove the Stun Status Effect. Clairvoyant Matter will now remove both the Cracked and Confusion. This item can remove ALL negative Status Effects on an allied target.

Bug Fixes

    Fixed/Updated several grammatical errors and typos found throughout the entire game.

    Fixed the Tenark's ultimate ability, Abyssal Torment not dealing lethal damage to enemy targets as intended.

    Fixed the Ring of Madness from not properly applying the health reduction effect. When equipped, the Ring of Madness will reduce the user's base MHP by 100.

    Fixed the Keypad Door in the Temple of the Displaced displaying the wrong tiles when solved.

    Fixed an event transition in the Illune Manor that prevented the player from returning to Veta's room.

Damn, I really should have released this patch months ago. But as you guys and gals can probably relate, life decided to through a few wrenches into the cogs and mess up the production. But at least I got it released now and hopefully this new BLANK patch will be a fun little thing to come back to. Oh and as always, if there's ever anything you'd like to see be added or changed in the game, just simply leave a message here on the game's profile page or contact me directly via E-Mail (, Steam (FEARxTHExKANTUS or King Sangos) or Skype (fear-the-kantus).

Enjoy! ;D

BLANK: Patch 1.2 Announcement
☣~DeadlySupia~☣ 5 Jan, 2016 @ 9:20pm 
Congrats on hitting 100+ Members in the group!
master sniff 19 Feb, 2015 @ 6:16am 
Alright, thanks, I will try them. :P
King Sangos 19 Feb, 2015 @ 5:05am 

Download links in the announcements, you fool!

The full game itself isn't complete, nor will it be for a while yet. The demos, however, are still free to download.
master sniff 17 Feb, 2015 @ 7:42pm 
So, where can I get this game?
Sawtooth44 16 Nov, 2014 @ 4:55pm 
i be pulling a BLANK on what to say here
ArtisticWizard 12 Nov, 2014 @ 1:37pm 
This sounds cool!
Enter chat room
11 November, 2014