Blatantly Arrogant Lovers of the Zebra Gaming Oligarchy [BALZ]
Blatantly Arrogant Lovers of the Zebra Gaming Oligarchy [BALZ]
10 December, 2008
United States 
ABOUT Blatantly Arrogant Lovers of the Zebra Gaming Oligarchy

The Blatantly Arrogant Lovers of the Zebra (BALZ) Gaming Oligarchy is a group of similarly-minded individuals who all share a common sense of reverence for the majesty and beauty of the African Black and White Striped Zebra.
Millions of years of evolution (or perhaps several moments of creation – we here at BALZ believe strongly in freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of genital shaving patterns) have given this humble planet many awe-inspiring organisms; these include (but are not limited to) Platypi, the elusive Australian Horned Toad, the Viagra Plant, Margaret Thatcher and lastly, but certainly less than leastly, the Zebra. These massive feats of biological beauty become even more impressive when compared against their polar opposites. Obselete, denegerate lifeforms including peat moss, unremarkable amoeba, the dung beetle and spiral Mac ‘n Cheese form a festering pool of tar and fish guts from whence the glorious figure of the immutable Zebra brandishes its potency (wicked awesomess) in fullest splendor. If that last sentence was a little verbose, let me simplify and quote the splendiferous literacist (do not confuse with liteRacist – a writer who is also a racist and writes about his/her experiences with being racist) John William Stoat Ascott in saying, “This ♥♥♥♥ pwns all, wtf l33t beehatch.”

And what a quotation indeed.

Above all, the dizzingly average number of individuals who proudly stamp [BALZ] before their call signs in gaming communities everywhere recognize that there is more to BALZ than just loving zebras. Really, these near-elite few have openly declared their common affection for good gaming, good laughs and excellent cleavage shots in Hollywood films (male or female, BALZ have no prejudices). In summary, if you ever happen across another player with the [BALZ] stamp of approval blazoned across their identification region, you will know you are about to experience gaming beyond parallel. Diamonds are forever, but BALZ are just whack, yo.

Zebra Safari[]
VIEW ALL (313)
Free , EndLess Legend , 4X turnbased
in case anyone missed it : PC master race a give away , one on facebook, instagram, twitter and 2 on reddit.
zobfish 12 Jun, 2012 @ 2:39pm 
Another one by the name Edgar
zobfish 4 Jun, 2012 @ 2:43pm 
Heads up - I'm receiving scam solicitations (though our beloved BALZ, no less) from a user by the tag Karl with the following text:

Karl NIVIDIA and STEAM will give you 3 FREE games to add to your account just visit: <url omitted bc I don't want anyone accidentally going there>
Eeyore Kirby [Misoski] CommS007 27 Dec, 2010 @ 7:39pm 
Dr. Mapleviking 27 Dec, 2010 @ 6:44pm 
Yussir :D
laserad 27 Dec, 2010 @ 4:14pm 
ITS ALIVE..... ITS ALIVEEEE, so this groupa still exists hey?!
BradSnaxx 21 Sep, 2010 @ 2:31pm 
Yeah, last time i checked it was around 20 bucks american on steam
Enter chat room
10 December, 2008
United States