World Competitive Tournament Mw2 World Comp
World Competitive Tournament Mw2 World Comp
29 June, 2014
ABOUT World Competitive Tournament Mw2

A Tournament Designed To Bring The Community Back To Its Original Glory. Bringing Back an Exhilarating, Stimulating and Invigorating Tournament In A Hack - Free Environment.

"Disclaimer" - This is Sniping only tournament and make sure to invite your friends that will be interested in joining in order for this to work.

The objective of this tournament is too primarily resurrect the community and ultimately increase the activity and the magnitude of competitive Sniping On The PC Division.

The concept of this Tournament is very simple. The previous tournaments have consisted of the competitive clans that are present on the community, but this tournament will consist of national teams. You will represent your country in this tournament playing collaboratively as a team to win Cash prizes.

It begins with group stages consisting of a variety of countries competing for the position to qualify to the last 16 (This may vary depending on how many nations have sufficient amount of players) Each group will consist of 4 national teams where they will play 6 games. The country in the first and second position of each group will advance to the last 16, where the third and fourth position will be eliminated. But that doesn't mean that the eliminated teams will not contribute anymore from each group, since the eliminated nations from each group will enter a tournament called Elimination Tournament. The Last 16 Nations that advance, the nations will be randomly chosen matches for a chance to qualify for the quarter finals. This same process will repeat itself for semi-finals and the finals. The matches will be the best out of 3 just like an ordinary clan war.

It's essential that each match that you play, you will have to organise recorders for each match and to be sent directly to me for editing and to obtain highlights from not only the winning team but the losing team as well to see exciting plays from both sides, this will help to receive more attention from other division and persuade more newer players to come to the community.

Maps that can be used are either : Terminal, Highrise, Scrapyard, Skidrow, Invasion, Karachi and Favela.
Gametypes : Only Headquarters or Capture the flag.

Announcement will be made where the players will comment their nationality and I will organise them into their national teams. Your nation will have to organise your clan training, decide your own teams etc, but it would be generally polite to let every player participant and do their part to represent their country. Remember this is for Fun and entertainment purposes only.

Each match that you will be play is a 4v4 or 3v3 depending on the circumstances. If countries don't have sufficient numbers to participant as a nation, then the players that don't have enough players will be put into one team and called rest of the world.

A Hack list will be created before the tournament begins once I collate all the details that I require to make the list. People on these lists can't contribute to their nation.

Hack List : (Under Construction)

Created and Hosted By UnL Harp. Any Queries or Questions Add Him Directly For More Information.
Start Date 6th August
Update // Finalisation Process (Read)
La Pizza Volante 8 Feb, 2015 @ 6:19am 
SEEK 4v4 / 5v5 MW2
Lil Doge 6 Sep, 2014 @ 4:36am 
wtf since when am i an admin here LOL
76561198018540517 27 Aug, 2014 @ 2:28pm 
It was more than obvious that this tournament will be a huge fail
Kunami 25 Aug, 2014 @ 1:12pm 
well nothing happened, guess i'm not doing nothing here
styx 17 Aug, 2014 @ 2:54am 
group + admin are dead before everything started gj, you can all leave the group
Eddie Smurphy 8 Aug, 2014 @ 2:27pm 
its getting so boring to always be right.
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29 June, 2014