VexX Gaming VexX.Com
VexX Gaming VexX.Com
1 January, 2011
United States 
ABOUT VexX Gaming

VexX Gaming Community

VexX Gaming was created on 01/01/11 by a group of gamers that had been playing with each other in various games. It was started to create a place where every play-style was catered to and would have a place to play with other like-minded people.

The idea behind VexX Gaming has grown but the concept has never changed, to create an environment that promotes fun and allows players of all different skill levels to have a place to call home. Recently, with our growth and expansion into e-sports and streaming, we have moved on to the next chapter in the VexX Gaming legacy and will be looking to stay competitive in most of the top titles available, as well as providing our community streams, professional player streams, and live shows to make sure we stay a part of the gaming community as a whole.

VexX Gaming E-Sport’s using the ability to have VexX Gaming as not only a gaming community but a professional team make’s us very appealing to sponsors since we can do three things very well, promote, advertise and WIN. VexX Gaming E-sports teams will run at the highest standard possible, not only in talent but in professionalism, showmanship, business but as a community as well. Our goal is to help E-sports grow and to show that competitive gaming is legitimate and, make our mark on E-sport history.

Some past achievements for our community our :

Server first “Hardcore” raids & world boss kills in SW:TOR. Some of the most well-organized sieges in DarkFall:Online maintaining over 82% success in attack/defense. Organization and drives in WvW for our server Jade Quarry in Guild Wars 2 + commander status and server first legendary items.
One of the top teams in Tera Online (Valley of the Titans ).
Part of one of the top alliances in PlanetSide 2 ( TTA ).

VexX Gaming eSports started on 9/3/12 with the talk of 1 million dollars in prize money for the upcoming game “FireFall” and that sparked something with our admins. We decided to take the plunge and see if we could establish a solid team while the game is in beta. Over the past few months our teams have grown and we also picked up “Smite” as another eSport division as we felt we had a good chance to build a team while in beta and learn the game while being built. Recently with the growth of our teams we’ve acquired some investors that want to help us succeed and will be partially funding some expenses for LAN events when we feel were ready. One thing is for sure, that will continue to grow and push forward and reach our goal of not only being a great gaming community but also a professional gaming organization.

Some of our eSports achievements :

Placed 3rd in the Brotodon Brawl 2-FireFall
Placed 3rd in the Legends Tournament -FireFall
Placed 2nd in the ENSL custom cup – Natural Selection 2
Placed 10th in the world for Guild Wars 2 “paid” in-game tournaments

VexX Gaming[]
VexX on TwitchTv ![]
Fallow us on faceboook !![]
VexXStone Tonight - a hearthstone tournament
We're going to be using this more!
HoriZon 13 Mar, 2018 @ 2:27am 
Hey man, whats up?
Mozart in a Go-Kart 11 Aug, 2013 @ 11:02am 
Getting ready for the Dota 2 Chicago LAN. You can watch on the VexX stream in August 17th and 18th throughout the day.
TenKindsOfPeople 19 Feb, 2013 @ 8:12pm 
Wow, just got on an noticed my last comment on here was 2 years ago. I been playing with you fools for far too long.
ThatGuyRazor 28 Sep, 2012 @ 12:29am 
With the new applcation process and the games were currently playing , things are looking up for VexX ! We have great things planed for the future and we want to thank everyone for all of your support !!
ThatGuyRazor 3 Feb, 2012 @ 8:25am 
Things are going very wellfor us is SW:TOR and were look foward to the release of Tera Online , GW2 , PS2 and a few others. Can't wait to get this party started!!
ThatGuyRazor 10 Dec, 2011 @ 10:20pm 
Getting ready for SW:TOR !! This is going to be sick!!
Enter chat room
1 January, 2011
United States