老兵客栈Veteran Tavern VT.Club
老兵客栈Veteran Tavern VT.Club
10 January, 2017
ABOUT 老兵客栈Veteran Tavern

欢迎加入【老兵客栈Veteran Tavern】官方steam组

Welcome to Veteran Tavern NMRIH servers~
【老兵客栈Veteran Tavern】是一个活跃在steam平台游戏《地狱已满》和《地狱已满2》(No More Room In Hell/No More Room In Hell 2),由一群资深老玩家自发组成,致力于为新老玩家提供游戏技术指导,整理发布游戏相关资讯,促进玩家之间的技术交流和传播游戏优良娱乐氛围的玩家群体组织。

服务器列表 Server list:


技能全跑 English Translation of Role-Skill System
Status menu on the right side of the screen:
From top to bottom is:
等级 = Level
经验 = EXP
血量 = HP
怒气 = MP
体力 = Stamina
护甲 = Armor
子弹 = Ammo
Next is state of your skills
未使用 = disable 已开启 = enable

Upgrading level can let you gain more attribute points(used in N menu), to make you have more HP limit/MP limit, or gain MP faster.
EXP can be used to upgrade your level, or buy features/runes/consumables, you can gain EXP by evacuating successfully and take part in killing boss (take damage/heal other players)
MP is the major cost of skill use.

If you are new player in the servers, we suggest you start with:
medic/archer/wizard/gambler (can be effective and have good experience without any attribute points or features or runes),
then zombie-hunter/sniper/chainsaw-slasher (need a few attribute points or basic understanding of Role-Skill system),
last berserker/qigong-master/assault (only effective and have good experience with enough attribute points and relevant features)
before you completely understand the Role-Skill system.

Press B to choose your role :
1.医疗兵 = medic suggested level: 0+
Default item : Glock18 with infinity ammo (can’t damage boss)
Gain MP by : 1 MP per 2 seconds
Press T = turn on/off healing circle, people in healing circle will receive 2% hp per 0.5 second + cure bleeding, cost 2 MP per second
Press Z = respawn the player you choose with default 75hp, cost 85 MP once
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : main absorption

2.弓箭手 = archer suggested level: 0+
Default item : bow with infinity arrow
Gain MP by : 5 per zombie killed by bow
Press T = cancel your own infection if you are infected, or else change the next arrow to special arrow which could either explode (when you shoot on zombies, no damage to nearby players) or heal teammates’ infection (when you shoot on infected teammates), cost 20 MP once
Passive ability : attacking zombies’ body can also cause higher damage, cost is consuming some stamina
Suggestion of attribute points distribution :main absorption

3.狂战士 = berserker suggested level: 20+
Default item : machete and 10 additional HP limits
Gain MP by : 1 MP per 2 seconds
Press T = turn on/off T-ability, infinity stamina with cancelation of Master boss’s Mire feature, earn 2% hp + cancel bleeding per zombie killed by machete, cost 5 MP per second
Press Z = choose hp limit (75% to 1-hit-kill normal zombies, 50% to 1-hit-kill normal zombies when Master boss appears), lower hp means higher attack and defence
Passive ability : won’t be infected, enter undead state (30 seconds, will die if your hp is still under 0 after 30 seconds) when hp is lower than 0, earn 1% hp per zombie attacked.
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly blood or absorption

4.魔法师 = wizard suggested level: 0+
Default item : nothing
Gain MP by : 1 MP per 1 second
Press T = electric shock attack on your target and nearby zombies, cost 20 MP once
Press Z = turn on/off illumination, cost 2 MP per second
Passive ability :
the damage caused by other weapon is very low except electricity attack(T) or hands (all melee and guns are not useful)
lower stamina when having higher MP
Have an auto shield that could resist an injury and bounce off zombies with 700 damage around (will gain back the auto shield after 30 seconds if it is used)
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly absorption, then spirit

5.气功大师 = qigong-master suggested level: 25+
Default item : pickaxe
Gain MP by : 5 per zombie killed by melee
Press T = turn on/off T-ability, become invincible and rebound damage 25 times, cost 5 MP per second
Passive ability :
will firstly reduce MP (before hp) when receiving attacks
auto gain 40 MP and auto turn on T-ability when hp is lower than 40 (cooling time 150 seconds)
Cause extra 0.1*MP damage by hands
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly absorption, then spirit

6.狙击精英 = sniper suggested level: 5+
Default item : sniper (can choose between the 3 rifles)
Gain MP by : 5 per zombie killed by sniper
Press T = turn on/off T-ability, double attack damage of sniper, cost 6 MP per shot
Press Z = cost 16/40/80 MP,get 2/5/10 times attack damage of sniper with 0.8% recoil (reduce hp) next valid shoot, can be stacked
Tips: T-ability and Z-ability could be use at the same time to maximize attack damage
Passive ability : auto fill ammo of sniper after shooting (cost little stamina)
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly blood, then spirit

7.突击手 = assault suggested level: 20+
Default item : M16A4 with optical sight / M16A4 with iron sight / CZ858 / SKS ***NOT infinity ammo!
Gain MP by : 4 per zombie killed by auto-rifles or bayonet of SKS
Press T = infinite ammo after turning on T-ability, cost 6 MP per second (only effective for auto-rifles)
Passive ability : can use any kinds of ammo (except arrow, fuel, flare ammo box) on auto-rifles
Tips: auto-rifles contain M16A4 / CZ858 / FN FAL / SKS
Suggestion of attribute points distribution :main absorption

8.赌徒 = gambler suggested level: 0+
Default item : S&W 686 with infinity ammo
Gain MP by : 3 per zombie killed by S&W 686
Press T = change the next effects of shooting, different cost for different effects
>>> 1.无效果 no effect (20 MP)
>>> 2.2倍伤害 double attack damage next shoot (25 MP)
>>>3.4倍伤害 4 times attack damage next shoot (45 MP)
>>>4.急速装填 reload immediately (60 MP)
>>> 5.冰冻丧尸 freeze all zombies for 6 seconds (125 MP)
>>> 6.全体回复 add 20% hp + 10 MP (5 bonus MP for yourself) for the whole team (80 MP)
Passive ability : random effects on next shot
The effect of next shoot display on the status menu (on the right side of the screen)
Effect list :
无效果 = no effect
2倍伤害 = double attack damage
4倍伤害 = 4 times attack damage
急速装填 = reload immediately
冰冻自身4秒 = freeze yourself by 4 seconds
冰冻丧尸6秒 = freeze all zombies for 6 seconds
*** Contribution will be count if you freeze zombies near boss
全体回复 = add 20% hp + 10 MP (extra 5 MP for yourself) for the whole team
減75血 = reduce 75 hp
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly absorption, then spirit

9.半尸猎手 = zombie-hunter suggested level: 10+
Default item : SV10 with special ammo limit
Gain MP by : 5 per zombie killed by SV10
Press T = get a magazine of SV10, cost 20 MP once
Press Z = get back 20 hp limit, cost 20 MP once (wont over max HP limit)
Passive ability :
easier to get infected,
have special ammo limit on SV 10 (default 2 + HP limit/25 , for example for a 100hp player, after choosing this ability he has 200hp, so he has 2+200/25=10 ammo magazine),
will auto reduce hp limit to get ammo when lacking of MP (every 3 hp could get 1 ammo)
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly blood

===next page===
1.竖锯 = chainsaw-slasher suggested level: 5+
Default item : one of two chainsaws
Press T = turn on T-ability, gain fuel with cost of 10HP/s
Passive ability : Restore 1%HP/s
Suggestion of attribute points distribution : mainly blood

If you are new player in the servers, we suggest you start with medic/archer/wizard/gambler before you completely understand the Role-Skill system.

*** For some special maps like nmo_shelter, archer and magician are not available, so pay attention when you are choosing your ability in those maps

Boss information :
Tips: All boss get a constant decay protection called “Force Field of Death” when appearing, which meaning is avoiding being killed too fast. The status of Force Field of Death displays at the bottom of the boss HUD, shown as BOSS减伤:n秒/n per, means now the damage to BOSS will decrease n%.

熔岩食尸鬼 = Flame
Ability 1 : Any damages to players will cause cure to boss
Ability 2 : Every 10 seconds he will randomly (MVP will have more chances, also a small chance for him to fail) burn one player
Ability 3 : Boss gets into absolute defense for 5s every 1/4 HP reducing, burns all players while removing the absolute defense

空间恶魔 = Rift Devil
Ability 1 : Only back of the head could be hurt, except for the last 100 hp (but any attack at that time will only cause 1 hp damage, melee cause 2 damage)
Ability 2 : Every 30 seconds randomly (MVP will have more chances, also a small chance for him to fail) teleport to one player
Ability 3 : Every 30 seconds blind all players for 6 seconds

生化暴君 = Tyrant
Ability 1 : Restore 0.8% hp per second
Ability 2 : Every 15 seconds he will randomly (MVP will have more chances, also a small chance for him to fail) change one player’s stamina to be zero directly
Ability 3 : After 120 seconds he will explode himself with damage to the whole team base on his remaining hp

亡灵主宰 = Overlord
Ability 1 : Increase the defense of normal zombies by 25%
Ability 2 : Summon four retinues of different characteristics when debuting, boss is in lord stage ( in absolute defense and immovable ) when retinues are alive
Ability 3 : After all retinues are killed, boss will get four different characteristics from the retinues, remove lord state and participate in combat
Retinues characteristics List :
Green = Mire feature, decelerate near players
Red = Damage feature, double attack damage
Blue = MP feature, suck MP by valid attack
Yellow = Defence feature, higher defence

憎恶化身 = Abomination
Ability 1 : Boss gets into damage reflection state for 5s (15s cool down time), reflects 5% damage to attacker ***Do not attack the boss when this skill works!
Ability 2 : Boss gets into wrath-2nd state and 5s absolute defense after reducing 50% HP, wrath-3rd state and 10s absolute defense after reducing 75% HP
warth-1st state (HP 100%-50%) : no buff
warth-2st state (HP 50%-25%) : double attack damage for all zombies, double defence for boss
warth-3st state (HP 25%-0%) : double attack damage for all zombies, double defence for boss, 10 times attack for boss damage

极地魔灵 = Cryogen
Ability 1 : Boss decelerates near players like Mire feature of Overlord, And restore HP depending on the number of players around.
Ability 2 : Boss disables players, make the state of skill block for 5s (15s cool down)
Ability 3 : Boss freezes players, make them unable to move for 5s(15s cool down)

腐化者 = Infestor
Ability 1: All players are vulnerable to infection
Ability 2: Every zombies near the boss will provide 10% damage reduction to it
Ability 3: Boss hatches 5 reinforced runner zombies, each of them will provide extra 10% damage reduction(15s cool down)
Ability4: Boss release parasites, make a player reduce movement speed, attack, defence for 5s randomly(15s cool down)

Press N to open menu :
每日签到 = sign (per day), gain EXP and gold
1. 签到 = sign
2. 取消 = cancel

属性点抽奖 = draw extra attribute points (available at lv30)
Cost 2000 EXP to draw random 1-3 extra attribute points (max 25)
1. 确认 = draw
2. 取消 = cancel

消耗品抽奖 = draw consumables
Cost 40 EXP to draw a random consumables
1. 1次 = draw
2. 10次 = draw 10 times

属性点 = attribute points
自由属性点 = free attribute points that have not be distributed
1. 气血 = blood = blood limit + 1 per each
2. 精神 = spirit = MP limit + 1 per each
3. 吸收 = absorption = earn 1% more MP per each

消耗品抽奖 = consumables
You still need to confirm using after pressing into the consumables
1. 疫苗 = gene therapy
2. 护甲 = armor = 50% protection
3. 怒气 = MP = add 50 MP
4. 急速 = speed = get higher speed in a short period of time
5. 洗点 = reset attribute points with no level change
6. 传送 = teleport = teleport yourself to another player
7. 减一 = change one attribute point back to free attribute point (max -25)
===next page===
1.金币 = gold = can be used to buy melee weapons/guns/tools/medical supplies(except gene therapy) (You can directly use gold by pressing M)

特性 = feature
Use EXP to buy different features
You can only choose one to let it work at the same time after owning them.
1. 圣杯 The Chalice = The ability power(skill attack) of wizard/archer/qigong-master/ can penetrate the armor of boss (make the Force Field of Death invalid) , and penetrate the Rift Devil’s protection (Ability 1) || suit wizard
2. 战车 The Chariot = Get Triple frequency of melee || suit berserker
3. 月亮 The Moon = Get extra 25 attack damage with fist, gain 1 MP when attacked by zombies || suit qigong-master
4. 命运 The Wheel of Fortune = Increase the probability of positive effect as a gambler, decrease the probability of infection as a zombie-hunter || suit gambler
5. 愚者 The Fool = Won’t upgrade level even if you have enough EXP. || use it when you are low level and want to buy features or runes
6. 审判 Judgement = Gain extra 0.25MP/s(can be affected by Absorption) as medic/wizard/archer, Increase radius of cure halo (T of medic) to 150% as a medic, Increase radius of Holy light (T of archer) to 150% as a archer, Increase attack damage of Holy light (T of archer) to 120% as a archer || suit medic/archer
死神 Death = Greatly increase the speed of weapon reloading || suit assault/zombie-hunter/sniper
===next page===
1.无 = none

符文 = rune
Use EXP to buy different runes
All runes will immediately work at the same time after you own them.
1.权杖 The Leangle = Own extra 3 attribute point pages.
2.星星 The Star = Gain extra 50% EXP
3.高塔 The Tower = Can continuously jump 3 times in the air
4.女皇 The Empress = Gain extra 25% EXP
5.节制 Temperance = Decrease the skill cost of stamina|HP|MP, 25%|20%|15%
6.太阳 The Sun = Shoving zombies with flared cigarette lighter can light them.
Tips: You can only gain extra 55% EXP instead of 75% if you own both The Star and The Sun.

===next page===

1.留言版 = message board

2.更新日志 = update log

3.服务器介绍 = presentation of the servers(In Chinese)

4.皮肤菜单 = skin menu
Tips: skin have no effect ( just for beauty! )
Skin name is RoleName|SkinName, You can only use skin when choosing relevant role.

5.皮肤预览 = preview skin model.

6.屏蔽BOSS音乐 = turn on/off boss background music

7.禁用消耗品-洗点 = disable the consumables-reset attribute points

Press M to open gold market:
1.Rogue MKII pistol
2.Colt 1911
3.S&W 686 revolver
4.PSE Deer hunter bow
5.M16A4 with iron sight
6.M16A4 with optical sight
===next page===
1.Sako 85 with iron sight
2.Sako 85 with optical sight
4.SV10 double-barrel
===next page===
2.First-aid kit
6.Barricade hammer
7.infected suicide(kill yourself and make you become a runner zombie immediately)
===next page===
1.default respawn (Make you respawn next to a teammate when you respawn yourself as a medic if you buy it, or you will respawn at the place where you died)

No More Room In Hell 2 FAQ(*Frequently Asked Questions)

  • When is NMRiH2 coming out?

    We are aiming to hopefully have a fully playable early access-type build by Q3 2017. This is of course subject to change.

    We're a bit behind our original plans thanks to natural disasters, but we're aiming to do Early Access before Summer 2018 and have the game out in full effect by Halloween 2018!

  • Will it be free, or will it cost money?

    We will be asking for money this time around - though we are investigating the possibility of a "limited" free version - but the full version of the game will cost money and we're currently aiming for $20 USD. Our goal is to include all subsequent content updates to be released as expansions, free of charge to all players who bought the game.

    We're currently aiming for $20 USD. Our goal is to include all subsequent content updates to be released as expansions, free of charge to all players who bought the game.

  • What Engine will NMRiH2 be using?

    No More Room in Hell 2 will be using the Unreal® Engine 4.

  • I want to be a tester! When and how can I apply to be a tester?
    我想成为一名内测玩家! 何时以及如何申请成为一名内测玩家?

    We aren't quite ready for external testers, but when we're close we'll make a public post on our Facebook, Discord and Steam Community page! It will start as a limited opportunity, but we will probably expand it over time once testing is underway.
    我们还没完全准备好接受外部测试人员,但是当工作进度接近于测试的时候我们会在我们的Facebook, Discord 和Steam社区页面上发布一个公开的帖子!一开始将会是一个有限的机会,但是一旦测试开始进行,我们可能会随着时间的推移而扩大它。

  • Will NMRiH2 run on my potato/alarm clock/apple watch/soup bowl?

    Now none of this is official or locked down but at this time (Sept 2016), however you should probably have at least 2Ghz multi-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, 1GB GPU (DX11 ideal but not required), and of course a decent network connection. Since this is 2016, it is unlikely that NMRiH2 will run well on PCs with specs well below those listed.

  • Will it be on consoles?

    At this time no, however we have discussed a potential XBL and PSN release in the future. If the game does well and the demand is there, then we could do it!

  • Will there be different zombie variants in NMRiH2?

    Yes! We are keeping with our "realistic" approach (i mean... as real as zombies can be) and shying away from making the zombies feel like demons or monsters with super powers. We are aiming to show a realistic progression of our zombie virus. We will have Runners which are freshly infected, Walkers which are the middle stage, and Shamblers which are the final stage. Each stage has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as their own attributes which affect their behavior and movement. We will still have children, crawling zombies, zombies with body armor, and more!

  • Will there be a story/campaign mode?

    So far we are focusing on the core "survival" mode which is the basic fundamentals of the game. Adding in a story and turning it into a campaign is merely a formality after that. We are going to focus on fleshing out the core mode first and when that is done, the anticipated plan is that we will begin building anthology story modules as free Expansions once the game is out. This way we can focus on building the whole game experience and post launch we can focus on story, campaign, and time consuming things like dialogue recording, facial animation, detailed motion capture, etc.

  • Will there be human NPCs?

    That's the current plan! We have numerous archetypes for NPC survivors designed, we've detailed their personality traits and even a form of an "alignment" system which guides how they deal with interacting with players. This is all part of our stretch goals, as they are not currently a focus of ours at this time, but the plans for them exist :)

  • Is there a dev blog or something?

    Not at this time but we are currently in the process of setting one up and it will be posted here for everyone to see when it's live!

    Yes! Head on over to

    原文翻译由[老兵客栈Veteran Tavern]译制完成,转载请注明出处。

Python小兵 29 May @ 3:47am 
大程子 25 Jul, 2021 @ 8:19am 
安妮亞·佛傑 1 Jun, 2020 @ 2:36am 
請問 我的戰車比其他人慢上許多,我的是先前就先買到的版本,還有我是海外人士TW的,有沒有辦法可以修正這個問題,拜託了:steamsad:
MongolNLant 6 Mar, 2020 @ 9:20am 
banana_chy 7 May, 2019 @ 3:34am 
@휴 yea hope you can enjoy our servers :D
HYU 김현진 6 May, 2019 @ 9:28pm 
@小魔怪裡的蕉豬 its perfect <3
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10 January, 2017