Centre of the Useless CentUse
Centre of the Useless CentUse
29 October, 2014
ABOUT Centre of the Useless

Useless Central

Centre of the Useless

Welcome to the Centre of the Useless, where all your useless needs are right at your fingertips! Oh and please take a moment to invite your friends, that way it will be easier to promot the group, and so that I can hold more Useless Benefits.

Useless Benefits of being part of the Centre of the Useless:

1. Useless Raffling
2. Useless Giveaways
3. Useless Questionnaires
4. Useless Donations
5. Useless Trading
6. Useless Gaming
7. Useless Milestones
8. Useless Fun

Rules and Guidelines

Trading, Raffling, Donating and Such
If you are or were looking to do a useless raffle or a useless something rather, it is to be taken up via a Moderator or an Officer. If neither of those choices are available, please leave a comment on the Useless Centre's Overview Page and we will get back to you ASAP.

General Rules

1. Don't discriminate others - Please keep your discriminative shit to yourself, don't get carried away and think you can say whatever the hell you want behind that screen of yours. Everyone has fetishes and problems, no-one is perfect, and neither are you.

2. Don't spam - Please keep spamming out of this group, if you're going to do that, then you will be banned from chatting/commenting and possibly the group as a whole.

3. Don't be an a-hole - I don't enjoy having people who enjoy and find joy out of constantly being miserable and obnoxious. Although what I really dislike is people who constantly make life miserable for others, so please DON'T be an a-hole or a shitty faggot.

4. Don't take everything seriously - Other than this and everything that follows it's path, nothing about this group is very serious. BUT if you do find anything offensive, explicit or just something you're not happy with it, please contact one of the Admin and we will try and solve it.

5. Enjoy yourself - No-one likes a party pooper, but if you're going to be one, maybe this isn't the group for you, there are times where you must be serious but overall you should enjoy yourself in this group, because most other people probably do or will enjoy it.

6. Keep it PG - If you're going to curse/discriminate/sexually harass every second work, then we will be on to you immediately. You will be given 1 Chance then you will be Kicked, you may choose to come back, after which hopefully you have learnt a valuable lesson. The lesson being there are people younger than you, some of which not yet old enough to understand what you are saying.

Milestones - Invite your friends for giveaways at each of these

1 - ✔

5 - ✔

10 - ✔

25 - ✔

50 - ✔

100 - ✘

250 - ✘

300 - ✘

400 - ✘

500 - ✘

750 - ✘

1000 - ✘

- Useless Centre

The Hobo Révolution
The near end?
A Good Point to a Useless Place
saf10 17 Jul, 2018 @ 6:11am 
what's good my useless humans
Kalidoscope 29 Oct, 2015 @ 2:57am 
1st comment in october.

We need more comments.
Kalidoscope 12 Jul, 2015 @ 4:40am 
I think i got officer by randomly asking for it.
vando 5 Apr, 2015 @ 3:29am 
my birfday is on april teh 18
Kalidoscope 4 Jan, 2015 @ 11:34pm 
I'm not dead, just horribly unconscious on the street
Kalidoscope 14 Nov, 2014 @ 3:14am 
Poop, guess u're gonna win the next milestone award...
Enter chat room
29 October, 2014