Toppings & Friends vs Mabinogi T.& .F.M
Toppings & Friends vs Mabinogi T.& .F.M
22 July, 2013
United States 
ABOUT Toppings & Friends vs Mabinogi

Just join

Things are getting a epic in mabinogi all these hard as hell monsters. So I though it would be a good time to form a group of best friends that could help me. I will well you train to become the best fighter, wizard, warrior & more you want to be or you can just be all the class,es. im a warrior, crafter, a black smith, & a good cook. But thats not enough for this war thats happening.

You will not be alone, their will be allies & myself to assist you.
You can become 1 of 3 characters: an Elf, a Humen, or a Giant.
You will be give a lot of good weapons & not some tooth pick.
You can gain magic abilites, you can gain fire, ice, & lightning powers.
You will gain assistence in leveling.
You will be given a full set of armor head to toe.

We will take down dragons, goloems, wovles, goblines, & more.

I will leave a chart of the top ranked players that impress me the most, I will not be shown on the list, you will be.

. Every day you will recieve.
. 5,000 gold .
. A bit of food already cooked for you .
. 1 random crystal .
. Pistol rounds .
. You get to kill me once in a duel for fun.
. A random skill book.
. A Bottle of Wine I made. Ya I make wine now im happy.
. You can kill one of my pets for free :D
you will get to chose who you kill .

. My Dog .
. My Horse .
. My Eglea .
. My Cheata .
. My Randeer .

. More items will be added as time goes on. You may leave sugestions to let me know what can be added to the list .

. When you are ready to get started with Mabinogi, let me know & I will teach you all information you will need .

. If there are any questions let me know.

. Heres the link to the Mabinogi web site .

I will now post a short message about the Ranked people on the Rank borad.
I will trye to make at least 3 NEW!!! Messages a week.
I will trye to make use all look cool & OP to hell.
If you have Skype then it would be best to get a hold of me their my skype name is Toppings with a Resident Evil 6 Photo .

Tell your friends about the Group we have about 30 people in are army if we could get 50 or 100 Soilders I would throw my chair out the window I would be so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ happy as hell knowing that I have an army of 100 Soilders. my mind would be blowen too know that.

: Rank :
1. Blaze .
2. Shacpotar aka Black Doom .
3. Ed AKA MetalBeaver .
4. Ootieextreme .
5. ??? <-- this could have your name their if you join & play & fight with my army .

:( We will put in/ have alread put in ):
1 . C9 .
2 . APB .
3 . Mabinogi .
4. Combat Arm's .
5. RIFT .
6 . Warframe .
7 . Path Of Exile .
8 . TF2 . Witch I think almost Everybody on Steam has or even played TF2 at least own's.
9 . DC Universe .
10 . APB Reloaded .
11 . Atlantica Online .
12 . Dragon Nest .
13 . Extraction .
14 . Maple - Store .
15 . Sudden Attack .
16 . Vindictus .
17 . ??? <-- ( Will be added. )
18 . ??? <-- ( Will be added. )
19 . ??? <-- ( Will be added. )
20 . ??? <-- ( Will be added. )
in are Group.
We gotta discord... Finally
Pokemon Livestream in 10 minutes
Costilord 10 Jun, 2017 @ 10:32am 
i cant join the group even though i was invited
SamWhitetail 7 Jun, 2017 @ 2:54pm 
Vince 1 Sep, 2015 @ 12:23pm 
Sensei 9 May, 2015 @ 6:46am 
Toppings, I'm in man. Been wating to do this with someone :D <3
Vince 9 May, 2015 @ 6:29am 
Yo guy's there are a lot of free pet's that you can earn or unlock by doing stuff like The Mabinogi Saga Season 1 after you complete all 10 espides and the npc commentary witch is boarding I would just click away till the commentary is done, you get a not so free since you have to do work pegasus pet with a 10x6 Inventory slot back-pack and ir can fly ( No ♥♥♥♥ ).

I will help you with the Mabinogi Saga Season 1 as much as I can if you want me to just use Wiki and search up Mabinogi Saga episode 1 and keep doing that till you reach the end.
and telling you now there are some part you must do alone that is hard even for me to Battle or Find souse the Wiki and you should fly right through the saga.

Thank you, and your welcome if it helped any of you and if there is another pet that you can win off of an event, and anything, or anywhere ill comment it here. Stay stroungh and Drink Apple Juice.
Enter chat room
22 July, 2013
United States