♥The Fallen Temple♥ ♥TFT♥
♥The Fallen Temple♥ ♥TFT♥
25 mars 2017
OM ♥The Fallen Temple♥

Please Note that this group is dead.. move to the discord server..

Hey there~ This is The Fallen Temple an RP/ERP group that anybody can come play in but first off we do have a few rules that we insist you read up on if you don't mind~

-While we are open too any fetishes you may or may not have we do not condone gore here.
-Do not kinkshame other members.
-While we do allow rape, if the person says they don't want it OOC leave them be.
-We do allow RP fighting here but in a similar vein to the last rule if the other person says they don't want it OOC you will need too stop.
-Also on that note please do not start a fight with someone who just entered chat.
-You do not need to be lewd in order to join and partake in activity in this group but we do only allow people who are of legal age in there country to join and if we find out you are younger then that you will be perma banned.
-We are open to lurkers but if you are only lurking you must only talk OOC using "//" at the begging of all your posts.
-While we are okay with you lurking please don't be a dick. Sarcastic comments towards people who are doing RP are not allowed unless its in character.
-Please do not bring your drama here if you have a problem with another member take it to PM. We have a three strikes you're out rule on that short of behavior.
-We are mainly an english speaking group and while it is okay too use words from other languages here and there if its in character, you will still need too mostly speak english.
-If someone does not respond to you please don't get mad about it just let them be.
-If you harass other members of the group on a constant basis you will be banned.
-If you spam you will be banned.
-On a simliar note please do not join just too advertise yourself.
-Please don't godmode. Its understandable if you don't have much experience in RP fighting but if a Mod or an Admin tells you, you are godmoding knock it off.
-Lastly just use common sense. Dont be a fopdoodle.

-The Fallen Temple is a palace owned by Sariel deep within Makai that has been refurbished and repurposed as a safe haven/club for the supernatural and the strange, though anyone may enter if they happen across it even normal humans.

-If you have one or more OC's you may want too leave a little bio for them in the "Post your OC here" board but you don't have too.
There most likely will be a discord server for this group.
12 kommentarer
august 14 jun, 2020 @ 19:27 
Are you still erping? That's gay. Look at you, you little gremlin that's still erping. You little goober.
august 5 feb, 2018 @ 17:50 
The reason why it's not delted is because in the other ERP groups, people were posting NSFW links in the comments. So this group managed to survive the ban wave just from not being active.
august 5 feb, 2018 @ 17:47 
Hey look, an ERP group on Steam that hasn't been deleted, but it's dead.
Spooky Boo~ky 10 dec, 2017 @ 17:46 
my name is edgy the hedgy and im here to kill all the bleck peple
august 20 nov, 2017 @ 15:51 
E w
76561198068465898 24 sep, 2017 @ 4:35 
*undeads the group*
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