~TunnelSnakes~ T.S.U.P.
~TunnelSnakes~ T.S.U.P.
3 April, 2014
United States 
ABOUT ~TunnelSnakes~

Former Group of the newfounded Imp Valley Union Pact

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Outdated as of 1/10/17

Country consisting of multiple terrorites, each united under one code of law, that is: The TSUP (TUNNEL SNAKE UNION PACT). The following names listed are the official representatives of those consisting nations:

Count Morgon Dregula commands the nation of The Dregz Republic, and is the official ideal nation for the Tunnel Snake Union.

Master Destroyer is the Tunnel Snake Union Emergency Troops General, and leads his nation, Blazifornia to greatness under a one code that is, Blaze for Daze. He likes to dabble in Mountain Dew injectables, but no one minds it any.

Emperor Escobarbarian is the Multi-lingual, Insult Master of Ceremonies, Dungeon Crawler, Extra Slick Slickster, The Master of the Fork, that defines the term, 'Snazzy'. Very adaptive to scenarios that require quick thinking and tactical cooperation, deem him a more than worthy Leader of his nation, and Colonel of the Tunnel Snake Union Emergency Troops.

Lorde Mercio; leader of the Luminerty Hipsters, is a highly trained Hipster Studies specialist, and knows the way of the fegs. His association with either is unknown, but he is a valuable resource to our studies of the unknown. He is often referred to as, "The Hipster" in a sarcastic, satirical manner.

Emir Jharrid has been impeached indefinitely.

Tsar Jewrod cracks down on slugs with his highly effective, Licensed Slug-Killing Spray which contains Water, and Coca-Cola. He is also an enthusiast of Dr Pepper as he is for Coke. He needs to shape-up. He [poorly] runs his nation of Dingaling world.

Commander Cinnamon Stick is the FaZe sponsored DJ and World Renowned Pianist winning over 420 awards in his magnificent performances. Cocktopia is the worlds destination for ♥♥♥♥, penis and world renowned scented dildos.

King Green is a COD tryhard, and bathes everyday in Mountain Dew and dries himself in Salsa Verde Doritos. He enjoys his nights away, in his kingdom, watching montages and getting daily lectures by his headmaster. (ha gaaaay) [In note, his country [i]Greenland[/i] has nothing to do with the actual country, Greenland. The name is so, because of his last name, blah blah and etc.]

Daniel-san's nation will be remembered in history, as the Danka Tribe, lost in the beginning, he won't be forgotten. Never ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Initiate Mario is a failed nation. His lands are now militarily occupied by TSUP Peace Troops.
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~TunnelSnakes~ reviews
"Coop RPGs, Realistc FPS, Realistic Political Strategies, Sandbox based fun, Strong Storyline based games, fun casual shooters, Open World games, Roman Era Strategies, Simulators and Full Depth Simulation Games."
Here are a few recent reviews by ~TunnelSnakes~
Count_Dregula 30 Sep, 2016 @ 9:40am 
The mineral and ore resource, Fenderinium, is a pricey yet impractical, cheap rock. Used in the craft of many weapons and even its own brand of PSED Rifles, which have been known to backfire, killing the user and those withing a 50 foot radius.

Many prefer it, for its vintage value, and white-boy glossy appearance, even so.
Count_Dregula 30 Sep, 2016 @ 9:09am 
The circle pit is a sacred dance, and to stop one is a blashphemous crime, punishable by jail time of 4 days.
Count_Dregula 30 Mar, 2016 @ 10:50am 
A 'Sybesad Victory' is a "Screw Your Battle, Eat ♥♥♥♥ And Die" victory.
Count_Dregula 30 Mar, 2016 @ 10:47am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wasn't destroyed in a day, it took time to torment the souls of the damned.
Destroyer 30 Mar, 2016 @ 2:27am 
When in ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, do as the Tunnel Snakes :NZA2_TombStone:
Count_Dregula 1 Feb, 2016 @ 3:35am 
When in process of rubbin it out, doubt.
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