SurvivalHC SurvivalHC
SurvivalHC SurvivalHC
12 April, 2012
ABOUT SurvivalHC

This Group is meant to develop and test Survival HC.

Survival HC has gone into Development as of 12/04/2012 and will be in BETA for a very long time.
Survival HC has gone public as of 19/05/2012 as it has reached a stable enough BETA.

Survival HC is not ready for Versus Play yet.
The idea is there though; + extra ideas on 1v1/2v2/3v3 Survival and extra modifications such as Realism Survival HC.

How to Test/Play the Config.
1. Start a Campaign/Versus Lobby on any map. [I've allowed people to load the config on Campaign aswell)
-> Survival doesn't support all the maps in the lobby, that's why you use Campaign or Versus to load the config.
2. Type !survivalhc
3. Enjoy the game, take note of bugs and things you'd like to see changed or added.

Please give Feedback to bRoBot or Aeon, we need the community's input to make this work.
Also report glitches/bugs ASAP.

> Currently Playable Maps: 24
- Use !spectate to Spec.
- Use !join to Play.
- Use !mapvote to Vote for another Map.

Servers with the config:

Finished/Working Maps:

Parish 1.
Parish 4.
Dark Carnival 3.
Hard Rain 3.
Hard Rain 5.
Swamp Fever 3.
Crash Course 2.
Current Features:

- All Tier 2 Weapons are replaced by Tier 1 Weapons: SMG, Silenced SMG, Pump Shotgun, Chrome Shotgun.
- Shotgun Ammo has been increased to 8/120 and the Silenced SMG is more likely to spawn than the default Uzi.
- You start off with a random throwable, medkit, pills, pistols and a Silenced SMG.
- No Slowdown on SI.
- Survivor AI has been improved and tweaked for Survival, don't be afraid to play with Bots.
- Infected AI has been improved as much as possible, can't fix their pathing preference.
- You can play on Maps that aren't even supported for Survival + All the Survival supported Maps.
- On every Round end the MVP (Most Valuable Player) will be shown for SI and CI.
- Every Survivor will receive a Deagle on Incap, you will get your old secondary weapon back when you're back on your feet.
- Water Slowdown has been decreased, still slows you down a little bit.
- Spectating is possible.
- You can start a Mapvote to switch to another SurvivalHC supported Map.

Hunting Rifle or Scout?
Reward System Idea: [Please Vote]
NEO☮PHYTE 24 Dec, 2013 @ 1:14am 
To all my friends and all the community groups ! i wish a very nice christmas
( 25.12.13 and 07.01.14) and a happy new year 2014. Thanks to all for the great time we play together !!
Всем друзьям и группами ! Желаю хорошого Рождества (25.12.13 and 07.01.14) и счастливого Нового года ! Спасибо всем за отличное время, проведенное в играх !
★*˚°。°*。°*˚ ★*˚°°*★*˚°★happy christmas 2013★*★。°*。°*★
˛ °_██_*˚°。°/ ♥ \*˚°*❤* and a happy new year 2014°*°*❤ ˚°*★°*
,˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫..♫\*˛.*˛_Π_____*˚°。*。°*❤* 。°*。°*°*❤ ˚°*★°*
,,.°( . • . ) ˛°. /• ‘♫ ‘ •\.˛*./______/~\*˚°。°*。°*°*❤ ˚°*★。°/ ♥ *˚°。
,,(…’•’.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°. |田田❤|門|╬╬╬╬╬*╬╬╬╬╬*°/ ♥ *˚°。°*
NEO☮PHYTE 31 Mar, 2013 @ 6:36am 
$ * * * * *$ * * ** *$ * * ** *$ * * **
:::::::Happy Easter 2013 :::::::::
* * $ * * * * *$ * * ** *$ * * ** *$ * * **
NEO☮PHYTE 23 Dec, 2012 @ 3:00pm 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013
Thanks fore the nice Games with you
С Рождеством Христовым и Новым годом 2013
Спасибо за хорошие игры с тобой
˛ °_██_*˚°。°/ ♥ \*˚°。°*。°*★*˚°。°*。°*★*˚°。°*。°*★
,˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫..♫\*˛.*˛_Π_____*˚°。*。°*❤*˚°。°*。°*★
,,.°( . • . ) ˛°./• ‘♫ ‘ •\.˛*./______/~\*˚°。°*。°*°*❤ ˚°*★
,,*(…’•’.. ) *˛╬╬╬╬╬˛°.|田田❤|門|╬╬╬╬╬*
sauce 2 Jun, 2012 @ 11:44am 
3) IMO, survival needs to be balanced in a way that lowers the amount of time that a team can hold out by pushing their skills. For example, Parish Bridge on stock survival the current record is held by the Japanese @ 5 hours 40 mins. You never want a round to last this long :/
Weapon spawns that are on the top of the bridge are the cultrip here. Perhaps noting these kind of flaws in maps will aid you in balancing the survival game.

4) I've read that you were never very interested in L4D2 survival, and I respect that opinion, however, perhaps maybe you haven't played with higher tier players in survival, and perhaps would like to give that a try? See the tricks that we use, and perhaps you can better judge and find more flaws that you'd like to fix for a more competitive experience. The UK team is by consensus the best survival teamin our world so you are in a good place to get high tier survival information.

If you feel that you want to continue a conversation my door is open.
sauce 2 Jun, 2012 @ 11:33am 
Opinions of a 1 L4D2 Survival Player

1) In general Survival players do not like randomness in a map (like Port Sacrifice), the reasoning behind this is because the score is solely based on time in survival, and to a lesser degree SI kills. If players are given random throwables for example, without a fixed number (say always 1 molo, 1 bile, 2 pipes) the time comparison cannot be made because 1 team had an advantage or disadvantage over the other. If you are introducing a point system, which takes this into account and are not basing things on time, then that's a different story.

2) I believe having Tier 1, or other low DPS weapons as substitute for higher tier is a great idea. I myself am working on several survival mutations that have this affect (though they will never be anywhere near as complex as a server side mod as mutations are very limited).
sauce 2 Jun, 2012 @ 9:14am 
Sir, I heard about your work from a friend of mine, and I'm from a Survival Community Hub called Gold Miners. We have about 400 members, and I believe GM is considered the global Hub for Survival in general. I also see you have Toshly on your friends list, who is also an avid survival player. Some of the best survival players are in Europe, and they pretty much hold the majority of the survival records as well. Perhaps you would like to meet or get feedback from some of these players? I would like to extend an invitation to you for Gold Miners if you are interested. I look forward to hearing from you ^_^.
Enter chat room
12 April, 2012