StudioARE Movie Production [SA]
StudioARE Movie Production [SA]
30 May, 2008
ABOUT StudioARE Movie Production

StudioARE Media & Gaming Community

StudioARE is a Norwegian machinima production company and media community.
Nearly a decade old, StudioARE is a renowned YouTube machinima studio originating in early 2007. To this day, StudioARE continues producing machinima, creating content, building and interacting with an outstanding and dedicated community, and more.

Our Website:

StudioARE's Home Page[]
StudioARE on YouTube
StudioARE on Facebook[]
Wrapping up the Stream
  • At least one new video a month.
  • Yes ! New ROBLOX content, but no promises on the integrity of the schedule.
  • No lets plays - unless it's live. Compliations are still encouraged; i.e: Idiots of SA / Miners of SA.

We invite you to subscribe to StudioARE on YouTube, if you haven't already. Also consider signing up for our mailing list[] - I promise we won't spam you.

If you got any questions about being involved in SA, please let me know. You can certainly email or on Steam. Events will kick off more regularly in the new year, and content will be more streamlined.

StudioARE Sven Co-op
pphrph 30 May, 2021 @ 11:38pm 
@Donnie never thought that would happened to are92 and arestudio rip
BIGGER JOHN 29 Apr, 2020 @ 5:13pm 
damn they left you an empty plate huh. i still remember the faux revival from 2015. i was blocks223344. wonder what went down that made it fall apart. godspeed
Lauar 19 Apr, 2020 @ 1:36pm 
@Donnie I think he still uses his old assets from the past the shot gun that he used for a picture kind of likes the same as the one he made in roblox

I named my self StudioARElive because I want to keep this project alive and I want to help you Donnie I don't have contact with ARE neither with AreLem but I think we could find out more if we work together.
Donnie 19 Apr, 2020 @ 7:03am 
Also, what is your affiliation with StudioARE?
Why are you named "StudioARElive"?

If you are in contact with ARE please explain to him that at this point, all that we want is some satisfying closure. A video would be perfect, a lengthy post would be fine. I just wish for all these loose ends to be tied up, loose ends that also include StudioARE's side of the entire Noah situation.

I also want to emphasize that this is not about Roblox. This is about StudioARE. Not Roblox.
Donnie 19 Apr, 2020 @ 6:51am 
I don't care if he makes Roblox content, you're missing the point.
I'm just seeking the content which was promised. Content that did not explicitly state Roblox content.
In my opinion, Roblox content has gotten a pretty over-saturated over the past couple of years. I've been registered to Roblox for quite a while and it is just gotten boring.

I had faith in StudioARE to deliver videos again, faith that brought me back here to rant about it when nobody else would. It's sad that he just gave us the cold shoulder.

Again, at this point, all that we want is some satisfying closure. A video would be perfect, a lengthy post will be fine. I just wish for all these loose ends to be tied up, loose ends that also include StudioARE's side of the Noah situation.

As an addendum, what better things do you think StudioARE is doing during this Coronavirus pandemic? Now it should be the best time to sort stuff like this out.
Lauar 13 Apr, 2020 @ 10:20am 
@Donnie did you see Are92's bio message in 2008 it stated why he left in the first place.
If you didn't here's part of the message

Then I first joined roblox , everything I wanted was to make good places and help out the community. I never wanted to be famous , never wanted any attention or any fans. This might be the only thing thats still the same in roblox but I don't think roblox belive me in that anymore. So it might will probly be best for me if I just leeav as soon I find a new game. Still I want to thanks Roblox for all the good friends I have got here, even then never gave me a thanks for all the work I have done in the last 2 years. Offline
Last Seen: 10/15/2008 7:21:03 AM
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30 May, 2008