Seagull Extermination Squad {[S.E.S]}
Seagull Extermination Squad {[S.E.S]}
25 December, 2013
ABOUT Seagull Extermination Squad

"No seagull too big or too small, The Seagull Squad is here!" - The Freeman

The Seagull Extermination Squad or the Seagull squad (S.E.S) are a dedicated group to ending the torture of innocent fishers of the one and only unique fish server out there, We dedicated our team to help and perserve the peoples needs of fishing, so we will help that by doing what we made for, killing those white flying demons!, if you wish to join, Click that button up there!
Information of the weapons currently used:
9mm Pistol: A basic and low-budget weapon, considered a "poor mans" weapon, Many members use this after their primary is ran out or it is their primary, Damage ranging 12-20, 18 clip size, Good rate of fire, Any member with it is new or basic budget.

357. Magnum: Highpowered and precise weapon, Mostly considered a rich weapon, Many members use this as a primary or a replacement of the pistol, Damage ranging 75-100, 6 clip size, Mediocre fire rate, Any member with it is a basic or good budget.

SMG: Low power and spray powered weapon, Mostly considered not used alot and high pricey weapon, Many members use this as a primary, Damage ranging from 8, 45 clip size, Fast fire rate, Any member with it is a good budget.

AR-2: High powered advancement of technology, Mostly considered a sniper rifle, Many members use this as a primary, Damage ranging from 11, 30 clip size, Fast fire rate, Any member with it is a high budget.

Shotgun: Considered the most used for its range, Best damage and low budget, its most used weapon in the arsenal, Almost all members use this as a primary, Damage ranging from 4-1000, 6 clip size, Medium fire rate, Any members with it is a Seagull Exterminator.

Heavy: The sidekick of any Seagull Member can be caught with a sandvich on Advanced Fishing Rod at level 8, The heavy will fly after seagulls and when he grabs them well..He is most likely to return to you with the seagull in his hand, The heavy can take two seagulls, hes not bulletproof and will take more damage, he may give up on chasing at times, when injured badly he will not fly and will require a Phsyic gun to catch, To heal him you must use a Med kit on him, he will state "I am very happy!"

Robot Heavy: But this heavy will fly faster, Is bulletproof and will less take damage, never gives up on a chase even if injured and is more menacing looking, he will be able to hold four seagulls at once, when injured use med kit, he will follow you as the other will, this heavy is smarter, faster and stronger.

Vaporizer: Get a gaint electricity generator with quantom and nuclear radiation and a reactor and you've got yourself a vaporizer, this vaporizer can only be used the the highest members, The vaporizer will vaporize any seagull within a short radious, most likely the range of 5-10 steps away, But be careful, since the owner made these, we've built in an alarm which will activate when the reactor has failed and will explode, get out of there when you hear it!
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25 December, 2013