ScareCr0w scarecrowz
ScareCr0w scarecrowz
9 January, 2013
ABOUT ScareCr0w

Bigger. Better. Scarecrow.

Test&Feedback Group regarding a specialized config called "Scarecrow".
Not only is this name very bizarre, it's very applicable to the community's mindset. They're simply afraid of trying new things, hence we can refer to them as Crows being afraid of a Scarecrow.


This config will be in beta for a very long time, once it comes out of the beta it will be accessible for free download as well as free playability without needing an admin to start the config.

The point of this group is to gather input from active players with an open mind, to discuss ideas and share their opinions on "beta" changes and/or report bugs and the like.

If all goes well, I will be running a Bi-Monthly Tournament with Prize Money.
The prize money will be coming out of my own pocket and will be ranging between €100 to €200. Anything higher would've been caused by Sponsors or Donations. (Already had a few offers, you know who you are)

-- Current Scarecrow Features --[]
Scarecrow Pug 15 CET. add for invite 3/8
Scarecrow Testgame 3/8 4pm CET. add for invite
Benji 17 May, 2013 @ 12:55am 
Today's Changes 17/05

- You won't automatically switch weapon when a teammate passes you pills/adrenaline.
- Survivors in "pushaway-range" will not take Friendly Fire damage.
- Witch damage has been set back to 75 per hit (Promod Value)

- Parish Map 1: Tank Spawn is forced to spawn before the Point of no Return.
Benji 16 May, 2013 @ 12:43pm 
Today's Changes 16/05

- Molotovs have been removed from the config.
- Points are Frozen on Tank Spawn (Goes hand in hand with Saferoom Door Manager to prevent undeserved HB&Distance)
- Placed Fencing on Dark Carnival Map 1 Bridge: Preview
- Resolved a few minor bugs with Weapon Spawns on Dead Air.

- Updated Scarecrow with all the General Server Features.
Benji 22 Mar, 2013 @ 9:47am 
Today's Changes 22/03 2/2

- Witches and Tanks will no longer spawn on top of eachother (Thanks Visor <3)

- Tanks will take a lot less damage per second from Molotovs, making the Tank harder to kill while also forcing the Tank to commit sooner.
> A Molotov will now take 200 Seconds to kill a Tank. (Default: 75)
Benji 22 Mar, 2013 @ 5:27am 
Today's Changes 22/03

- Adrenaline has been added back with a limit of 2 spawns per map.
- Adrenaline will no longer offer a running speed buff, the revive/action speed will still be there.
- Molotov has been added back with a limit of 1 spawn per map.

- Melee weapon limit has been removed, their spawns will remain removed from the Saferoom.
> Except for Dead Center 1 of course.

- Health Cabinets will spawn again, due to offering pill spawn locations.
- Custom Campaigns are fully supported with Scarecrow now as well as the Saferoom Door Plugin.

- Common will spawn normally at the Saferoom area again, to prevent an easy rush.
- Tank Spawn on Parish 1 will be banned from early spawn, due to common spawns at the safe area.

- Added a Shove Fix for Common Infected stuck in props.
- Added Infected Despawner, which effectively despawns common infected being left behind the Survivors.
- SI Respawn distance has been lowered.
Benji 8 Mar, 2013 @ 6:52am 
Today's Changes 08/03

--- Config can be publicly played

- Saferoom Door Manager plugin is fully fixed to work with L4D1 Maps and most Custom Campaign Maps.
- Death Spit will no longer have a buggy radius. (Jahze's work)

- Spawntimer has been increased with 1. (16 to 17)
- Pills Limit outside of the Saferoom has been set to 2. (0 to 2)
- Shotgun Ammo has been set to 8/128. (L4D1 Style)

<Experimental Implementations>
- Added a "Fix" for SI being able to stop a charger that's carrying a victim by pouncing in front of it.
- Added a "Fix" for SI being able to pounce/target a player that just got charged (After Charge end and before Pummel start)
Jean D'arme 6 Mar, 2013 @ 11:24pm 
i forgot about that playing too much promod :D
Enter chat room
9 January, 2013