Source2Dev Network Src2DevNet
Source2Dev Network Src2DevNet
24 September, 2016
ABOUT Source2Dev Network

Welcome to the Source2Dev Network Steam group! Around the network you will find tutorials and much more about Source 2.

Hello there, and welcome!

Videos on our Youtube channel are soon to come, so stay tuned!

Our website is now up and running. Go check it out!


Links to help guide you around the network.

Our website[]
Our forums[]
Our Youtube channel
The forums are live!
A major update to the Source2Dev Network has just gone live!

As stated above, we've just released a major to the network, taking effect immediately. The key-features are...

  • A Discord server. Click here[] to join it.
  • An updated, much sexier website interface for the main site.
  • One new language to view the main Source2Dev website in.
  • A new tutorial for creating a basic fire particle effect in Source 2.
  • A new section for guiding developers to other useful Source 2 development resources.
  • Forums! Including a section where users can post their own tutorials without having to contact me. (Also a lot easier to update tutorials now.)

It's been in development for over two months now, and there may be a few bugs here and there, but we hope you will still enjoy the update!

I'll be manually notifying most of the members in the Source2Dev Steam group about this update. Sorry if I'm an annoying cunt for doing so, but my observation is just that many people never see these group announcements.

NOTE: It should be noted that there have been some problems with getting the URL to direct the user to the website. If you experience any problems that won't disappear, please report the problem in our Steam group, and I shall attempt to fix the issue.

Here[] is the link to the main Source2Dev website.

Thank you for reading. :D:

Big update coming up soon
Hey everybody!

First of all, I'm so happy to see the group growing. It's always nice to see my work pay off. I've put a lot more effort into this, than what I'm used to with other projects of mine.

Second of all, as the title of this announcement says pretty well, there's a big update coming up pretty soon! This will be an update to our website, which will include...

  • At least 2 new tutorials.
  • A much smoother (and sexier) look.
  • Multiple languages you can switch in between.
  • A new navigation bar, for easier navigation around the website.
  • Maybe forums? This depends on how soon I want the update to go live.
  • And much more!

I'm also thinking about including one Youtube video tutorial, but just like the forums, it depends on how soon I want the update to go live. Though, if they don't come included with this update, they will come included in another, because I have plans to create both either way.

One last thing before I wrap this up is that, while the feature of submitting user made tutorials will come with the forums, I'd appreciate if anybody who's able to create/has created guides (and want to, of course) will contact me so I can put up as many tutorials, as soon as possible, on our website.

It doesn't even have to be original content. Guides made for other websites/Steam will do as well. You can contact me by commenting below this announcement, or you can add me.

We are, after all, a very small community. And if we want this community to grow, I believe we should put out as many tutorials and guides as possible. To help make the Source 2 development scene a much less frustrating experience.

The update itself can be out in 2 weeks, or it could take up to 2 months. All depending on how much content I want to include.

Thank you for reading. And if you're planning to contribute with any tutorials or guides, thank you for that too.

:egg: :rainbowfart: :Prainbow: Performance review for Source2Dev Network :fivecolors::shockedIro::astralprojection:

Silver-tongued, and usually successful when trying to persuade others to move from their original position towards or beyond compromise. Using personality, logic, persistence, Source2Dev Network always manages to get the best deal. Able to concentrate and stay focused for periods of several hours, even when tasks are relatively mundane, and doesn't make mistakes. They have a high boredom threshold. Of average build. Source2Dev Network is ready to contribute to heavy or physical jobs, but needs help from people better equipped. Always eager to take on a new task, whether hard or simple, and tackles it diligently, without question or complaint. This positive attitude inspires others too.

:rubik: + :HSBomb: = :sakuraspacekotori:
Sky.findnet5'.3 18 May, 2019 @ 11:42pm 
Source.Ⅱ update,coming 2019~2021……
BubbiByte 11 Nov, 2016 @ 3:33pm 
Welcome stay tuned some new stuff is coming up soon!
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24 September, 2016