Rogue Intellectual Union R I U
Rogue Intellectual Union R I U
게임 중
2016년 6월 2일
Rogue Intellectual Union 정보

Welcome to Rogue Intellectual Union. A Pub/Competitive group.

We are a group of friends who plays together feel free to friend anyone here. We sometimes do competitive. But mostly play casually together.
We Teach,We learn ,We are one


1. No racism unless its a joke.
2. No fighting in this group.
3. We will ban if we find out someone is a hacker.
4. No lazy moderators.
5. No cyberbullying.
6. No harassment.
7. If you've been offline for 2 weeks we will kick you unless theres special reasons just post in discussions or tell us.
8. No gambling in the discussions.
9. If you have a problem with the officers report to the owner.
10. No abuse of power.
11. No beggars. Do not beg for items.
12. If you need help in battle ask other RIU members for help.
13. If you're going to change name please inform us in the discussions.
14. If you want to leave RIU please tell us privately.
15. Do not ruin the honor of RIU.
16. Respect fellow members do not fight.( No Sexual Harassment nor any racial slurs)
17. Do not make your profile private.

Anyone who violates this rules will be kicked or banned.

The is Only Used/Added when we have a Competition or a Pub match , it can also be added to those who prefer to add them The tag is RIU.


We don't do much of this and we will notify the group if they're is a 6v6 or 9v9 coming up. Our team leader is all moderators ask them or I if you want to join.

New members: (questions for them)


1. What is your greatest strength?(Best thing you can do.)
2. What is your main?
3. Will you rebel or stay loyal to RIU?
4. Why do you want to join RIU?
5. Will you attend RIU events?
6. Have you use any hacks?
7. Do you think hacking is fun?

The tag is a requirement.

To play with each other:

You simply have to join each other or friend each other. Some of us play in community servers so its easy.

Requirements for moderator/officer.

1. Must be loyal to the group.
2. Must not be lazy.
3. Must promise changes.
4. Must be 500+ hours in tf2/csgo.
5. Must know the leaders for interviews and so we can nominate them.
6. Must accept the honor.
7. Must not be using any hacks if caught we will demote.
8. Must be liked by members in the group.
9. Must know how to speak english.


Please suggest things we will always read them. And take them into consideration.


We have our own Discord server come here and have fun with us!

인기 토론글
최근 공지
Well hello there
댓글 747
Mars 2020년 6월 30일 오전 7시 50분 
Hey guys how are you. Some of you may remember me as the founder of this group and i'd like to bring this group back to life.
Deadshot 2019년 5월 20일 오전 6시 32분 
Mus musculus domesticus 2018년 5월 25일 오전 12시 54분 
o o f
Paddipers 2018년 5월 12일 오전 6시 55분 
Rein 2018년 5월 1일 오전 6시 00분 
Sup guys
Rein 2018년 4월 17일 오전 8시 31분 
ops sorry
게임 중
3 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 6월 2일