The Cult Of The Premium Member PremiumProud
The Cult Of The Premium Member PremiumProud
3 March, 2018
ABOUT The Cult Of The Premium Member

The Premium Bible

It was once said, the founder (The_unknownChild) would send a human vessel to Earth to stop the dictator. And this act... was carried out.

The first Premium Member (YuTo) was sent to the Earth to stop the evil organism which is the dictator. Instead he (YuTo) betrayed the founder and killed an innocent white privileged male. No... this was not any ordinary male, this was the second Premium Member (Ne0). The founder revoked all the powers of the first Premium Member, thus killing him. It took everything out of him (The founder), he was weak and frail, but somehow managed to gather enough strength to resurrect the lonely male which had just been banished by the previous Premium Member (YuTo). The Founder gave the white male the powers of Premium Member and so Ne0 became the second Premium Member to grace the Earth. He (Ne0) then, in revenge, resurrected the original Premium Member in rage to destroy him again and take back his pride and glory. Infuriated, the Founder slay him but let his soul live on in a pickle jar. To forever be trapped in a carbon structure and smell pickles for eternity. Unfortunately, the Founder was in trouble, he had no energy to create another Premium Member. If the dictator found out, the Founder would be stripped of his magical Omnipotent abilities. He managed to escape the harsh reality of the dictator's world, but with no strength left the second Premium Member (Ne0) in the pickle jar was summoned to create a safe haven for all that is Premium. And with the power he had left from when he was whole, he managed to create the safe haven. When the Founder was back to full health once again, he resurrected the original Premium Member (YuTo) to live in the safe haven. He accepted, and to this day they are plotting against the dictator to get their lives back.

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