กลุ่ม STEAM
The Kenny Gs KennyGLoves
กลุ่ม STEAM
The Kenny Gs KennyGLoves
5 มิถุนายน 2015
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ The Kenny Gs

Kenny Loves You

Hello. Do you know who Kenny G is. Kenny G knows who you are, Kenny G knows everyone. Kenny G has been with you since birth, guiding you with his sweet, sweet sax. He watches over all the people of the earth, and he's always watching. Watching if you're good, Watching if you're bad. Every year on Kenny G day, Kenny G goes into the houses of all the good girls and boys, and gives them a taste of his smooth jazz. Kenny is the answer to everything. Starving children in Africa? Kenny G feeds them with his sweet, sweet sax. Animals being abused? Kenny G is already healing them, with his smooth jazz. Terrorists in Iraq? Kenny G is already there, fighting for freedom, with his war sax. Kenny G's music solves all problems. Have a special girl you want to make your's? Play her some Kenny G, Kenny's sax will serenade her for you. Failing a class or subject? Play that teacher some Kenny G, your work may be worth a D, but Kenny's jazz is worth an A. Have a limb or body part that's broken? Play some Kenny G, He's sweet sax will sink into your body, and his jazz will bind your bones together. Have an annoying rash or wart? You should probably put some ointment on that, seriously that's disgusting, Kenny does not approve. Do you now see the wonders of Kenny G and his music? He already knows the all of your wonders.

For some of Kenny's sweet, sweet sax
Kenny is with us
6 ความเห็น
MermaidManHavingSexWithPatrick 9 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 4: 53pm 
We love you Kenny
MermaidManHavingSexWithPatrick 9 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 4: 52pm 
Hey Kenny
AndyHope 8 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 12: 14pm 
I dont know why i was invited to this group or why i accepted the invite, but not unhappy....
Bliss 7 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 4: 37pm 
Hello fellow Kenny G's.
Daddy Shung 6 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 12: 03am 
My apostles
Daddy Shung 6 มิ.ย. 2015 @ 12: 02am 
My people